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~Present Mic's POV~

As the sun said goodnight to the world, I stopped at the entrance to the asylum. The place was falling apart. The gate off its hinges, the door smashed open, windows boarded up or in pieces. In the darkness, it looked haunted. This was a very bad idea. I should turn back. Tell the police what I know, but then Shou won't be safe. I need him to be safe. Shinso stays out of trouble, but Shou always finds it.
Looking around the large building took time. Too much time. I didn't have a choice. I didn't bring any weapons. I could handle a few low level villains, but only a few. I could call out to her, but it was too risky.
I searched for hours. With midnight almost here, I began to worry. What if she wasn't here? What if Kaz lied? Tried to keep me out of trouble by lying? No one could live here. No one.
Walking up to the third floor, I saw a light. It's soft glow was barely visible, but it was there. Reaching the top, I looked around. The place was a mess, but was probably the only liveable part of the building. Stepping slowly towards the light, a figure resting on the couch came into veiw. A book was in their arms, held open on one of the middle pages. Their black coat looked old and worn. It's thin material doing little to block out the cold. Their entire body was covered in black fabric. No wonder her victims never saw her attack. No wonder witnesses couldn't describe her. Her coat hood was up, keeping her hair hidden. Well, most of it. Her head was turned to the side, her mask wonky with small white strands of hair sticking out from under her hood. Her masks position revealing a small section of her face. Although her eyes remained hidden, I could see part of her mouth and nose. Her skin almost as light as her hair. I need to make sure she doesn't kill me. Maybe if I straighten her mask? Reaching over the back of the couch, I went to move her mask. My movements slow to not startle the sleeping killer. A gentil hand grabbed my wrist just before my fingers touched the dark wood.
"Don't even think about it"
Her voice quiet, but deadly. Her words a warning. She let go of my wrist. It felt as though her fingers had never been there. She moved to fix her mask, but never sat up.
"How did you find me?"
Shit. Should I tell her? I need her to trust me for my plan to work.
"W-Well... you see-"
"Was it that girl with the back and white hair?"
She already knew. I nodded my head. I didn't know how to tell her what I want. I haven't even thought it through. Shit. I shouldn't have done this. It's too late now.
"What do you want Present Mic?"
Here goes nothing...or everything.
"You have both saved and threatened my husband in the past."
She was bored. It was obvious.
"And, he keeps getting into trouble with villains."
"That's part of being a hero. Isn't it?"
"Y-Yeah, but..."
I took a deep breath. I hope this works.
"He is constantly getting hurt. The last two times he encountered dangerous villains in a fight, he almost died. I don't want to see him that hurt again. I need someone who knows the streets. Someone who knows who to avoid. Someone who is able to fight a pro-hero without a quirk and win. Someone like you. I was hoping-"
"Let me stop you there, hero. You want me, the Huntress, who has killed over a hundred people, to protect a hero. To protect my enemy. Why should I do that? You'll probably just arrest me now that you know where my hideout is. How do I know I can trust you?"
"You don't know if you can trust me. I ask that you do."
She stood up quickly. The sudden movement startling me, making me stumble backwards. She lept over the couch. Her feet landing softly on the old wood. She barely made a sound.
"You know..."
She ran at me, a knife appearing in her hand as she moved to stab me. Moving quickly, I tried to block the knife. The second I moved, she changed direction. Instead, she swung. The knife stopping against my neck. The blade just cutting deep enough to draw blood. I stood there, frozen in place. Was she going to kill me?
"I could kill you where you stand. Why shouldn't I?"
Her voice sadistic, yet serious. She was terrifying.
"Y-You have n-never killed a hero. W-Why start now?"
She chuckled. I felt the knife move away from my neck. My shaking legs gave way, my body falling to the floor. She could have killed me.
"You know, Mic, you wouldn't be the first hero I kill."
What. She has killed a hero in the past. She's ok with killing heroes. I could be next.
"Oh Mic. I'm not quirkless, I just use my quirk...selectively. To heal or disappear. Five years ago, I took my first life, or lives, as I should say, using my quirk. It was a massacre. One of my victims, a popular hero who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The first hero I ever killed. You could be the second. But, I am intrigued. What would I gain from this contract?"
There was so much to take in. Her first murder was five years ago. A hero died. She has a quirk. One surprise after the other. How many other secrets was she hiding. Obviously, there was her identity, but what is her quirk? Which hero did she kill? A massacre?
"Hero. What would I gain?"
Snapping out of my many thoughts, I stood. My body towering over hers, and yet, she was the intimidating one.
"An ally. You can call in a favour whenever you want. As many times as you want while our contract exists."
"If you break your end of the contract I will kill you. If I get caught, I'm dragging you down with me."
"You have a new friend, Mic"
Wait. Does that mean...
"I'll start work tomorrow. Just keep me informed of his location."
Did she accept the...
"See you in school, Hizashi"
She was gone. The only trace being the open book and dim light.

The following morning, I arrived later than normal. I had overslept due to last nights events. Entering my office, I saw something that made my heart stop. Closing the door quickly, I walked over to the small box wrapped in a black ribbon that sat on my desk. A note attached to the top with the words 'keep in touch' written neatly in blue ink. I stared at the box, still in shock at all I found out last night. I began opening the box with shaking hands. The expensive ribbon falling off with a small tug. I froze. It felt as though someone was watching me. It was probably her.
Inside the box, a new flip phone lay in the centre. It's black case as cold as the room. It started ringing. The sudden noise startling me, making me drop it. Rushing to pick it up, I answered. I heard laughing from the other side of the phone. Then the laughing was replaced by a voice.
"Don't drop it yet. That phone is untraceable. Contact me if you need me, or have any information I might need. Have a nice day, Hizashi"
I stood staring at the phone as she hung up. What have I gotten myself into?

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