First Day

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Walking through the city was always strange. Some mornings there was nothing eventful, others, I could be in a robbery or a villain fight. Every day was something new. Just like today, something was different. There was no drama. No fights. The streets where quiet, no one was awake yet. The sun had only just began to rise and only those who rose with it would notice a lone girl on the streets.
It was the beginning of April, a new school year was starting. Just like many others, It was my first day at a new school. Unlike many others, I was on my way to the best hero school in Japan. UA.

After a long walk, I finally entered the school. Fishing out the letter I had received, I began looking for my class. Class 1-A. After getting lost and walking around the whole school, I finally found it. The large door towering over my petit frame. It look too heavy to even open, yet with only a small push, I was able to walk in, the door slamming behind me. Looking around, there were many empty seats, with only one person there. The boy I met at the entrance exams. What was his name again? Oh yeah... it was-
"Miss Kaminari. I'm glad to see you passed"
"It's good to see you too Iida and please, call me Kazu"
After our small greeting, we started talking about lots of different things. Getting to know each other as time went on. Other people slowly entered, greeting us and finding their seats. That's until a certain pikachu walked in.
We yelled upon seeing each other. Running into each other's arms in a tight embrace.
"I haven't seen you in ages Kaz, you didn't tell me you got into UA."
"Yeah, sorry. I wanted to surprise you"
Suddenly, we both fell to the floor laughing. It was good to see him again. Unfortunately, an angry blond slammed the door open.
"This must be the wrong class. I didn't come here for two shitty extras fucking reunion"
"Rude. We're cousins fuck nugget. Who are you angry Pomeranian?"
"You. Your all bark and no bite. Aren't you?"
With the screech of a mad man, he came running at me. But was stopped by some redhead.
After a long argument, and a smack to the head from Denki, we sat in our seats. Every few minutes sending each other a glare. A unsaid agreement to one day fight each other forming through each glance.
Eventually my sister walked in, makeup and all. All the boys stared at her as she found her seat. A perverted grape, who I had not noticed, walking up to her with lust in his eyes. Her problem.
Looking outside, I saw a certain burnt human watching me. Not entering the gates. Giving him a small wave, he left knowing I was safe. Disappearing into the shadows as some students walked past.
My attention was then drawn to Iida, who was yelling at the blond for having his feet on the desk. Their argument only stopping due to a boy with green curly hair. They started talking then some girl walked in. The broccoli became extremely flustered. It was funny.
Then a voice interrupted them. A voice that was too familiar. A tall man walked into the room with messy hair, bags under his eyes, and a yellow sleeping bag. You have got to be kidding me.

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