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After school was finished, I had to stay behind. It had been decided that I would be staying with Aizawa in their spare room, but they needed to stay to figure out how the school defences were breached.
While Shinso and I were waiting, we began talking. We learnt a lot about each other. Favourite food, favourite colour. Random and useless stuff like that. Eventually, my phone rang. It was Dabi.
With a quick apology, I answered.
"Where are you?"
His words quick and his voice deep.
"I'm at school"
"When are you coming home?"
Now his heavy breathing and footsteps were clear.
"Not for a while. Have you been running?"
"I have gone to every single fucking place you could be except the school! Why the fuck are you still at school?!"
His sudden shout making me flinch. He was pissed.
"Cho told the heroes about last night. They want me somewhere safe for a few days."
"You mean..."
"Who are you staying with?"
"Aizawa and his family"
"Well that makes things difficult."
I felt someone tap my shoulder, turning around, I saw Aizawa. With a small motion of his head, I knew it was time to go.
"I have to go. See you soon"
"Kazu! Don't you dare hang up!"
Quickly ending the call, I grabbed my stuff and left. We made a small stop at home to get some clothes. Waiting patiently as I climbed in and out of my bedroom window. Then we started heading to Aizawa's. The car ride was quiet, and slightly awkward. Aizawa spoke up, breaking the silence with an annoying question.
"Who were you talking to?"
"A friend"
"For your safety, I want to know who. If not a name, then your relationship. I hate to pry, but you told them where your staying. So, who was it?"
"My older brother. He was just worried."
With that final comment, silence returned.

Eventually, we arrived at their apartment. It was simple, yet welcoming. With a small kitchen, and a lot of space, it felt bigger than it really was.
"So, what do you kids want to eat?"
Turning to look at Mic, Shinso and I shrugged.
"Do you want some pizza?"
Quickly, we nodded. After going online, we ordered two pizzas. One was plain cheese and ham, while the other had was a bit spicier, with chilli, chorizo and red peppers. That was for Hizashi and I.
After they were ordered, I was shown to the guest room and we all went to change. By the time the food had arrived, it was only Mic who wasn't done. Just as I was about to ask if someone should check on him, the door opened. He was wearing normal clothes, and his hair was down. IT WAS SO LONG!
As we sat down to eat, I continued to stare at his hair. I really want to braid his hair. Unfortunately, he noticed my stare.
"Is there something wrong Kazu?"
Shit. I quickly looked down, blushing in embarrassment.
"C-Can I braid your hair later?"
My voice quiet, when no reply came, I thought he hadn't heard me. Then suddenly, he started laughing. Then everyone else started laughing.
"That's why you were staring at me?! Of course you can. Do whatever you want with my hair!"
Then I started laughing with them, my embarrassment fading away.

After a few hours we said goodnight and all climbed into bed. While the others slept, I lay awake. Consumed by one thought.
I lay there for hours, tears threatening to fall as that one thought ran through my head over and over again, making me begin to panic. My throat drying from my heavy breathing. Too dry. I needed water.
I stood up, making my way over to the door. Opening it as quietly as I could, I looked out into the hallway. I could hear someone snoring. Probably Mic. There was no other sound. The others must be asleep as well. Quickly, I tiptoed through the hall towards the sink. Grabbing a clean cup on the side, I placed it under the tap, turning it on slowly. The water dribbled out at a steady pace. It was slow, but almost silent. Quarter full. Half full. Almost there. Done. Quickly switching off the tap, I stood there, cup in hand. Slowly, I began to drink. The cool liquid hydrating my mouth with each gulp. When the glass was empty, I gave it a quick rinse and dried it, placed it back where I found it.
"Well aren't you good"
Spinning around, a smirking Aizawa came into my view. He was leaning against the wall, staring at me.
"You were so quiet. I didn't even know you were awake. Other than your open door, there was no trace of you being here."
"T-Thanks. I guess. "
"Can't sleep?"
Shaking my head, he sighed.
"Did I-"
"You didn't wake me up and you don't have to sneak around."
"Isn't it a bit late?"
"You don't seem like someone who sleeps much"
How did he figure that out?
"Sure. Why not"
Walking past me, he began preparing our drink.
"I didn't know you had a brother."
Sitting down on the couch, I gave him a short explanation.
"Not by blood. We grew up together. He's the closest thing I have to a brother. Even closer than Denki"
Bringing the drinks, he sat down next to me. There was a peaceful silence as we sat there, waiting for our drinks to reach a drinkable temperature. Eventually, I had to ask the question that had been bothering me.
"Hey, Aizawa"
"Earlier, when I asked if I could do Hizashi's hair, and everyone laughed"
"Yeah. What about it?"
"Is that what it's like to be part of a family?"
Glancing at him, I saw him staring at me, eyes wide, mouth hanging open. Shock all over his face. He leant forward, his eyes shining with concern.
"Are you not used to being part of a family?"
"No. Not really. My parents lives is their work. I don't see them. When I do, they are normally yelling at each other, or giving Cho their undivided attention. I'm not really included in the family."
He paused, unsure of what to say. My words shocking him again. Just adding to his horror. Yet that wasn't even the full truth.
"I'm sorry. I'll speak to the principal about it tomorrow. We can-"
"No! It's fine. I'm not normally at home anyway. Most of the time, I'm out with friends or just on a walk. Besides, I don't see what they have done wrong. Every parent favours a child, even if they won't admit it. Please Aizawa. There's no need to tell the principal."
Placing a hesitant hand on my shoulder, he asked another slow, thought out question.
"Do they...hurt you?"
Shit. What do I say? What excuse do I give? He would be able to tell I'm lying with how close he is.
"When we're training."
"Just in training?"
I nodded. He sighed. The silence appearing once more. We quickly drank our now cold drinks and said goodnight for the last time. Dropping onto the bed, sleep came almost immediately. The day having exhausted me. At least one of my questions was answered.

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