Welcome to the family

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When I woke up, I was alone. Completely alone. Getting up, I began searching for the boys. They weren't anywhere on the third floor, or the second, or the first. They were in the basement, fighting.
Shinso was against my brothers, and doing alright... but they were going easy on him.
When they saw me, they all stopped fighting.
"Does anyone care to explain?"
Shinso ran towards me, breathing heavily and sweat dripping off of him. Eyes sparkling with amazement.
"I asked them how strong they were and they offered to fight me. They are so strong!"
I chuckled at his amazement.
"Don't worry Kaz, Stain and I were going easy on him"
"I know Dabi. You were treating him like a baby"
Shinso stared at me, shocked. Right, he doesn't know how strong they are.
"Boys, feel like giving a demonstration?"
They nodded. After getting Shinso a bottle of water and something to sit on, we got ready for our fight. It was me against the boys, which Shinso wasn't happy about. Once we were all ready, we started a countdown.
I ran around the room, disappearing from sight before attacking from behind. As my foot went to collide with Dabi's head, he shot his arm out, a blast of fire shooting from his hands. I barely missed it. Once the flames were gone, I used his outstretched hand to flip myself over him, landing infront of him and throwing him over my shoulder. He hit the floor harshly as Stain tried attacking me. I was forced to go on the defensive as he attacked me with his knives. One cut and its game over, with him anyway. Dabi got up behind him, blasting a ball of fire at me as Stain jumped away. Leaning backwards, the fire skimmed my head as it went over me. Dropping to the floor, I rolled away from the blast, using the blinding light of the fire to my advantage. I attacked Dabi, giving him a strong kick to the stomach that sent him flying backwards. He quickly recovered, running at me. I prepared to dodge an attack, but it never came. Instead, he stopped a few feet away, circling me as Stain appeared in sight, doing the same thing. Once they had circled me enough times, they ran at me. I jumped high into the air, using Stains head to jump away as they collided into each other. They hit their heads, hard, causing them to give up as they saw stars. The fight was over in just two minutes. Turning to Shinso, he just stared at us.
"Was that...?"
"No that was only with half our strength. If we fought full strength, the building might collapse"
He continued to stare at us, his eyes wide as he began to understand how strong some villains were.
As he thought about it, I began healing everyone's injuries. It didn't take long. As I was busy healing Dabi, Shinso stood up.
"C-Can you train me?"
Stain dropped the bottle of water he was holding, it's contents spilling onto the floor as we stared at him.
"Kid, you'd be one of us. You'd be a villain. Are you sure about that?"
"I won't kill, but I don't mind helping if your fighting a large group. Just please, I want to be a hero, I want to help people. I can't do that with how weak I am. Please"
He sounded desperate. Dabi and I walked over to Stain, discussing it in hushed voices.
"I'm ok with it, but what about you? What do you think of his wish to be a hero?"
"It's genuine. He might just be a true hero. It would be an honor to train him"
"What about you Dabi?"
"His parents are heroes right?"
"Yeah. Present Mic and Eraserhead"
"That makes things difficult. He will have to learn how to lie quickly, or it will cause trouble."
"Yeah, but what do you think about his willingness to get involved?"
"He believes we won't just train him"
"Well he's not wrong"
"So? Train him?"
They both nodded. We turned to face him, his face pale and body shaking as he waited for our answer.
"Vampire, I know you have a silver tongue but are you a good liar?"
He nodded quickly. Stain continued our little speech.
"That's good. If you get caught, we all get caught."
He continued staring at us, confused. Dabi walked towards him, holding a hand out for him to grab.
"Welcome to the family kid"
Shinso's face brightened instantly, shooting to his feet, he pulled Dabi into a hug, then moved to Stain. When he reached me, he gave me a kiss on the forehead. Dabi pulled him away from me, dragging him upstairs to get him a scarf, a scarf we all had. It was red, with three small gems in the middle, forming a triangle.
"He's like a kid in a candy store"
"He's sure is, but he's now part of the family. You know what that means. You have to look out for him."
"I know my little hunter. He needs a villain name, costume"
"Firstly, he needs training. He will be a liability for a while, but after enough training, he'll be good. Besides, a villain name is no good if he gets caught on the first night"
"What do you think we should train him in?"
We thought about it for a while. What could we train him in? We all fought in completely different ways. Stain switches from close, quick attacks to long range then back to close. Dabi likes attacking from a distance with his quirk. I try and one shot people. Our fighting style works with our quirks. Thinking logically, Shinso would be better long range or... I've got it
"Stain, you know Eraserhead's scarf"
"He trains with that. We could use that training and transfer it to string"
"Like a spider?"
"Like a puppeteer"
We thought about it for a while. When Dabi and Shinso came back down, Stain was pulling apart part of the ceiling.
"Shinso, we have an idea. You need to be able to fight even with your quirk. You have experience using your dad's scarf, so we would like to train you using string"
"Wire proficiency?"
I nodded as Stain threw two small disks at me. I handed them to Shinso.
"They should be small enough to hide on your wrist, we will start training tomorrow. Be here by sunset"
"What will I tell my dads?"
"You are joining me on my nightly walks? I don't know"
With a sigh, he put them in his pocket. We explained our idea of a villain name to him, and he liked it. When the sun began to set, we said goodbye and I walked him home.

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