Recovery Girl

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As I slowly opened my eyes, blinding white light filled my vision. I was in a bed in the nurses office. I need to get back to the tournament. Maybe I can still make it. Rolling off the bed and onto the floor, I began walking towards the exit. I was almost there when I began coughing. Each cough came so quickly and violently that I couldn't breathe. My body crumpled to the floor as my head started hurting. The pain pulsed through me, leaving my mind foggy. Tears filled my eyes as I closed them, as if closing my eyes would block the pain. I could hear footsteps in the distance, coming towards me, then a hand rested on my back. A voice called out to me, they sounded so close yet so far. I couldn't understand what they were saying. The hand left my back as the person walked away. There was yelling, then they came back with someone else.  I was picked up and carried to the bed I had woken in. I curled into a ball as my coughing continued, my body shaking violently. What was happening. Trying to activate my quirk to heal myself, I found it only made it worse. Someone tried to grab my hand, but my movements were to much for them to handle. The other person grabbed my wrist, holding it tightly. I felt something pierce my hand. Then something was placed over my mouth and nose. I began to feel tired. Did they give me a sedative? I need to fight it. I need to get back to the tournament. I can't sleep. Not now. Although I tried to fight the drug, it was too powerful, and my vision filled with darkness.

This time, when I woke up, there was someone next to me. He was tall, with flames around his face and shoulders. Endeavour. Why the fuck was he here?
"Hey, Recovery Girl, she's awake"
I could hear him clearly. Sitting up at the sound of footsteps, I removed the oxygen mask. I didn't start coughing. My head wasn't pounding. Was I ok?
"You gave me quite the fright. If Endevour here hadn't been around, you would have passed out. The sedative is strong so you shouldn't even be awake. It been five minutes. Just where were you trying to go?!"
"The tournament. I need to-"
I was interrupted by a small coughing fit. Lucky, it only lasted a few seconds, but it left my throat dry.
"Here, drink this up"
Recovery Girl handed me a plastic cup filled with water. Drinking it quickly, I gave it back before turning to Endeavour.
"It's been awhile, hasn't it Endeavour?"
"It has. The last time I saw you, you broke my arm. You were also quirkless. When did your quirk manifest?"
"When I was 10"
He sighed.
"You still don't like me, do you?"
"You might as well have killed them yourself"
Recovery Girl looked at us confused.
"It's clear you two need to talk. I'll leave you too it"
Once she had left, we continued our painful conversation.
"I know you miss Touya. You two were close"
"He was like a brother to me!"
"I know"
We sat in silence for awhile, neither of us knowing what to say. Then he broke the silence.
"They miss you. If you have the time, why don't you join us for dinner tonight. You can bring your family too."
"Fine. Only for them"
With a nod, he left. Recovery Girl entered shortly after he left. Although I wasn't allowed to leave and watch the tournament, I still tried. Eventually, after my fifth escape attempt, she had to ask a pro hero for help. That pro-hero ended up being Lunch Rush. Although he tried to keep me occupied, I grew impatient. I wanted to see the tournament.
"Hey, Lunch Rush?"
"What stage is the tournament at?"
"Second stage. I think"
"Ok. Thanks"
Eventually, he had to leave to get some water. Recovery girl watched me as he left. She never turned her back or even blinked. I needed a distraction. Picking up my phone, I quickly searched the school website. They had a number that went straight to the nurses office. I called it. The phone on her desk rang loudly, causing her to turn around and answer it. I quickly got out of bed, making no sound as I ran towards the window. Pulling myself over the edge, I looked down. There was nothing below me. Perfect. Once I was on the ground, a voice came through my phone.
Changing my voice slightly, I began speaking.
"Hi, is this Recovery Girl?"
"Yes, who am I talking to?"
"Kazu Kaminari"
I hung up. Bolting through the school grounds, and into the tournament building. It was only a matter of time before she got everyone looking for me.

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