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Walking through the front door, I began preparing myself for my parents anger. I had seen my fathers face in the meeting. With how angry he was, I would be lucky to live. As I began walking to my room, my father spoke. His tone venomous and his words screaming fury.
"Where do you think you're going?"
Cho ran to her room. Her sobs echoing louder than her footsteps through the barren halls.
"To change"
That's when mother started speaking. She had been quiet the whole ride home.
"I don't think so"
She walked towards me with a strut reserved for those in power. Right now, she had all the power in the world. Grabbing my wrist harshly, she began dragging me through the house. The clacking of her heals in tune with the waves of fear that pulsed through my veins. She normally never got involved when I messed up. But this time, her perfect daughter was almost kicked out of the best school in the country. In her eyes, I was the cause.
When we reached the stairs leading to the basement, she threw me infront of her. My body tumbling down and crashing into the vault like door. My head hitting it roughly. Pain scattered around my head. A warm liquid slipping down my neck, staining my shirt collar crimson.
"Get up"
My mother's angelic voice ringing through my ears like a siren. Scrambling to my feet, I stood to the side as she descended the steep concrete steps. She opened the door with an unusual elegance for a woman ready to murder and to maim. Looking at the top of the stairs, I saw my father staring at me. His body a dark silhouette in the bright light that shone behind him. It's beautiful rays illuminating his pearly teeth and wicked smile. His lime eyes staring into my soul.
"Come along"
My mothers high pitched voice startling me. Walking through the door and to the centre of the room, my breathing quickening with each step.
"Good girl"
Turning to face my mother, I awaited my punishment. A door slammed behind me, the vault door locking as my father began speaking.
"Your mother and I have only ever asked for you to do one thing. Do you remember what it was?"
"Yes father"
He laughed. His low voice bouncing off the walls.
"Remind us dear"
My mother turned to me, her cynical smile shaking me to my core.
"Help Cho rise to glory"
A large hand was placed on my shoulder. My fathers hand.
"Yet you almost got her expelled. That deserves some kind of punishment."
My mother walked towards me. A hand behind her back. My father placed his other hand on my left arm. Holding me tightly. I couldn't move even if I tried.
"As you should know, Kazu, there are various chemicals and drugs stored down here. Now tell me. WHAT DOES THIS ONE DO?!"
Her voice turning into a mad shriek as she plunged a needle into my arm. The liquid inside it flowing through my veins as it started to take effect.
"I completely forgot! You won't be able to tell me."
My body froze, the drug paralysing me. I felt my father let me go. I fell to the floor. I couldn't move. Mother had a lot of paralysing drugs. Which one did she use?
My father leant down, resting his hand on my face. Electricity coursed through my veins.
"That's enough. It's no use if she isn't awake to see the end."
Father deactivated his quirk, moving away from me.
"Your turn, my love"
My mother motioned towards something in the corner of the room. My father nodded, lifting me up and carrying my limp body across the room. He lowered me into a chair, the material cold and hard. Standing infront of me, my mother held a metal box. The word 'Chemical' in bold writing on its lid.
"Let the fun begin"
She grabbed my wrist, pinning my hand on a small table that was next to me. Tearing open the lid, she pulled a small vile from it. The clear glass revealing a light blue liquid. She splashed the contents on my arm. The chemical making my skin blister and bleed. The pain was excruciating. I tried to scream, yet my mouth wouldn't move. I could do nothing. Nothing but sit there in agony as she splashed another bottle on my hand. Then another bottle was emptied, this time on my other arm. Then another. And another. Her smile growing with each bottle she emptied onto my skin.
"My love. What was in that needle? It's brilliant stuff whatever it is."
"It's alcuronium chloride. Her body is completely paralysed. She can't even activate her quirk. But she can feel everything. Every. Little. Thing"
With her last three words, she pushed her finger against a wound. Blood was pouring out of my arms. My skin littered with blisters, cracks and rashes. I knew that she wasn't done yet. Mother was like the devil in disguise. Sadistic and cruel, yet she looked, sounded and acted as if she were an angel. Right now, she was no angel.
Her voice full of joy as she ran her hands over my arms. Her nails scratching at my wounds, staining her hands with blood.
"Don't tell me your stopping now my love"
She chuckled. The noise barely audible over the pain. Her chuckle turned into a giggle. Then into laughter. Then she stopped. She stared at me. Her eyes wide, her smile reaching from ear to ear.
"I'm no where near done"

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