CHAPTER 77: I've Got Plans

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~ If you build the guts to do something, then you better save enough to face the consequences~



I woke up really happy today, despite the fact that my marriage is like a long drink of water so icy it turns the teeth to crystals in your mouth. It is like a drink of water from a frozen fountain

Over time, I learned how to stop crying. I learned how to hide inside of myself and I learned how to be cold and numb.

I endured all the hardships of my life as if they had been luxuries. And my heart, now broken into a thousand pieces, slowly began to turn to ice. I stoped caring about so many things

After breakfast, I did my chores, had a shower, made lunch and got ready for Ahmad's nephew's naming ceremony

I was about to step out of the house after bidding Ahmad goodbye when he stoped me

"Have you called my sisters and asked them about their plans today, or at least told them that you're going to the naming ceremony? Ofcourse you haven't, because you're evil" he shouted

"I thought you already told them that I was going, you tell them everything" I replied nonchalantly

"No I haven't, but I have decided that you're going with them. You're going to pick habiba my sister and jaleelah up and take them to the event. My mother is going there with her friends" he said bitterly

"But I have already made plans with a friend, who happens to be related to your cousin" I told him

He looked at me and let out a sarcastic laugh, his soul ringing like a well-struck bell. But it was a bell that rang with more than sarcasm and ridicule, there was the sound there too of anger and resentment. I quickly looked away because I did not want to be in his presence. He hated me and I hated him in return, I wanted to get out of his sight

"Plans? I don't care about your plans.  You're going to my house to pick up my sisters and drive them to the naming ceremony, and that's final" he commanded

"But it's not fair, I want to go with my friend. It has already been planned a long time ago, I can't just cancel on her at the last minute" I retorted

"What about habiba? You have to cancel, I don't care" he said

I begged him profusely to let me go with my friend, and I promised him that I will never make any plans with anyone again in the future. I begged him to let me go just this once.

He was surprised when he saw how desperate I was, he was quiet for a little while. Then he told me he needed to make a phone call, it will determine weather he will let me go or not

It wasn't hard to figure out he wanted to ask his mother what he should do. He went out of the house and talked on the phone for a while before he returned.

"Since you're this desperate, you can go. I only wanted you to pick up my sisters because they don't have a car, but I will give them my car" he said

"You should have told me that before I made my plans, I swear I wouldn't have made any plans if I knew. But I can cancel on my friend, it's rude though" I said, disappointedly

"No problem, it's alright. Don't worry, I'll give habiba my car" he told me

"Does that mean I can go with my friend?" I asked enthusiastically

"Yes" he answered

"Thanks a lot, you will not regret this" I said, and bolted out of the house

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