Dinner with the Todoroki's

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The walk home was quiet. The streets were almost empty, for a change, due to the sports festival. Those who were out were either going home, or for an early start at the pub.
A tall man started walking next to me. His grey hoodie covering his triangular face, his hands in his pockets. He just looked suspicious.
"Akugaro. If you can't act like a normal person, don't try."
"What's that supposed to mean?"
His voice quiet, eyes frantically searching the streets.
"You look like a villain. I know you are one, but seriously Stain, just relax. Stop looking about, take your hands out your pockets. Walk normally."
He did as I said, but he still looked suspicious. "How do I make a murder not look strange?"
"Says you. Your kill count is higher than mine"
"Yeah, a lot higher. Also, why are you walking me home?"
"My stunt at the festival?"
"What were you thinking?!"
"I have already had this lecture. I don't need it again."
He stared at me confused.
"From who?"
My face turned bright red as I denied it, my mind wandering to the water fight earlier.
"Is he the boy who helped you sleep?"
I nodded my head, my face turning even brighter.
"Does my little hunter have a crush"
It was less a question and more a statement.
"Piss off. We're here"
With a quick goodbye, he left. Now to tell my parents about Endeavours offer. Walking through the front door, I came face to face with an angry father. Most likely a bad day at work, and I was extremely late coming home.
"Where were you young lady? You were supposed to be training with your sister."
"Sorry father. Endeavour has asked us to join him for dinner tonight."
My mothers head popped round the corner.
"Well that's lovely. Did he give a time?"
"No mother"
"Well, we better get ready and leave. Quickly now"
We all hurried to our rooms, dressing quickly and leaving. Because of the Todoroki's traditional style, we all wore kimonos.
Cho wore a dark blue kimono that had butterflies covering the skirt. Her hair was pulled into a bun with a blue butterfly pin.
The skirt of my kimono was almost black, with small flower petals along the bottom. The top was white with flowers. I had a purple flower attached to its side. My hair was in a neat bun.

By the time we arrived, the sun was beginning to set. Endeavour welcomed us inside and guided us to the dinner table. There were many traditional dishes ready for us. Sushi, Udon, Tempura, Onigiri. They were just some of the many food that I could name. Sitting down quietly, we began eating. Mother and father talked to Endeavour a lot and Cho talked to Fuyumi. Natsuo, Shoto and I sat in silence. It was annoying being here, but I didn't have much of a choice.
The meal was interrupted when Endeavour started talking about Touya.
"It was such a shame he couldn't control his quirk."
Then my mother gave her unnecessary opinion.
"I know. If only he was still around. He could make Shoto rise to glory faster. Help Cho while he was at it too."
"If he was still here, he could have done just that."
"If Touya was still here, he would have left. He would not allow you to use him as a tool. He is human, with his own thoughts and feelings. Not some object for you to use and discard."
My words made mother, father and Endeavour angry. Mother stood up, reaching across the table and grabbing my wrist. Her nails digging into my skin as she pulled me close.
"Listen here you brat! You are a tool just like that useless child was! You will be used until you can't be used anymore! Whether that's in my science or you sisters training, you were made to be used! Now be a good tool and sit down!"
She released me, sitting back down elegantly, any hint of anger on her features disappearing instantly. I stared at her, then at father, then at Endeavour. All three of them were angry. I wasn't going to stay here. Not with them.
"I hope I have not ruined your day, or your meal."
Standing quickly, I bowed before leaving, my barely touched food completely forgotten. Servants rushed to open the door as I stormed out into the garden. The door never closed behind me. Someone was running after me.
"Kazu wait!"
It was Todoroki. I owed him an explanation. He doesn't remember me visiting when I was younger. I began coughing , causing me to stop. At least it wasn't bad this time.
A cold hand was placed on my shoulder. Looking at him, I saw he was worried.
"I'm ok. Don't worry."
"You knew Touya? How?"
"We met at a park when we were little. I visited often and sometimes watched him train. I stopped visiting a year after his death."
"You're the one who broke my old mans arm"
Silence settled over us as we walked around. Eventually, we stopped under a large oak in the corner of the garden. Sitting on a low branch, we continued our conversation.
"Your a tool?"
"Yeah. A mouse in mothers experiments and a punching bag in sisters training. I fill the role your brother might have taken."
"A tool for others success"
His words were full of empathy. Poor Shoto.
"Have you been to see your mom?"
He shook his head, his eyes full of sorrow.
"Maybe you should go see her? I'm sure she misses you."
"Yeah. How do you do it?"
"Do what?"
"Deal with everything?"
I paused. I let my frustration out on my victims, but I can't tell him that.
"I don't know. I just go on long walks to clear my head."
Silence settled over us. Neither of us spoke for hours. We just watched the stars. At midnight, I said goodbye to Shoto and left. My parents and sister were still talking so I walked home on my own.
As I was walking, my phone buzzed. Shinso was messaging. Why was he up so late?
         Hey vampire, why aren't you asleep?—
—I could ask you the same thing
  Just stormed out of a dinner party. You?—
—Nightmares. What happened?
                                          Fuck face fire hero—
—Must have been bad for you to swear.
    You out walking?
—Mind if I join you?
                            Fine. I'll meet you at yours—
—See you soon Kaz
As I put my phone away, I turned around. I was already halfway home but never mind. With a sigh, I began the longish walk to Shinso's.

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