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When the alarm sounded, we began. Immediately, we started looking for the blood hero. We were in a dusty area that looked like an abandoned scrap yard. In all the grey and brown, bright red was easy to find. He immediately tried attacking us, but we dodged and put some distance between us.
Knowing Cho, she would try to defeat the hero. She wanted the spotlight, and recently she hadn't had it. From conversations with Todoroki to training with Shinso and many others, over the last few weeks I had been the centre of attention. She hated it, especially since she liked Todoroki. She wanted the spotlight back, and would do anything to get it back. Even fighting a battle she can't win.
We played cat and mouse for a while. It was clear by her movements that she didn't have a plan. Thinking quickly, I grabbed a broken pole  that was covered in nails, dragging it behind me. Although it slowed me down, as the wind picked up, it caught the dust. I was creating a massive dust cloud.
Eventually, we heard the hero grunt in frustration. We couldn't see him and he couldn't see us. I turned to Cho, her frustration evident.
"My one chance at spot light, and you steal it again. How could you?!"
Her voice slowly rose as she spoke. Fury and envy lacing every word. She ran towards me, delivering a hard punch to my gut. The sudden movement making me drop the pole. The wind picked up, sending the dust into a furious storm as she ran at me again. She pulled out a ribbon, whipping me when I got to close. Every contact ripped through my skin drawing blood and shocking my body.
"All I have ever wanted was to be noticed! Noticed by Shoto! You fucking traitor! You're stealing him away!"
She ran at me, becoming more aggressive with her movements. I heard Vlad in the distance, calling out to us. Was the half hour over? I tried to locate him by his voice, but it's direction was lost in the storm. Dust filled my eyes, blinding me as I struggled to find him.
A frustrated scream ripped through the air just before something pierced my chest. Looking down, the bloodied metal of the broken pole filled my blurry vision. She had stabbed me. She grabbed the pole with her hand, pulling it at an awkward angle as I coughed up blood. I staggered as I turned. I shouldn't still be standing.
"Look at you! You monster! You should be dead already! You witch! You freak! You traitor of a sister!"
He's words echoed through my ears, my brain absorbing her words as my body crumbled to the floor. The pole hit some scrap, embedding itself in the rusted metal. My body slid slightly, the wound widening from the angle. As blood creeped down the reflective metal, the dust cleared. As my vision became spotty, I heard a gasp followed by heavy footsteps.
I needed to get up. If I pull this out, I can heal. I heard the crackle of a radio and panicked shouts. A hand was placed on my wrist, checking my pulse. Come on Kaz. Get up. With my other hand, I grabbed the heroes arm. Slowly, I used his body to lift myself up. The bar slowly slid out my body at a painful and awkward angle. Any dents and sharp edges causing agony as I got to my feet. Even when I was standing, the pole was still running through my chest. My vision was fading fast. I needed to hurry. With one last bit of strength, I pushed myself backwards. The pole ripped through my flesh, pulling some of my bones and organs with it. My heart was torn out of my chest as my body collapsed, hanging on a broken nail in the pole. Part of my rib cage lay on top, the bone looked red and broken. Muscle hung off it as an abundance of blood dripped to the floor. That was the last thing I saw before my vision turned black.

I awoke just minutes later. Light blinded me as I opened my eyes. Hero's surrounded me, their eyes wide as they stared at each other. I was in Vlad's arms, blood covering him. Some was splattered on his unusually pale face. I looked around, my heart was still on the pole. However, it was rotted. My bones cracking and disintegrating; turning into a pile of dust. My heart and muscles now nothing more than a black and red blob stuck to the metal.
I shifted slightly in Vlads arms, alerting him to my alive state. When he saw my open eyes and bloody smile, he screamed. He dropped me, sliding backwards like a scared child. They all watched in horror as I rose to my feet. They looked at me as though I were a monster. I staggered towards them, wanting to find Cho. She wasn't here. With every step I took towards them, they took two steps back.
"Where's my sister?"
None of them answered, all too scared to speak.
"I may be a monster, but even monsters have feelings. Now where is my sister"
I was talking like the Huntress now. I wasn't messing about.
My voice was low, blood dripping down my chin as I spoke. The heroes still didn't react. I guess I'll find her myself. With a sigh, I ran towards them. They immediately stepped out of my way, allowing me to pass as I searched for her.
I ran around the deserted school as I searched for her. In my rush I almost tripped over the principal. Thankfully I stopped just in time.
"Careful there young lady. Your sisters in my office and your parents are on their way. Please go clean yourself up then join us."
With a nod, I spun around running to the girls locker room. Everyone else had gone home already. I changed quickly, washing away as much blood as I could. Finally, I looked almost as good as new. With the blood gone and a change of clothes, I made my way to the principals office.

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