~It isn't what you have or who you are or where you are or what you are doing that makes you happy or unhappy. It is what you think about it~
That is life, isn't it? Fate. Luck. Chance. A long series of what-if's that lead from one moment to the next, time never pausing for you to catch your breath, to make sense of the cards that have been handed to you. And all you can do is play your cards and hope for the best, because in the end, it all comes back to those three basics: Fate. Luck. Chance.
And then, as if written by the hand of a bad novelist, incredible things happened to me.
A new house, a new bride, a new car and two tickets to five different countries of our choice for our honeymoon, All thanks to my father in-law. I've got so much to be thankful for.
Inspired by the glorious chateaus of France, Chateau Ami is a sophisticated and luxurious retreat that reflects that magical merging of inspiration and architecture.
Created by renowned architect Randall Stofft the estate is a masterpiece of design and craftsmanship featuring inlayed onyx, hand-planed hickory wood flooring, intricately hand-painted ceilings, hand-carved fireplace by Barbara Tattersfield, exquisite crystal chandeliers, plus an elevator to transport from floor to floor. That's my new home, that's where I live now, in my dream house.
This house is nothing compared to my one bedroom apartment, it's so nice and spacious. And it's a wedding gift from my father in-law among other gifts.
I gave Ameerah the master bedroom because it's bigger and I know she would be more comfortable in it.
I've even got a writing area and a private study room in my new home.
My writing Area consists of My computer facing out the window. I like having the sky and buildings in the background, Occasionally a bird or plane flies by in the distance.
To my far left is my 42 inch flatscreen TV, which often displays my daily dose of Grey's Anatomy and keeping up with the Kardashian's.
Next to that is my book shelf and a coffee table which I need to make better use of.
To my right is a framed poster displaying a poem of mine that I have sold to a very rich guy few months ago in order to be able to pay off my debts. It had been on Chicago buses and trains, unfortunately under his name not mine.
And to the far right is a black and white picture of Grand Central Station with wide beams of light gushing in through the windows. The beams look like they are about to make the commuters levitate at any minute and float skyward.
A single light burned, casting light on a chintz couch and an antique Quaker chair
Fueled by my inspiration, I ran across the room to steal the cup of coffee the bookshelf had taken prisoner. Lapping the black watery brew like a hyena, I tossed the empty cup aside. I then returned to the chair to continue my divine act of creation. Hot blood swished in my head as my mighty pen stole across the page.
I have never been able to finish a novel, But this novel, I intend to finish because it's inspired by my accidental marriage with Ameerah. I want to dedicate the novel to her as a wedding gift from me.
Before I got married to Ameerah, I make a living by selling my ideas for a novel. I always come up with awesome ideas to sell. I write the first five chapters and then sell it to the highest bidder, the new owner would develop it into a wonderful story, publish it and take credit for it.
It's sad to see people taking credit for my hard work, but I had no choice. It's safe to say that being creative pays because it's the reason why I was able to survive even without a stable job.
I got employed by my father in-law in his company as a business adviser after the wedding, I only go to the office twice a week but I earn a lot. That's why I quit my old job in order to be able to pursue my career as a writer
Ameerah on the other hand is an entrepreneur, but she is not that accomplished because she never sticks to one idea or settles for one business and grow it. She always switch to something that is reigning, or something that everybody is doing, then gets tired after a while because there is too much competition and she's not that dedicated as she is not fueled by passion. And eventually, the business fails.
Her father recently opened a boutique for her as she has requested, which is consuming too much of her time. It's the reason why we postponed our honeymoon because she's got a lot to put in order before she would be able to go on a vacation.
I glanced at the clock, and it's already 5pm. I dropped my pen and went into the kitchen to make dinner for us.
I set up a candle light dinner because I want today to be special for both of us. I want it to be more like our first night together, our wedding night.
Though she is always worked up and tired and always comes up with excuses to avoid intimacy. I always let it slide because I didn't want to over burden her, but I cannot wait any longer. I'm going to make a move again tonight, I'm tired of watching her like a starving man who wants meat.
When I was done, I sat in my writing area watching the beautiful sunset as I patiently wait for Ameerah my beautiful royalty, a princess in her own right. She has lived and breathed a world that I have only watched and preyed upon from the shadows. She is a lamb being abducted by the wolf.
Ameerah is a complicated person with a simple life and she thinks she is the reason for everything that ever happened to her in the past
She is the sort of person for whom fear is the natural response to that beyond explanation.
Ameerah has lots of sides, it's the main course I haven't quite figured out. She has a funny side, a soft and sympathetic side, a serious side, and a seriously romantic side that I am yet to explore.
There is something wild beneath the surface that her dress couldn't hide. She had the cocky arrogance of a woman who broke the rules once or twice. A very, very dangerous woman. A woman who feared nothing when it comes to her heart desires, but I wonder what is holding her back.
In spite of all that, I feel lucky to have her as a wife. Though Luck has a way of evaporating when you lean on it, I'll enjoy mine while it lasts.
Thank For Reading 🙏
Love You All ❤️😘
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