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Soon it was time for our internships. I left early in the morning, Shinso greeting me outside my window. As the sun climbed the sky, we walked to the Woods Agency. Hugging me goodbye, I entered.
Kamui Woods was waiting for me, knowing I like being early. We talked for a while, waiting for another intern. Unsurprisingly, that intern was Ibara Shiozaki.
When she finally arrived, it was 10 o'clock. She ran in with sweat dripping off her skin, her breathing heavy. After she had caught her breath, we were shown around the agency. Most of it looked like an office building, but it had plants everywhere. At the back, there was a large garden. It was beautifully kept, with fountains and various plants everywhere you looked. Not a single building blocked out the light. It was beautiful, and a welcome change to the normal city streets.
"I know it's sudden, but I want to see how good you two are."
We stared at him, surprised by the sudden announcement.
"Go change into your hero costume and meet back here. Off you go"
Immediately we turned around, walking back into the building. One of the staff escorted us to the girls locker room. It looked just like a normal locker room, just with plants everywhere.
We changed quickly. Her hero outfit was simple. A plain white dress that hung off one shoulder and black knee-high boots. It was incredibly simple. Too simple. As we walked down to the garden, I asked about any hidden features.
"Hidden features? Like an assassin?"
"Not necessarily, are your clothes just plain fabric or are they bulletproof? Fire proof? Hidden pockets or weapons?"
"Goodness no. I have no need for such things"
She began a big speech about it. By the time we were outside, she still wasn't finished. Thankfully, Kamui stopped her speech with the rules of the fight.
"The rules are simple. You two cannot use your quirks, but I can. You can fight however you want. If I'm immobilised, or you get a good hit, I lose. You'll fight me one at a time. Ibara Shiozaki, your first. Whenever your ready"
He stared at her as I walked to the side. She didn't move, unsure what to do. Kamui ran at her, trapping her with his quirk.
"Why didn't you fight?"
He sounded upset, but his eyes looked angry.
"I don't know how to."
We both sighed.
"A hero should always be able to fight, with or without their quirk. You need to work on that. Kazu Kaminari, your turn"
"I won't hold back"
"I will. Don't disappoint"
I sighed, turning to Ibara. I told her to watch closely, try and learn a few things. As I was talking, Kamui ran up behind me. Just as he activated his quirk, I pushed Ibara out the way as I stepped backwards. I grabbed his arm, pushing him forward before running away. Once there was some distance between us, I stared at him. I got into a fighting stance, all warmed up. It looked as though he was smiling through his mask.
We ran at each other, meeting in the middle. I sent a flurry of light attacks at him, making him step back, defending himself. I stopped, jumping away from him. He caught his breath before attacking me. This time, he kept his distance using his quirk. The wood was too thick and grew too fast for me to get through.
"Hey, can I use parts of my costume?!"
I yelled as I backed away.
"Of course you can!"
He sounded happy as he replied. I moved my hand to my dagger, waiting for an opening. I saw one. A gap in the wood leading straight to his head. He has a fast reaction time. He'll be fine. I'm one swift movement, I pulled the dagger out of its sheeth, throwing it through the gap. As it left my hand, I ran at him on his left. He dodged the dagger by stepping to the left. Fool. I grabbed his arm, pulling it behind his back and kicking him to the floor. He landed with a thud as the dagger imbedded itself in a tree where he was standing.
"Do you yeild?"
"Yeah yeah! What was that?! Were you trying to kill me?!"
I sighed as I released him, helping him to his feet.
"The dagger would have hit the roots. Plus I knew you'd dodge it."
"That was so risky! You could have killed me!"
"That's not an issue when I can bring people back from the dead."
He stared at me. If I could see his mouth, it would probably be touching the floor.
The rest of the day was spent training. The next day was just training. We stayed in Kaumi's house, both of us getting a room to ourselves. I noticed very quickly that the less light there is, the less energy Kamui and Shiozaki had. That made sneaking out at night easy. On the third day, we finally went out on patrol. Nothing really happened on while we were out. We helped at a pathetic attempt at a robbery, but that was it. It was quite boring. That night, I decided against going out. Something was just telling me I shouldn't. When I saw the news at midnight, I was glad.
'Breaking news: the hero killer has been caught'

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