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When I arrived at Shinso's, he was standing outside, playing on his phone. His breath visible in the cold air. He was wearing simple blue jacket that was zipped all the way to his chin. He was wearing black jeans and simple black and white trainers. His hair messier than normal.
When he saw me, his jaw dropped as he stared at me.
"You'll catch flies"
He still didn't close his mouth. Instead, he just moved towards me.
"Why the kimono?"
"Dinner at fuck face's place"
"You look beautiful"
Blushing, I turned around and started walking away. He didn't follow me, he just stood under the streetlight confused.
"Come on. You wanted to walk with me, right?"
He nodded, jogging to my side as I continued walking. As we walked, I complained about dinner. When I got to my mothers speech, I glossed over the details.
"Is she the reason your hands covered in blood?"
He grabbed my arm, raising it so I could see. Her nails had punctured my skin when she grabbed me. The blood had covered my hand in a thin layer of red. Although most of it was dry, it still looked bad. Looking at Shinso, he appeared both worried and very angry.
"I'm fine. It's just a scratch. I'll heal it now."
"That's a lot of blood"
"I said it's fine. Nothing my sister hasn't done before."
"That's even more concerning"
With a sigh, I healed the wound, although I left blood alone. I wouldn't have gotten it all off anyway.
After I was finished complaining, he started talking about his nightmare. It was a memory of when he was little. The school bully's had heard of his quirk and beat him unconscious, calling him a villain. In the nightmare, they had even suggested he dies so heroes wouldn't have to deal with him.
When he told me that, I spun around, pulling him into a tight hug.
"Don't listen to them. You are amazing and will become a brilliant hero. You will show them how wrong they were. You are a hero, and always will be."
At that moment, I made a difficult decision. I need to tell him who I am. After the hug had ended, and we had been walking for a while, we came across a park. Sitting down on one of the many benches, we gazed at the stars for a while. Then I turned to him.
"H-Hey Shinso?"
He turned to me, looking me in the eye as I tried to find the right words.
"There's something you should know"
"What is it? Is something wrong?"
I stared at him before reaching into my sleeve.
"Close your eyes"
He closed them without hesitating. He trusts me so much, and I'm about to break it.
Pulling out my mask, I placed it silently on my face. Once I was sure it was in place, I told him to open his eyes.
Slowly, he opened them. When he saw my mask, his eyes went wide. He brought a hesitant hand to my face, running his fingers over the wood as they moved to the edge of the mask. He removed the mask, holding it in his hands as he inspected it. He didn't look at me. He didn't talk to me. Not until he had seen every small detail in the mask.
"I already knew"
His words took me by surprise. How did he know? When did he find out? It seemed as though he heard my unasked questions.
"The day after the attack on USJ. You told your cousin, and you were right under my window."
We stared at each other. What can I say? My plan is gone.
"I won't tell anyone"
I nodded my head, my sad eyes looking at my hands. He might not tell anyone, but he might avoid me now that I've confirmed it.
I heard shuffling next to me, then he moved my hands out the way as he place his head in my lap. My mask had been placed on his face, too small to cover it.
"How do I look?"
"Like a fool"
He smiled as he removed the mask, placing it in my hands.
"Wake me up if something happens"
My mind was a whirlwind of thoughts and feelings, but one thing stood out.
"You are the luckiest thing that ever happened to me"
I stared at him as I spoke, a smile forming on my lips. He smiled back, his eyes still closed as he drifted off to sleep. I began to relax as his soft snores filled the air.
After a while, his phone started ringing. It was Mic. Shinso was still asleep, and not wanting to wake him, I answered.
"Hi Hizashi"
"Kaz? Is that you?"
"Yeah. Why are you up so late?"
"Shou woke me when he noticed Shinso was missing. Are you with him?"
"Yeah. He had a nightmare so asked if he could join me on my walk"
"Where are you now?"
"At the park by UA"
I heard a gasp before the phone was handed to Aizawa, the shuffling of footsteps behind him.
"Were on our way. Don't move"
He hung up. It's not like I can move anyway.
Calling his name, Shinso began to stir. It took him a little while to open his eyes though.
"Your dads are on their way"
He bolted upright, his panic causing him to fall off the bench. I laughed as he pulled himself up.
"I'm guessing you didn't ask if you could leave."
He shook his head, muttering a small no as he looked around. When he turned to me, he looked at the mask that was still in my hands.
"Hey, can we hang out. I want to talk about...that"
Nodding my head, I placed the mask back in my sleeve. He sat down next to me, leaning back in the seat with a sigh. Deciding to get payback for him falling asleep on me, I rested my head on his shoulder. He stiffened at the sudden movement, his cheeks going a slight shade of pink. When he relaxed, he swung his arm round my shoulders, making my face go the same shade.
"Hey Kaz"
"Stay by my side, don't ever leave me"
"I won't"
As the sun began to rise on this peaceful morning, two young people sat in silence, enjoying each other's presence. Their bond now stronger than ever before as their hearts beat as one.

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