Obstacle course

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It was the day of the sports festival. Currently, we were all waiting for it to start. There was a lot of discussion in the class waiting room. The clothes we had to wear, what the different rounds will be, there was even tension between Midoriya and Todoroki. Eventually, it was time to face the cameras. Everyone would be watching us. Heroes and villains would be picking apart our performance. Fireworks shone in the sky as we entered, the crowd going wild. As Mic yelled about the villain attack, many were sweating from nerves, especially Midoriya. Class 1-B entered just after us. The spotlight turning to them, then onto the student in general studies, the support course and business course. Once we were all out, Bakugo was called up on stage, to represent our class, with Midnight. Her outfit making many of the male students blush.
As Bakugo approached the microphone, some of us became nervous. Which idiot chose the rudest person in class to represent us?
"I pledge that I'll be number one"
You absolute fool. Everyone in the other classes were yelling at him. Their anger and frustration clear in their words. Iida also yelled at him for being so disgraceful. After everyone settled down, the first round was announced. An obstacle course. As all the classes walked to the door, Shinso came up next to me. With hushed voices, we wished each other luck.
The countdown began.
Everyone began running outside. Some of us being trampled in the narrow corridor. I was pushed against the wall by many others before being given a little bit of space. Feeling a chill behind me, I jumped high into the air, creating a small dark platform under my feet. Ice spread across the corridor. Anyone touching the walls or floor were frozen instantly. It was a good thing I jumped. Unfortunately, I had to move quickly as the platforms didn't last long. Running above everyone and out into the open, I changed to using my light side. Creating more platforms as I stayed in the air. I was slowly catching up to Todoroki. Although it looked as though others in my class also dodged his ice. Bakugo flew past me, using his explosions to propel himself through the air. The sudden heat of the explosion distracting me, causing me to fall.
Looking at everyone else, I saw them all trying to stay on their feet. Everyone except Shinso. The smart shit had brainwashed three people, making them carry him. Standing up and running with the fastest of the school, I began thinking of ways to get ahead. Although I tried balancing the light and the dark, it still hurt a bit. Now that there was not enough shadows, I couldn't use my dark side. Unfortunately, using my light side will cause me pain. As I was thinking, everyone around me stopped running, causing me to crash into the person infront of me. Muttering a quick apology, I looked infront of the crowd. Many zero pointers stood infront of us. Too many. Yet again, Todoroki stole the spotlight by releasing a powerful blast of ice, freezing them in place. Something wasn't right. He just helped the whole school by doing that....unless...
Rushing through the crowd, I began running towards the robots, trying to get past them in time. Everyone else got the same idea shortly after me.
"He stopped them! Between their legs! We can get through!"
"I wouldn't if I were you. I froze them when they were unbalanced."
As he said those words, I sped up. I knew it! He froze them long enough for him to get through. Not long enough for anyone else to pass safely. No one else... Shit! Looking up, I saw peices of frozen metal and ice falling above me, one almost landing on me.
I heard people yelling behind me as I narrowly avoided being crushed. Looking up at the falling metal, I saw a u-shaped peice falling turn in the air as it fell. It was long, and narrow, getting bigger and bigger as it hurtled towards me. I wouldn't get through. I would be stuck in the middle of it.
Without much thought, I turned around. I saw three people running towards me. Bakugo, Kaminari and Shinso. See you boys later. With a loud crash and a strong gust of wind, the metal hit the ground. Dust blew up everywhere, making breathing almost impossible in the narrow space I was crammed into. I was on my stomach, blood dripping from my head. Taking shallow breaths, I tried clearing my head. I needed to get out of here. I needed someone to fix my wound, I needed the energy to get out. As I crawled slowly towards the exit, I heard yelling around me. Mics panicked voice echoing through the metal as he screamed for any idea of my condition.
Then there were voices and footsteps around me. I was starting to get dizzy from breathing in dust, my energy draining as I came to a stop. My limbs turning blue and losing their energy from the lack of oxygen. Just as I began to close my eyes, I heard the metal moving. It was being lifted. Light blinded my eyes as the metal was raised higher and higher. Many pairs of feet lined the gap the metal once occupied. There was yelling as someone ran towards me, picking me up and pulling me out. When I was clear of the metal, I was pulled into someone else's arms. Then another pulled me away and towards a stretcher, leaving the dust cloud behind them. Oxygen flooded my lungs as I began coughing. I felt them place me gently on the stretcher as they left. My world turning dark.

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