~Everyday is filled with choices. If you are looking for a wise choice, be kind~******************************
Yasmeen :
After our disastrous honeymoon, We headed back to our matrimonial home.
Ahmad fidgeted nervously as he drove, I asked him if he was afraid of driving, he smiled and told me that he wasn't. But he was rather nervous about taking me home. I asked him why, but he gave me a sympathetic smile and said
"You'll soon figure it out"
"This is why I am nervous. My house is small, it is nothing compared to the one you're used to. And we are next door neighbors with "Ummy" my mother, I hope it's not a problem" Ahmad said, as he ushered me into our new home.
"Not at all, I'm not here for the house and Ummy is my second mom. I'm glad she lives next door, I know she'll spoil me rotten". I replied, then stuck out my tongue at Him. He laughed at my childishness and he suddenly seem more at ease.
Ahmad's house is a three bedroom apartment, with a small living room, a medium sized kitchen and a very small dinning area.
He showed me to my room up stairs as he went back down to get our luggage.
After inspecting the room, I descended the stairs just in time to see Ahmad stepping into the foyer, armed with suitcases. He took all the suitcases to my room for unpacking.
The place needs cleaning, but Ahmad told me he doesn't have a help and the sight of doing anything remotely related to housework scares me off. So I postponed the cleaning until further notice.
We ordered Chinese and I quickly made coffee. I almost forgot my coffee table and two coffee chairs didn't fit in the house when I made my way to the sitting room, Then Realization hit me. I dropped the coffee on the dinning table along with the rest of the food.
After dinner, I didn't know where to put the dirty dishes. My Dishwasher also didn't fit in my kitchen, I was pissed because I hate doing the dishes and I hate leaving them undone.
I just stood there as I thought about My dishwasher that is sitting idle at my parent's before finally deciding to move on.
One third of my things didn't fit in the house because I never got to see it earlier on like every bride to be does, none of my family members did.
Ahmad couldn't dare let me help him chose the house we are suppose to spend the rest of our lives in, or at least take me there to see it before they rented it. This is because he knows he'll face the wrath of "Ummy" his mother if he did.
He knew that even if I am not okey with the house, there is nothing we could do about it. Ummy has already decided it is the house we are going to live in.
When anyone asks me when Ahmad is going to show us the house so that my family will be able to furnish it accordingly, I always come up with an excuse to cover up the fact that seeing the house before hand is not an option.
Though it reached to a point where everyone knew that something was wrong, so I started to pick a fight with anyone that shows his or her concern or tries to tell me the order of things and how they should be done.
At some point, my mother had to stop buying things. Because she had no idea what she was dealing with and her Yasmeen was being a brat for no reason.
A friend told me "I hope you're okey with sleeping on the floor, because at the rate you're going, your bed might not even fit in the house and you'll never know until it's too late"
"I don't care, the bed is nothing compared to what I feel for Ahmad. Bed or no bed, I'm sure we'll be okey" that was my answer
At that time, Even if I was walking into an open fire, nobody dared to stop me because they know that if they did, there will be serious problems.
Nothing was more important to me than Ahmad. If it means making a few sacrifices just to be with him, I was ready to do it. I hope it's worth it
Ahmad's voice calling my name brought me out of my trance, he asked me to come with him. We went straight to his mothers house to bid her goodnight.
I left Ahmad with Ummy while I hurried back home. I made our bed beautifully and lit some candles in anticipation for a very hot romantic night as it's the first night we are truly alone.
But when Ahmad returned, he had the look of one who had drunk the cup of life and found a dead beetle at the bottom. Then he suddenly started to cry, and just like that, my romantic mood vanished.
I was sick worried when I saw the tears in his eyes. I quickly held him in my arms examining him
"Are you hurt? What's wrong? Are you sick? Has somebody died? Has something bad happened to Ummy? Or is it something she said? Talk to me love" I said, with worry evident in my voice.
"No, I just miss Ummy so much. I miss home, I miss my siblings. Now I'm no longer living with them, they are the most significant part of my life. I'm not sure I can live without them, I love them so much".
I was baffled at first, then distraught and then disappointed.
Disappointment is a sort of bankruptcy, the bankruptcy of a soul that expends too much in hope and expectation.
Disappointment Can do a couple things. It can drop you into a giant sucking sinkhole of depression, a place you have to fight to climb out of. I managed to crawl back up from the disappointment sinkhole and tried to console Ahmad.
"But they live next door, you can see them whenever you want. No one will stop you, no one is going to separate you from your family" I told him
"But it's not the same, you wouldn't understand" he replied
"I do understand because I miss my family too, but I'm not crying. I think being here with you is worth the sacrifice" I said, with a shaky voice as I watched my lion act like a scared little kitten lost on a dark rainy night.
I was so terrified that I found myself thinking I might have gotten myself married to a man boy who is always going to need his mommy. For a moment, It felt like I was drowning
I was tormented by the thought that I might never ever be enough for Ahmad no matter how hard I try, for I have never seen or heard of a grown ass newly wed man missing his Mummy to the point of shedding tears while his beautiful hot wife is right beside him partially naked.
This is someone that will soon start a family of his own, what would he tell his kids when they see their father crying like a baby because he misses his mummy?
I spent the night consoling Ahmad, telling him all the things he needed to hear. But at the back of my mind, I know that one can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark, the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.
Thanks For Reading 🙌🏻🙏
Love Ya'll so soo sooooo Much 😘
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