A reminder

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~Present Mic's POV~

Walking out of the takeaway, I could not have been happier. There had been very little drama in class, and my son had made a few friends. We had decided to get our favourite takeout to celebrate a peaceful day. As Shota paid for the food, I noticed his tense nature. Something was wrong. I would have to ask him about it later.
Opening the door, the cold hit us by surprise. I grabbed hold of Shota's hand. His limbs shaking slightly.
"You ok babe?"
"Just cold"
Liar. Something was definitely wrong. As we turned onto another street, the feeling of being watched came over me. Looking around, I saw no one. The streets were empty, everyone in this area had gone to bed. So who was watching us? A sudden tug at my hand drew my attention to my husband. His eyes were wide as he stood frozen. He was staring into an alleyway.
"Sure is cold, isn't it Eraser?"
A sweet voice called out from the darkness. Looking closely, I saw a figure hidden in the shadows.
"Who are you!? What do you want with my husband!?"
The figure stepped forward. The light finally revealing who they were. I wish it hadn't. Her black mask speaking the words she did not have to. She was the Huntress, and she was hunting my husband.
"You shared our little encounter with your class, Eraser."
He still wouldn't move.
"Dad! What should I do?"
"Hitoshi. Run home"
Looking at us one last time, my son ran home. Please be safe.
"What are you talking about?"
"I helped your husband a few months ago, Mic. I told him not to tell anyone. It was part of our deal."
"I'm sorry"
"What's this? The hero speaks. Finally."
"Whatever your going to do, leave my family and my students out of it."
"Walk with me"
"Shou, no. She'll kill you. Don't go."
"Don't worry Mic, you coming with."
Hesitantly, we followed. Two figures appeared behind us.
"Don't mind them. My brothers are only here just in case."
Turning around, I froze. Fear washing over me. Although I did not know who one was, the other was know by everyone. The only one who rivaled the Huntress in danger. Stain.
"Tell me Eraser, why did you tell them?"
"I thought it would be ok by now. It's been months. How did you find out?"
"People talk. Friends tell friends, and rumours spread like wildfire."
What was she thinking. It was impossible to tell with that mask. Was she-no. Please no.
"Are you going to kill us?"
Sho looked at me.
Huntress looked at me.
Everyone looked at me.
Then she started laughing.
"Oh Mic-"
Her amused voice echoing off the walls.
"-I'm not going to kill you. I need you both alive. Besides. Your fun to keep around."
Wait what. Then what was the point in dragging us down the alley.
"Consider this a reminder Hero. You, your friends, your family, even your students are easy targets. If you piss me off. If you break a deal one more time. The reminder will greet you in blood."
She walked past us, her brothers following behind her, they turned the corner, and disappeared into the night. No trace of her left behind.
Shota crumpled to the floor. Tears in his eyes.
He grabbed hold of me, pulling me into the floor and into a tight embrace.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I could have gotten you killed. I'm sorry"
His voice breaking with each word.
"It's ok. Let's get home. Hitoshi will be panicking."
With a small nod, he let go. Standing quietly, he held his hand out to me. Pulling me up, I gave him one last hug before we walked home.
We didn't even have to knock before the door was flung open and our tired and crying son pulled us into his arms. Closing the door, we sat and cried. Eventually, we were able to tell him what had happened. We held each other close before we all fell asleep. A pile of exhausted bodies on the floor. The food messed on the carpet, now cold and firm.

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