CHAPTER 38: Gone Are The Days

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~One of the greatest tragedies in life is to lose your own sense of self and accept the version of you that is expected by everyone else~



I was seated In Ummy's living room when I heard Ahmad's voice

"Peace be upon you" he said

"Ameen, and upon you too" Ummy answered

Here comes the most obedient child and the least favorite of them all, I thought as I saw him walking through the door frame.

I hurriedly stood up and went to him to embrace him in a welcoming hug. He was clearly into it, but Ummy cleared her throat, notifying us of her presence. Ahmad quickly dodged the hug and walked past me to her

"I bumped into your friend and his wife at the shopping mall earlier today, what a lucky guy. You should have seen them, they look so cute and perfect together, they complement each other" Ummy said

"It's just a pity that you and Yasmeen are opposites that attract but are not really meant to be" Habiba said, looking at Ahmad who is already sulking

"Unfortunately, you two are very different. You have nothing in common, you don't even agree to the same things because You were not brought up the same way. Plus Yasmeen is some kind of extremist" Ummy told him

"You need to see the kind of things they do for fun, his wife is not boring at all. How I wish you were struck by his kind of luck" habiba told my husband, with a smile on her face

The face is a picture of the mind with the eyes as its interpreter. Ahmad's face dropped immediately and in his eyes was the look of the unluckiest man alive. This really got to him

"Being blessed with a good partner is the best thing that could ever happen to anyone" Ummy added

I looked at Ummy and habiba, not in admiration but In absolute horror. wondering how they are able to live with themselves and all the things they do to Ahmad. The lying, the manipulation, and the deceit

I figured that they are the kind of people that commit murder with smiles on their faces. The kind that force us to destroy the person we really are and the people we truly love, a subtle kind of murder.

They apply manipulation and deceit on Ahmad to achieve a pre-meditated outcome solely benefitting them than Ahmad.

Today, I realized no amount of love, care, pain, hurt, anger, or retribution could ever transform those who are full of hatred towards you, or evil into good or kind people. Today, I let go. I stopped caring for Ahmad's family, I gave up trying, I gave up any hope for their souls, and knew they were never worthy of me, my time, or my love.

Being the kind of person that lets things get into his head easily, Ahmad let what they said get to him. He looked like someone who has been struck by a calamity and he has been giving me an attitude since then.

Until Ahmad realizes how easy it is for his mind to be manipulated, he will remain the puppet of someone else's game. That's what he is to his family

I left him at Ummy's and went back home. He didn't return until midnight

I was in the living room when Ahmad came in, I opened my mouth to welcome him but I was interrupted by the sound of his voice.

"I think I made a big mistake getting married. I think I wasn't ready for it, I rushed into it without thinking" he said, as soon as he saw me

"Don't call it a mistake. Besides, We dated for almost two years. I think that's enough time to know weather you're ready or not, plus you wanted it badly then" I told him

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