One unlucky morning

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Waking up before dawn was normal. Nightmares plagued my sleep and my late nights never helped. I knew trying to get back to sleep was useless. Yet, like a fool, I tried...and I tried...and I tried some more.
I give up.
Deciding to play on my phone for a bit, I rolled over. That was a mistake. With a loud thud echoing off the walls, and a solid surface pushing against my back, I realised what I had done. Staring at the far away ceiling, I sighed.
Just great.
Looking to my side, I noticed a small lump under the carpet. Lifting it up, I found the dagger I had been given. I noticed the beautiful blade shining in the morning light. A slight red tint along the edge. Holding it with one finger was easier than expected, as it balanced perfectly.
Standing up, I decided to make my easy to the kitchen for breakfast. Probably something small. Not really thinking, I stepped forwards, only for my world to turn upside down. Looking at the source of my fall, I realised I had slipped on my blanket.
For fucks sake.
Grumbling to myself, I stood yet again. This time, I watched the floor and walked with a slow and steady pace. Eventually, I made it into the kitchen. Now I could eat. Unfortunately, there was nothing to eat. No fruit. No oats. No nothing. The cupboards. The fridge. Empty.
Sighing in annoyance, I walked back to my room. Changing quickly and grabbing my phone. Picking up the dagger before I left, I looked at the handle. There were Latin words burnt into it. 'fidem meam nota jacet apud vos'. My loyalty lies with you. Interesting choice of words Akaguro. Looking it over one last time, I placed it in a specialised belt. It was designed to lay against your skin for a concealed weapon. The blade slid into the belt, resting against my side. Easy to grab, impossible to notice. With one final check it was hidden, I left for school.

Yet again, the only other person in school was Iida. We talked for a bit until others arrived. Their own conversations starting. One caught everyone's attention. Bakugo had been talking with someone called Kirishima about the news. A murder had been the top story.
The Huntress Strikes Again.
It was terrifying. The whole class was trying to guess who the Huntress was, while she was sitting in the same room as them. They started talking about when she first appeared, her first victim, if she has a quirk and so much more. Eventually, Aizawa walked in. He listened to what they were saying, when the question of 'is she good or bad' was asked, he froze.
"I don't know"
Suddenly, at the sound of his voice, everyone ran to their seats. Then Iida spoke out.
"Mr Aizawa. Why don't you know? She has killed people. That makes her a villain. Does it not?"
"It does. However, she kills to stop others being hurt. She also saved my life when she could have left me defenceless against a strong group of villains. Is that something a villain would do?"
I stared at him. I had told him not to tell anyone. He looked at me. He met my gaze before speaking to me.
"Is there a problem Kazu?"
Everyone turned to look at me. Their gazes examining me. Waiting for an answer, or any clue of one.
"She's a villain, your a hero. She saved her enemy. Do you know why she did that?"
"No I don't. I would like to find out. Kazu, do you have any idea why?"
Shit. He's suspicious.
It looked as though he was about to say something else, when a low growl spread around the room. The source of the sound? My empty stomach. There was an awkward silence before everyone started laughing. Although Aizawa continued to stare at me, he looked amused.
Thanks stomach. This will be the gossip of the day, but you saved me.

The day continued normally. English was boring, and people kept trying to give me food. Thinking it was a normal day, I began to relax. I was wrong.
The door was thrown open as a large blond man stepped in.
How was that normal? Why is All Might teaching us? Why am I so unlucky?

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