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When lunch started, Todoroki approached me. He wanted to talk to me. We left silently, no one even noticed we were gone. We walked through the halls until we found a quiet area. There was no one about, it was almost deserted. When he was sure there was no one nearby, he turned to me, his eyes as cold and serious. Not that it was any different to normal.
"Kazu, at dinner, you mentioned being a mouse in your mothers experiments. What did you mean exactly?"
I sighed. So this is why he wanted to talk to me.
"I can't go into detail, but have you heard of the Chemical Scientist Minako?"
"Yeah. She's responsible for creation of 10% of the worlds chemicals and drugs in just 7 years."
"She's my mother"
He stared at me, his eyes wide. Mother was a trusted member of society, but only known by her first name. Early in her career, she was seen as so trustable that she was allowed to have a lab constructed under our house. The lab has everything she needs for creating and testing chemicals and drugs. She even has a walk in freezer full of dangerous stuff. Stuff that normally can't be trusted to one person.
"She runs her experiments in an underground lab. I'm used as her test subject due to my quirks healing abilities, though she was using me before it manifested. Cho doesn't know I'm the lab rat. No one does. No one except mother, father and now you. No one outside the family and a select few government officials even know the lab exists, so don't tell anyone."
He continued staring at me, his mouth opening and closing as he tried to form words. Suddenly, he walked forward, placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry. You should tell someone. It's not right"
"Neither is your fathers abuse, but it happens."
"Kazu! She could kill you!"
"She can't. My quirk can bring me back from the dead"
"How are you so calm?! What she's doing is no different than torture!"
"The world benefits from it"
"That doesn't mean it's right!"
"Imagine how society would react! One of the greatest scientists in human history uses her own daughter as a lab rat! If people believed it, there would be chaos!"
"As long as I have my quirk, there is no physical downside to the experiments!"
"And mentally?"
"I think you know the answer"
Silence settled over us. He could never understand how it feels to be stabbed with a needle, have foreign substances flow through your veins. Or be forced to inhale gas that closes your airways. Leave you suffocating as your mother laughs. To feel something drip onto your skin, your flesh melting and bubbling as blood oozes out of you.
"Kazu....tell someone. Please. Someone should know. Someone like Mr Aizawa. You trust him. Right?"
I reached into my pocket, pulling out a small USB.
"I do trust him, but he can't know. Not yet. Besides, I document everything they do on this. Diaries, photographs, data taken from her computer. Everything. When the time is right, the whole world will know."
"Tell someone like me what? What's on that USB?"
Spinning around, we saw Mr Aizawa standing in the hallway. He was leaning against the wall staring at us.
"Nothing you need to know about yet, sir"
"But Kazu! You need-"
"Todoroki. When the time is right. For now, he doesn't need to know. Mr Aizawa, how much did you hear?"
"Enough to raise concerns. What's on that USB?"
"Nothing important"
He began walking towards me. His hair standing in end as he activated his quirk. Grabbed his scarf, he threw it at me. It wrapped around me as he pulled me towards him. He towered over me, his hand moving to grab the USB, holding it infront of me.
"What's on the USB?"
"Nothing you need to know of"
"Kazu Kaminari"
"Mr Aizawa. Do you think I'm a spy?"
"After what I just heard, I'm not sure"
"I'm no spy. The information on this USB has nothing to do with UA. The information involves a corrupt family. One so corrupt that one of the children is used as a lab rat. I promised that I would not share the information on this USB until they are both ready. Not even with those who can help. Until that day, I cannot tell you"
"You told Todoroki"
"What I told Todoroki barely scratches the surface. He knows what type of stuff is on that USB. Now can you release me and give it back"
He looked from me to Todoroki to the USB, then back to me. He stared at me, eyes full of suspicion, then they changed to worry. He released me, but didn't give the USB back.
"Kazu. Whatever you have gotten yourself into, whoever these people are, talk to me."
"I can't until their both ready"
"I know"
"Can I have the USB back?"
He nodded, allowing me to take the USB from him. With a quick goodbye, Todoroki and I left. Aizawa stared at us until we turned a corner, disappearing from sight. I'm sorry Aizawa, but I can't tell you. Not until Cho knows the truth and is ready to tell others, and she has to find out herself.

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