I shrieked, "CALL THE POLICE" To a passerby on the street as i lay in absolute horror, viewing the devastation the wreck less driver had caused. My heart broke into a thousand little pieces when I saw "Fatima" my girlfriend painted red with blood.
We were rushed to the hospital in an ambulance and my girl was put into a medically-induced coma. She was announced dead a few minutes later and was brought out of the ICU.
I ran to her lifeless body And I tried to hold her, but I was pulled away by some invisible force while Fatima evaporated into thin air and everything became so blurry. I can feel the darkness consuming me.
Horrified, I opened my eyes and then realized I was having a terrible nightmare about the night before, when Aaliyah ran over us.
Here I am, laying in a hospital bed a day later. It's hospital policy to hold victims of a car accident for a certain period of time until it's confirmed that there is no life threatening injuries internally.
The doctors will run a bunch of tests on me, If the results come out normal I will be good to go.
Still in shock, I pulled a shaky hand out of my warm haven, grabbed my phone and checked the time. It's 3pm already. I unlocked it and decided to check the news feed on my instagram page.
A reminder popped up "My wedding day" as soon as I unlocked the phone. I quickly ignored it and scrolled down and I was shook by what I saw. Ameerah just got married a few hours ago, and her pictures are all over social media.
I'm pretty sure I'm suppose to be the husband, and I didn't show up. I wasn't going to show up because I couldn't face Ameerah and tell her that I have changed my mind and I have met someone new after all she has done for me, for us, and for our relationship.
I hired a man to act as my waliy under the strict order that he should not carry on with the Nikah if I am not at the venue.
While Ameera was busy making plans for our wedding, I was busy making plans for my wedding with my now dead fiancé. Only to find out today that she has also found someone who is ready to be committed to her.
I guess I have also been played, Ameera played the player himself.
I am boiling with rage, I didn't know when I threw the phone on the floor and laid back in bed as I thought about the stupid spoilt girl that killed my fiancé a month to our wedding. And I promise to make her pay for the innocent life she took.
All I can feel is the Darkness within myself growing wilder with rage. When everything that you know and love is taken from you so harshly, all you can think about is anger, hatred, and revenge... and no one can save you.
Right now, I have a strong thirst for vengeance. And Vengeance is a monster of appetite, forever bloodthirsty and never filled.
I decided to hurt Aaliyah badly for this. I will ask for her hand in marriage, and I'll make sure she never knows happiness. I'll frustrate her life and make sure she commits suicide when I'm done with her.
A day will come when she will think of herself safe and happy and loved, and suddenly her joy will turn to ashes in her mouth, and she'll feel the sour taste then she'll know the debt is paid.
I focused my attention on the door when I saw the door knob twisting. When the door was fully open, I saw an unfamiliar elderly man making his way in. He introduced himself as Aaliyah's father, and he said he wanted to know how I was feeling.
My future father in-law I thought, and a devilish smile spread across my face.
We exchanged greetings, and he sat on the chair next to my bed. I could see the worry and genuine concern in his eyes. I could also feel how disappointed he is with his dear daughter. I was touched when he humbly apologized on her behalf
When he started to blame Aaliyah, I quickly cut him off and said
"It's okey, it's not her fault. This is fate, she wouldn't have escaped it no matter how hard she tried. I'm glad it happened, Otherwise I wouldn't have met one of the nicest dads in the world"
He was flattered by my comment and he seems a little bit relaxed. We talked for a while, And while we were at it, He offered to pay for my medical bills. I respectfully declined, and I told him "I would not be able to live with myself if I let you do that"
I was surprised to find out that we share the same views on certain things, and he turned out to be the first person I was able to freely talk with in a very long time. We had a free, honest, heart to heart conversation and I very much enjoyed it.
"Get well soon son, take good care of yourself. And if you need anything, don't hesitate to call me." He said before he left.
We exchanged numbers and I promised to give him a call as soon as I am feeling better before he finally took his leave. He left me wondering how he let his daughter turned out to become such a monster. Better yet, a cold blooded killer.
He is a really nice guy, A respectable gentleman. So, it was very easy giving him the kind of respect he deserved.
I kept my promise, I called him as soon as I was out of the hospital.
As soon as he picked up, I began
"The doctors said i will be able to walk again, it would take time, but it would happen. I paused, impatiently waiting for his response.
"A toast to that" he said, with pure joy evident in his voice.
From then, I called him very often And we met twice for tea. During that time, I declared my interest in marrying his daughter Aaliyah.
To my surprise, he had no objection because he has grown fond of me and I managed to convince him that I am a very good man who is In love with his daughter wholeheartedly.
As time went by, I have to confess that I almost had a change of heart. I felt the strong need to forgive Aaliyah and move on, for her father has been nothing but nice and accommodating. Plus He is the closest thing I now have to a father, I didn't want to ruin that relationship.
I somehow started enjoying his company so much that he reminds me of my own father and he reminds me of how wonderful it feels to live a true, simple and meaningful life
But I consoled myself with one single lie, that my relationship with Aaliyah's father is different from my relationship with her. And so, my wedding with Aaliyah took place a few months after.
We're just getting started, hold on tight for a wonderful journey.Hope you've enjoyed it, will be updating soon.....
Thanks for reading 🙏
Love you all ❤️
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