~The language of light can only be decoded by the heart. Some souls are made of light. Pure light, one can almost see through them~*****************************
I woke up this morning with a heavy heart, it's mainly because months have passed but I still didn't get my divorce.
I was laying quietly in bed when I received a call from one of my childhood friends. According to her, Ahmad has been stalking her on social media for the past one month. He didn't get her attention until he mentioned my name, she thought he was a weird person though
She said he begged her to solicit on his behalf and make things right between us. But she also told me that he has been spreading some terrible rumors about me
So I was gone and he is haunted and he decided to punish me for it. He chose the path of emotional bullying and negativity. I don't blame him, shallow minded people think that way. It's kind of their defense mechanism
Ahmad and his family have been throwing rumors out like lit matches, to see what they would catch. I stayed silent, listening to the fizz and spark of their words, pretending I was water, putting them out as she spoke. Not that it mattered though, The truth seldom ever did in the face of a juicy lie.
The cold hard truth fell on stony ground, whereas their all-around trashy rumors flourished like weeds
I came to realise that Ahmad and his family will always try and wriggle out of the uncomfortable truths, choosing instead to cushion their fragile egos with the lies they told
There's nothing more poisonous than filthy rumors and gossips. They used them to taint the good character of those who effortlessly stand out, Just to provide their mediocre selves with a means to become relevant.
They set the rumors in like gangrene to eat away at my sense of decency that differentiates humans from animals.
Some rumors said I was an adulteress, a slut who is ever ready to give it up for the highest bidder. Ahmad said that my boss always keeps me in the office until late at night when everyone is gone. Then he comes to me and do whatever it is that we do before letting me go home to my husband.
Other rumors said that I was a demon from another world, I was like death incarnate, and I came from a very odd family with a despicable way of life. Who are the opposite of perfect, and more like cavemen.
He said that I am barren, I can breed no offspring. And that I am dumb, too jealous, naive, insecure and closed minded.
He also said that I am a liar who only loves him for his money. I smiled at that, because Ahmad had nothing when I married him.
He said that I am full of hate and disrespect. That I am always disrespecting and insulting his mother and siblings.
That I barely cook for him, that's why he is malnourished, always weak and hungry when he was with me. And That I do not know how to take care of my husband, I don't even know how to live a married life.
He also said that I am an enermy of progress, standing between him and his goals and dreams. He said that I woke up one morning and decided to run away from his house.
In that moment, I decided that he is not worth it. I'm not going to tear him down. If he is bad-mouthing me, it means he is already down.
We were in the middle of the conversation when I heard a beep on my phone, I feel a river of joy moving in me when I saw it was a message from my dearest anonymous. I forgot about my friend who was busy talking and started reading my message

RomanceEveryone has that one life changing moment, That moment defines you. It shapes who you are as a person, and pushes you down the path that leads to the rest of your life. Sometimes you see it coming from a mile away, but other times it happens in a...