What have I done

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~Kazu's POV~

Sleep came easily for me. Well. As easy as you can get when your sleeping between two killers in an abandoned hospital. More specifically, an abandoned psychiatric hospital. An insane asylum. With broken windows and signs of murder everywhere, it was a dark and haunted place. Not even the bravest heroes dared enter.
Waking up was also quite interesting. Both men had their arms wrapped tightly around me, protecting me from the cold and any who might want to harm us. Looking through the broken windows, I saw the first rays of dawn reaching over the city. I needed to get up. I couldn't leave here in broad daylight. However, I didn't want to disturb them. Thinking up a simple plan, I set to work. Using my quirk, I was able to push them closer together as I wormed my way out of their arms. After many minutes, I was finally free. Turning to look at my handy work, it was a sight to behold. Dabi had an arm draped over Stains's waist, while Akaguro had his hand on Dabi's upper back. I wish I had a camera. They were going to kill me when they woke up.
Looking around, I saw my backpack, and a burnt corpse. I really don't want to question it.
Grabbing my backpack and walking into another room, I changed quickly. I wrote a note explaining where I was going and left the boys to the awkward wake up.
Sneaking out the building and onto the streets took all of 10 minutes. The place was a Labrinth I had walked countless times, yet still managed to get lost in. The fresh air greeted me as I began to walk to school. A scream sounded behind me. Then another. Then there was silence. Should I run?
I'm running. I'm dead if they catch me. No doubt about it.

Finally, I made it to school. I stopped, gasping for breath. That was a mistake. A swarm of reporters ran at me. Lights flashing, cameras recording, note pads and pens ready.
"Miss, what is it like having All Might as a teacher?"
A woman with neatly tied hair and an annoying smile asked me. Tilting her mic forward and waiting for a reply.
"Well, he is very....loud?"
"Please continue"
"He's also very smiley? And... energetic. But he is a good teacher. In one lesson, we learnt a lot."
They continued to bombard me with questions. It was overwhelming. They just wouldn't let me leave. Eventually, I saw my saviour.
"My peers will be able to help you more. I see one of them now."
Pointing at poor Iida, the reporters turned away. I quickly ran inside and to the classroom. Sitting at my desk quickly, catching my breath. That's when I noticed someone staring at me.
Looking up, I saw the tired and sad eyes of Mr. Aizawa.
"Sir? Are you ok?"
"I'm fine Kazu. Why were you in such a rush?"
"Reporters sir. Also, your not fine. It's obvious. What's wrong?"
"Is it really that obvious?"
"You looks even more tired than normal. Your eyes are puffy from tears and your hair is even messier. What happened?"
He stared at me, then let out a sigh.
"A villain attack. Can you help me? How do I sort out the puffy eyes?"
"A cold compress or face cream will do. Hold on, I have some cream, it should be cold enough."
Reaching into my bag, I pulled out a small tub of cream. As expected, it was cold enough.
"Can you help Mic and my son as well? They are in the teachers lounge."
With a quick nod, we started walking. The halls were quiet. Iida was still busy outside. Probably giving some big speech. Opening the door, I saw Mic and a purple haired boy sitting on the couch. They both had a far off look on their face. This is worse than I thought.
"Alright, do you guys want to do it yourself or-"
"Can you apply the cream? You sound like you know what you're doing."
With a nod, I knelt infront of the purple haired boy. Opening the small tub, I set to work.
"So, what's your name?"
His voice was so quiet. He sounded so sad. What have I done?
"What happened? A villain attack might shake up a first year, but two pro's? It couldn't have been a normal attack. Someone high profile? Stain or the Huntress?"
That's when Mic burst into tears. His sobs echoing across the room.
"We had a deal. She helped me once and I wouldn't tell anyone. I told the class, she found out and threatened the safety of those I care about"
I fucked up
"I'm sorry"
They all stared at me. Shit. What do I say!?
"That's really rough. Having those around you threatened because of something you did. I'm sorry you had to go through that."
With those words, they seemed to relax.
"Shinso, your done. Just wait a few minutes just in case I need to apply more. Aizawa, your next."
"No. Do Mic first"
"Sir, Mic wears glasses so it's easier to hide. I can do him last. Please sit down"
Without any more protest, he sat. I began applying the cream, making sure to be slow and gentle to not aggravate the skin.
"If it helps, I think it was an empty threat. She has never hurt anyone who has not hurt someone else first. Phoedaphiles, rapists, kidnappers and murderers. For three years, these people have died by her hands. Why would she hurt a hero when they are not like her targets."
Suddenly, I was pulled into a hug by Aizawa, then the other two joined in. They started crying.
"Thank you. That helps so much."
Shinso thanked me. His voice loud and clear this time.
Then I saw Mic go to wipe his eyes.
"Mic don't you dare wipe those tears! You'll only make your puffy eyes worse!"
He froze instantly. Then smiled.
"Sorry Kazu. Couldn't help it."
They let me go quickly as I ran to get a tissue. Moving Mics glasses out the way, I began to gently wipe his tears away.

Eventually, I was finished with the cream. I left them with a list of instructions next time this happens, as well as things they can do if they don't have cream.
As eventful as the morning was, my day had only just begun. Yet already, I had one big question on my mind.
What have I done?

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