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Looking at my watch, I saw that it was already halfway through lunch. There won't be any food left at the cafeteria. I might as well hang out with Aoyama. I have nothing better to do. Sighing, I began walking to class. That was until I overheard a conversation between Iida, Midoriya and Uraraka.
"For money?! You want to become a hero for money?"
Hiding around a corner, I listened closely.
"To boil it down simply, yes... Sorry it's such an unwholesome reason. You two have such admirable motivations, it's embarrassing..."
"Why? How is having a goal to support your livelihood not admirable?"
"Right. But it's unexpected."
Uraraka. You better hope Akaguro never hears you say that. If he does, you might not live long enough to make any money.
"My family owns a construction company, but we haven't gotten any work at all, so we're flat broke. This really isn't something to tell other people, though..."
I didn't need to hear any more. It's obvious. You want to be able to help your family, Uraraka. Your too nice to want the money for yourself.
I began walking to class, my mind wondering to my next encounter with a Mic. Should I act surprised when he arrives. Should I ask for something in return? Do I make it a contract, or a one off? Do I even bother? Do I try and scare him? Do I act with hostility or kindness? Do I reveal who the Huntress is? No. That's stupid. I might give him a hint. What if he brings other heroes or the police force? He wouldn't risk it. He sounded too genuine. Do I-
My thoughts cut short by a body colliding with mine. We both fell to the ground, a body landing on top of mine. We lay there for a moment, both trying to figure out what happened. Then, he lifted himself up, a hand on either side of my head. Now I could see who I had bumped into.
His messy indigo hair hanging around his head. His purple eyes focused solely on me. Shinso...
As I lay there dazed, his focus moved to our position. A blush spread across his face. His eyes widening as he scrambled to his feet. He stood there, frozen in place as I got to my feet. My mind now back to reality. My face as red as his.
The sound of something dropping to the floor made us turn. Staring at us was a very angry Bakugo. On the floor, a half eaten pepper.
His words echoing down the halls as he ran at Shinso. Explosions from each hand and a dangerous look on his face. He was getting closer and closer. One of his hands reaching infront of him. Thinking quickly, I ran infront of Shinso. Closing my eyes, I waited for the explosion. I waited for the yelling. Yet there wasn't any. Opening my eyes, I saw a hand centimetres from my face. Then it moved away. An angry blond filled my vision, awaiting explanation.
"What the fuck were you doing to her?"
"He wasn't doing anything Bakugo! We crashed into each other! It was just an accident!"
"Are you hurt?"
Pushing me out the way, he stepped towards Shinso. Shinso towering over Bakugo.
"Listen here you fucking purple freak! Kazu is like the sister I never had! If I find you doing anything to her! I will fucking kill you! Am I clear freak?!"
Shinso looked Bakugo in the eye. His eyes shining with determination.
They stared at each other, a contest between a tired teen and an angry teen. The tired teen won. Groaning in annoyance, Bakugo turned and left. Leaving his discarded pepper on the ground.
Shinso and I looked at each other.
"When did..."
"I don't know"
Looking up at him, I realised just how tall he was. He towered over my small body.
"How tall as you?"
My question surprised him, but he still answered quickly.
"5ft 9, almost 5ft 10. Why?"
"Shit your tall"
He grinned an evil grin. Leaning down to my height, he looked me up and down.
"And your short. How short are you anyway?"
Sulking, I gave a quiet reply.
"5ft 1"
He began laughing, all embarrassment from earlier washed away.
"You are really short"
Pushing him with all the strength I could muster for his comment didn't seem to do much. He didn't even move. What the fuck? Pushing him again, he still didn't move.
He began laughing. Then pulled me close to him. New found confidence obvious in his eyes.  He whispered in my ear one word.
Then he took off. Running through the halls as I chased after him. How dare he call me out on my shortness! How dare he make me blush so much!
Running through the halls, a large person came into veiw. A large blond person. Shinso ran behind him, completely disappearing from sight.
"Shinso... stop hiding behind All Might!"
My voice playful as he hid. Glancing at me once or twice as he caught his breath.
"What is going on here young Kazu?"
"He's calling me out for being..."
That's when I realised All Might would probably join in. He was a giant.
"Being what?"
That's when Shinso started laughing. Poking his head out from behind All Might.
"For being short! I called her out for being short!"
All Might began laughing with Shinso.
"Well you are quite small young Kazu"
He began laughing even louder than before. The sound attracting student's and teachers to the area. Once the crowd was large enough, Shinso took off. He was quick, but not quick enough. Seeing him running away, I took off after him. All Might tried to block me, but I just slid under his legs. We continued running through the halls, I almost caught up to him. Until he turned a corner, completely disappearing. Asshole.
With him nowhere in sight, and lunch now over, I returned to class.

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