CHAPTER 1 : The Crippled Groom

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Everyone has that one life changing moment, That moment defines you. It shapes who you are as a person, and pushes you down the path that leads to the rest of your life.

Sometimes you see it coming from a mile away, but other times it happens in a split second. That's how it went for me, one quick flash and my life was completely derailed

I see the beautiful bridesmaids and the cute little flower girl, walking down the isle. Then I see a handicapped stranger sitting on a wheelchair at the bridal stage.

My eyes meet his immediately as I stand by the door. I froze, feeling my heartbeat quicken. They opened the double door wider allowing me to walk through it with my friends and family.

I am adorned in a peach colored gown with an empire waist and intricate beading. It sweeps the floor with every step I take even with the grey colored high heeled sling back shoe I am wearing.

I smiled at the flower girl as she sprinkles petals along the path, and settles up front with the rest of the party.

I took a minute to take in the environment, and holy hell, there is an ice sculpture, a fruit tree and a chocolate fountain at the center of the hall.

I also saw A five tier beautifully and deliciously constructed wedding cake. It's an orange sponge cake with grand marnier whipped cream. There are peach colored pearls and calla lilies cascading down the side. And the little dots and Lillies are made of sugar so it's all edible.

Calla Lillie's are spread throughout the room in vases and on tables. As I inhale, the scent of old wood and calla Lillies fill my nostrils.

Round tables cover three sides of a large wooden dance floor, the bridal table is elevated on a platform and overlooking the guests. The tables are draped in white linen with coral ribbons running along the edges and beautiful calla Lillies filled centerpieces.

The dj is already playing the music, a few people are dancing and others are mingling around the tables talking and enjoying themselves.

With the change of the music, the guest all rise to their feet and turn their heads towards the back of the room as they witness the brides grand entrance with her lovely entourage

I groaned audibly as I sat down in my designated spot next to Ammar, the crippled man that I now call my husband sitting in his wheelchair.

Ammar didn't utter a single word to me, and neither did I.

I spent the rest of the evening staring down at my laps and fingers. They are freshly painted a deep plum coloring.

Peach is not the color of my dream wedding gown, but here I am wearing peach, appearing in the image of another woman. Though My mother made sure there is a touch of grey in everything I wore. She knows I have a thing for grey, I love anything grey.

Ammar wanted me to wear peach, because that's the color his dead ex wanted to wear on their wedding day if she wasn't dead. It's not her fault though, I am the reason for her untimely demise. And I also put him in the wheelchair he is sitting in, They were a completely normal healthy couple before the accident.

Even though she is not alive to witness it, everything was done how she wanted it, how she would have done it. The dead girl had the wedding of her life, I bet we are going to live the rest of our lives granting her wishes.

If I am an ordinary girl, I would have said I had the wedding of my dreams because Everything was beautiful and perfect.

Eighty percent of the girls in the world would have had the wedding of their lives if they had my type of wedding, but unfortunately I am one of the 10 percent that just want a simple plain wedding with a few close friend, family and a lot of food.


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This book is a uniquely portable magic, Once you start reading it, there is no stopping. You simply can't get enough of it.

It will be your escape, your comfort, your consolation, and your stimulant of choice

You'll read it for the pure pleasure of it, for the beautiful stillness that surrounds you when you hear an author's words reverberating in your head.

It's going to be your best friend and your companion. It's going to make you laugh, cry, smile, jump, scream and find meaning in life.

This book will make you travel without moving your feet. Don't miss this wonderful journey, it's an adventure of a lifetime

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