Business partners

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We arrived early, waiting in a nearby alleyway. The air was particularly cold this night, and the sky was covered in clouds. Fog swept across the ground, just thick enough to hide us from the heroes sight.
The heroes had arrived fifteen minutes early. They were all wearing civilian clothes, trying not to look out of place. We watched them for a while, looking for any weapons. Aizawa had his capture scarf and Snipe had his gun. The others looked unarmed.
"H-Hey Kaz"
I turned to look at Shinso, he was nervous. It was his first mission after all.
"You ok?"
"Can we go over the plan one last time"
He sounded scared.
"Oh for fu-"
"Dabi. Shut up. You shat yourself on your first mission. He's doing better than you"
His face turned scarlet as he looked away, too embarrassed to face us.
"Ok. You two will walk behind me in a triangle formation. No quirks or weapons unless they attack first or I signal. I'll do the talking, and if needed Dabi will talk. You are not to talk, especially with your dad's meeting us. If you see anything suspicious, signal. If we end up in a fight, we all run. Ok?"
He nodded his head, his hand clutching his wrist where the string was kept.
"Relax. You'll be fine."
I grabbed his hand, moving it away from his wrist. With a smile, I placed the mask on my face. He did the same before checking his equipment one last time. With a nod, we left the safety of the alley. Night Eye saw us before the others, obviously using his quirk. He spun around, alerting the others to our presence. When they saw us, they got ready for a fight, drawing any weapons they had. Dabi and Shinso stepped forward, ready for the heroes to strike first. I raised my hand, signaling for them to stop.
"Settle down gentlemen. We did not come seeking a fight. We came for a talk."
My voice loud and clear, echoing through the abandoned site.
"Huntress! Who are they?!"
It was Hawks.
"Dabi, my brother..."
I held out my right arm, signaling for Dabi to step forward.
"...and Puppeteer, my apprentice"
Shinso stepped forward at my signal. He no longer looked nervous. Instead, he was as chilling as the night. With the twirl of my finger, I heard him start working with his strings.
"We heard you had two brothers! Where's the other?!"
This time, it was Best Jeanest. His cool composure lost to the wind. Had I made them nervous? Good.
"He couldn't make it. After all, my Hero Killer was caught."
They stared at me in disbelief. Even Aizawa and Mic.
"What's with that shock my little love birds? Do you not remember our last encounter?"
My words made their faces pale. The other heroes didn't even bat an eye. They must have already known.
My phone buzzed. The sound cutting through the silence like a knife. It was a message from an old friend. They needed to talk.
"I hate to cut this short, but your not the only ones I have to meet. So tell me, why did you want to meet me?"
They stared at us, their guard never dropping.
"Business partners"
Kamui's voice was quiet, as if he was unsure what he just said. Snipe continued, his voice barely louder.
"Huntress. Tell us where organisations are, and we will turn a blind eye to your... activities."
I thought about it. It would be handy to not worry about heroes. But to become friends with them, it's too risky. Unless...
"No. Most heroes turn a blind eye anyway."
When they realised their plan wasn't working, they activated their quirks, ready for a fight.
"However. If you give us access to any equipment and information we need, I might pay more attention. I might take note of these organisations. I might share what I know, and what I find out."
They all looked at each other, discussing it quietly without turning their backs on us. They were taking too long.
Dabi's voice quickly caught their attention.
"What kind of equipment?"
"Daggers, grappling hooks, string. Anything else we might need."
"And information?"
"You wouldn't be my only contract. I have been tasked with keeping a hero safe so I have access to some information. But not enough. Besides, it's useless if I can only give information you already have."
They looked at each other, slowly nodding. Sir Night Eye stepped forward.
"We accept your terms"
We started walking towards each other, the heroes following behind him while Dabi and Shinso stayed back. When they got to a certain point, I stopped the cautious men.
"You don't have to be so worried. If I wanted to kill you..."
I snapped my fingers. At my signal, Dabi sent a small blast of flame towards me. It caught on invisible strings. The brilliant blue flame spread along the thin wires, making them visible and illuminating the fog. We were surrounded by burning string and blue clouds. The flames making the heroes move closer together, the fog making us seem more intense.
"You'd already be dead"
I walked slowly through the maze of fire as I said those words, my footsteps loud against the solid ground. As I reached the heroes, Dabi and Shinso emerged from the flame. Dabi's eyes glowing a neon blue in the light. Shinso had his string ready, wrapped around his fingers with an unusual shine. The fog hiding parts of their bodies, but not Dabi's insane smile or Shinso's emotionless eyes. The heroes gulped.
I reached forward, shaking their hands as they stared at us. The last hero was Mic. He stared at me as I shook his hand, giving a nervous smile. Spinning on my heels, I began walking through the flame. Shinso and Dabi walking behind me before the strings broke. They could withstand fire for only three minutes. As they broke, I activated my quirk. A blanket of darkness engulfed us, hiding us from sight. As we ran off, the heroes started looking around blankly. We were in the middle of the construction site. As far as they were concerned, we had disappeared. Once we were in the alleys, I deactivated my quirk. Shinso hugged me, holding me tight.
"I actually did it. My first mission"
"Kid, you looked cooler than me"
"More like a villain. Well done Shinso"
We patted him on the back after he released me. Once he was over his excitement, they left for home while I went to meet with my old friend.

It was sunrise when I arrived at the park. He was sitting under a old willow tree as he doodled in his book. His brown hair was long, hiding his eyes which never left the page.
"Morning Kaminari"
"I told you not to call me that. You wanted to talk?"
He nodded his head, putting his pencil down as he looked at his work.
"The world is going to change. The line between hero and villain will blur, and people will be asking the same question: Who am I"
"Sounds intense"
"Make sure you have people you can trust. Make sure you prepare them and yourself in every way you can."
"I will. Thanks for the warning"
I sat down next to him, trying to glance at his book. His quirk was special. It told him about the future, and he liked to write it down. One day, he wanted to sell his manga. It would make a lot of money.
"Hey, Horikoshi? What's the name of the manga again?"
"My hero Academia"

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