Hello Hero

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Rain pounded on the ground around me. Soaking me to my bones. My coat too wet to offer any protection from the storm raging around me.
I staggered down the alleyway clutching my side. My body was taking too long to heal from my beating a few hours ago. My flesh swelling around the bleeding wound. Glass shards digging deeper with every movement.

The sounds of fighting reached my ears through the defining pain. From the constant yelling and crashing, someone would die.
Picking up my pace, I ran to the scene. The small trail of blood that was falling behind me was quickly washed away by the storm.

Reaching the source of the commotion, I found an abandoned building site. Years ago the construction company ran out of money. With the government not wanting to help and no other company interested, it was left to rot.

Just as I was about to enter the site, a body flew towards me with such speed I almost couldn't move fast enough. Stopping the beaten body in the air, I lowered him to the ground. Feeling his arms and legs for wounds took too long in a battlefield but I had to. He could be a civilian at deaths door. I couldn't let him die.
He looked ok. Nothing fatal on his arms and legs. Just a few broken bones. But when I looked at his face my heart stopped. I was helping a pro hero. Not just any though. The only one who could cause a problem for me. Eraserhead. SHIT! If he attacks me now I'm screwed. I'm in no condition to fight a hero. He could kill me. What if he arrests me? What would people think? Cho would never get into UA. Then there's Denki. My cousin who I love like a brother. He would feel so betrayed. What if he...
His gruff voice pulling me out of my internal panic.
"Your Huntress right? You have the same mask."
Deep breath. Breath.
"Hey hero"
"What were you doing to me?"
"Checking you for injuries. I thought you were a civilian"
Then there was silence between us. We just stared at each other, trying to figure out what the other was thinking. We could have done this for hours, but the villains he had been fighting were closing in. I had to make a plan. Quickly.
"Eraserhead. You are a hero and I am a villain. It is your job to arrest me and it it my job to hate you"
"Where are you going with this?"
"I have an idea. We are both injured. However, I can still fight. For tonight, and only tonight, we will be allies. I will get the villains to leave and get you an ambulance. In return, you will not arrest me tonight or tell anyone about what happened."
His quick reply surprised me. But at least he was ok with my...compromise.
Walking over to the villains, I asked them nicely to stop. I explained that they would not get any satisfaction from killing a hero who was too injured to fight. It took some convincing, and some white lies, but they eventually left after throwing a few threats at the injured hero.
I turned back to the hero, watching him look around cautiously with his scarf in his hands.
"You can relax. They are leaving. I'll leave the address of their base with your agency tomorrow"
Pulling out a phone I had snatched from one of the villains and handing it to him, I turned to leave.
I stopped in my tracks. A hero asked me to wait. He sounded desperate.
"What is it?"
"Why? Why help me? We're enemies"
"Ask me that the next time we meet, Hero"
I looked forward, the sun peaking over the horizon.
"Goodbye hero"
I walked slowly, disappearing in the suns golden light as I left the injured hero to his thoughts.

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