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What do I do? How do I get him to snap out of his shock? Should I ask one of the heroes for help? No. They are already bothered by the fact that I'm here.
"Hey, Kamui Woods?"
He didn't react. Ok, calling him won't help.
Shuffling closer, I began poking his arm. He still didn't react.
"I wonder.... if he's a tree, will he absorb water or will it roll off him?"
He didn't even blink at my plan. Oh well. I need money for this to work, and I'm not allowed to go outside without permission.
Looking closely at him, I saw a pocket hidden behind his belt. The top half of his wallet was sticking out. Easy target. I noticed none of the heroes were paying any attention to us. Even better. Reaching over, I carefully slid his wallet out. Rummaging through it, I found a few notes and coins. Perfect. Quietly sliding it back into his pocket, I began the next stage of my plan.
Walking to the vending machine, I bought some water. The bottle made a lot of noise as it fell, causing everyone but my target to glance at me. Moving onto the next stage, I snuck back towards him. Standing infront of him, I opened the bottle. I only need a little bit of water. Looking at the hero, I saw he was watching me. This will be good. Tilting the bottle slowly, his eyes watching closely as the water creeped closer and closer to the mouth of the bottle. Then he realised what I was planning.
"WAIT!! I'M OK!!"
He scrambled away from me, his eyes wide, until he felt far enough away.
"Well that got your attention"
Quickly putting the lid back on, I sat down in my corner. After a few minutes, he shuffled closer to me, his eyes never leaving the bottle.
"Where did you even get the money?"
"I loaned it"
"From who?"
"A tree"
"A tree? You loaned money from a tree?"
"She stole it from you!"
Looking towards the door, I saw a bored Mt Lady and a grinning Death Arms.
"Wait! What!"
I have never seen a man check his wallet so fast. As he stared at me, Death Arms started asking me questions.
"Where did you learn to pickpocket?"
"I was bored so I watched YouTube and practiced it on my brother"
"You have a brother?"
"Two, although they aren't actually my brothers"
"Why was Kamui on the floor?"
"He was shocked by the fact that I have never seen the Sports Festival"
"Well that is surprising"
Death Arms didn't ask any more questions. Instead, he walked outside, Mt Lady following behind him.
Turning back to the talking tree, I saw him staring at me. I stared back at him. Both of us refusing to blink. Getting tired of not blinking, I snapped my fingers. He blinked.
"Why were you staring at me?"
"You stole my wallet"
"I put it back"
"You almost poured water on my head"
"I wanted to see if you would absorb it. Plus, you weren't responding"
With a sigh, he changed the topic.
"So, Kazu right? What's your quirk? I didn't see much of it."
"It's Yin and Yang. Basically, I can control light and darkness, and heal myself"
Nodding his head, he stood and left. Turning back to the TV, I saw that the next match had started. Todoroki vs Sero. Sero shot his tape towards Todoroki, then tried to swing him out of bounds. That didn't work. Todoroki released a powerful blast of ice from his foot. The ice spikes reaching far above the roof and shaking the stadium. That was a bit overkill. He normally has control. Did something happen?

After they cleaned up the ice, the matches continued normally. First, it was Denki against a girl from 1-B, Ibara Shiozaki. She easily won. When Denki released 1.3 million volts at her, she just turned around, creating a layer of plants that protected her. Denki entered his dumb mode, giving her a chance to immobilise him. She was really strong.
Then it was Iida vs a girl in a support course. There was a bit of drama as Iida was using a device she had made. It turned into a giant advertisement. Eventually, she just walked out.
The other matches all finished quickly. Eventually, I just stopped paying attention. I was tired, I needed to sleep. After a few minutes of staring blankly at the TV, I fell asleep.

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