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{With the release of this chapter,there is a new warning. Mentions of Suicide. In this chapter, there isn't really the need, but it is mentioned. There will be more detail on this topic in a later chapter where there will be another warning. Also, there is gore warning for this chapter at the end. Now, please enjoy the story}

The students were all confused, trying to figure out what was going on. Sneaking up behind Denki, I placed a hand on his shoulder. He jumped in surprise, turning to look at me with terrified eyes.
"You have a lot of explaining to do"
With those words, I ran infront of everyone.
"Is this like the entrance exam where the lesson's already started?"
"Dont move!"
Looking at Aizawa, I saw him reach for his goggles. No doubt about it. This was a villain attack.
"Those are villains"
His words shocking everyone. No one had expected this. I was probably the only student with actual experience fighting villains. This was bad.
"Thirteen and Eraserhead, huh? The teachers schedule we received the other day said that All Might was also supposed to be here."
A face with glowing yellow eyes formed at the top of the portal.
The guy in the middle started speaking, his low voice carrying itself across the room.
"Where is he? I went through the trouble of bringing this whole crowd, too... All Might... The Symbol of Peace... I can't believe he's not here."
Yeah, he's not, so please go home hands dude. Take the portal guy and bird brain with you when you go.
"I wonder if he'll come if we kill some kids?"
Ok, you are now officially on the Huntresses radar. You don't hurt children.
Aizawa activated his quirk, his hair standing straight and his scarf unraveling quickly.
"What about the trespasser sensors?"
They wouldn't work because of Denki! He has so much to explain!
"We have them, of course, but..."
"Did they only appear here, or around the whole school? Either way, if the sensors are not responding, that means they have someone with a quirk that can do that."
Or a fucking pikachu.
"An isolated area separated from the main campus during a time when a class is supposed to be here. They might be fools, but they are not dumb. This surprise attack was carefully planned with some sort of goal in mind."
You hit the fucking nail on the fucking head Todoroki.
After Todoroki's big speech, Aizawa ordered Thirteen to start the evacuation. He even told Denki to try contacting the school with his quirk.
"What about you, sir? Will you fight by yourself?"
Midoriya, he will manage. I hope.
"You can't be a hero with just one trick. I'm leaving it to you, Thirteen"
With those final words, he lept into action. Racing down the stairs, straight into the army of villains. You fool! Even a team of heroes would struggle with that many villains. You're on your own.
Watching him attack, it was amazing. He was like a one man army. One villain fell after the other. He didn't show any sign of slowing down either. These low level villains didn't even stand a chance. The ones by the portal guy could cause some problems. I wanted to help him, but I didn't want to let Denki out of my sight.
Eraser or Denki?
Eraser or Denki?
Launching forward and down the steps, I ignored the shouts of my classmates and Thirteen. Sero even tried grabbing me with his tape, yet I just dodged it. Their shouts stopped when they saw me fighting.
Activating the yang side of my quirk, I blinded the villains. That gave Eraserhead the chance to knock them out, leaving them in the ever growing pile of unconscious villains.
"Making up for something I did"
He stared at me for a few seconds before continuing to attack. Looking up at my classmates, I saw the portal guy had surrounded them, then they were gone. Small portals appearing above each section of the USJ. Maybe it was a good thing I left.
Aizawa and I continued to fight, only stopping at a loud sound coming from the water zone. The ship was sinking. Although we only stopped for a moment, that moment was long enough. A villain with sharp blade like nails grabbed me. His nails digging slightly into my neck, drawing blood.
"That's enough Eraserhead. Surrender, or she dies"
He looked from me to the villain. As both a hero and a teacher, it was his duty to try and save me, but there were many others who needed saving. There was no other choice.
"Do you trust me?"
He stared at me, confused by my question.
"Of course I trust you"
"Then look away if you don't want nightmares"
"I already have nightmares"
Sighing, I stood up straight, the villains nails digging even deeper.
"What are you planning, little girl?"
"A suicide"
I stepped forward. The nails pierced my main arteries, blood pouring out the wound and onto the floor. The villain screamed, pulling his hand away from my neck in an attempt to get away. The movement ripping my neck open, the flesh hanging by the smallest of veins. Taking another step forward, I felt my legs giving out and my head hitting the ground. Then my vision went black. The last thing I saw was Eraser running at me, screaming.

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