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       I remember it very well. The taste of the salt water as it sprayed against my skin. The feeling of the wind rushing past me. The rustic smell of wood from the ship. The sound of the Captain shouting orders at everyone. The glorious sight of the horizon beyond the sea as the sun slowly rises. Oh how I miss it, oh how I miss being on the Black Pearl. I had to leave the glorious ship due to my friend's fathers death. He lived in Tortuga so the Pearl was more than happy to take detour. I haven't been on the ship in ten years now. My heart aches to see those big black sails again, to be dangling my feet over the railing as we headed off for our adventure. I missed it all and I couldn't wait to see it again.

"Kyra!" I heard Leon's voice call "Get off that roof, you could fall!"

"Aye, but t' view up 'ere is too beautiful to miss!" I called back with a laugh.

"Kyra, please!" Leon called again.

"Alright, I'll be down 'ere in a jiffy!" I yelled as I jumped off the roof on to the smaller one next to it, I slid down the smaller one and landed perfectly on my feet.

"You're crazy." Leon said calmly as he ruffled his tousled brown hair.

"Am not!" I protested, putting a hand over my heart as I feigned being wounded.

"And dramatic as well." He smirked and shook his head.

"So what plan has t' great Leon come up with today?" I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

"Well, I figured the only way off of Tortuga, is by boat right."

"Aye, you just now realized that?" I asked, raising and eyebrow.

"I'm a bit slow, alright." He chuckled.

"Alright, continue with your plan." I said, putting us back on track.

"Well, every week the rum merchants stop here, yes?"

"Rum? Oh I love rum!" I said excitedly "Wait, what does Rum have to do with anything?"

"While the merchants are off trading rums along Tortuga, we sneak into their boat and steal it!"

"Brilliant, Leon!" I exclaimed "When do t'merchants get 'ere?"

"They are already here." Leon replied with a smile as he pointed to the boat that was a few feet away at the docks.

"Strategy?" Leon asked.

"Alright Leon, two choices." I smirked.

"I have a feeling I'm not gonna like either." He said as he ruffled his hair again.

"Probably not, so shall we play thief, or injured?" I asked with an even smile.

Leon growled as he shook his head, "Thief." He said with a disappointed look.

"Perfect," I said with a smile as I grabbed the last sack of coins I owned, "Lose this, and you'll lose your hand."

Leon nodded and we slowly started to walk towards the dock, people crowded it as usual. I looked at Leon and nodded at him. He smirked and ripped the sack out of my hand and started running.

"Thief! Thief!" I started to yell, "He's stolen my coins!"

As usual, no one did anything, it's Tortuga. I smirked as I put one hand on my hip "The man to successfully bring me back my coins, will get a full night of fun." I said in a slight seductive voice.

The men immediately started to chase Leon. I warily looked around and slowly got on the boat. Before I could sit down, I hear a mechanical click behind me.

"W'ere do ya thin ye goin'?" A man asked from behind me.

I slowly turned around and smirked.

"Leavin', that's w'ere I'm goin'." I replied harshly.

"Not in me boat, ye aren'." He said aggressively as he pushed the end of the gun to my head.

I rolled my eyes and stepped out of the boat a bit "I'd remove that gun from my head if I were you." I stated.

The man laughed loudly at me," And what are ye goin' t' do abou' it?"

I smirked before quickly un-sheathing my sword and smacking his gun out of his hand and into the water. I aimed my sword at his chest, the tip of it pressing into his skin causing a light stream of blood to trickle down his chest.

"Walk away, now." I said darkly, narrowing my green eyes at the man.

The man nodded several times before running away, I chuckled before I heard Leon scream.
I immediately turned my head in the direction and saw him running, with the coins in hand, and a bloody shoulder, men running after him.

"Bloody hell." I muttered as I climbed into the boat and got it ready to sail away, Leon made it to the dock and jumped into the boat, landing on his stomach. I immediately started to row the small boat away quickly. Leon sat up and grabbed his wounded arm.

"Looks like you got a nasty stab wound." I said with a smirk.

"No shit." He replied harshly, "Next time, you're the thief."

"But you're so good at it." I said with a smile.

"You're impossible." He muttered.

I chuckled a bit as he laid down in the boat. I pulled out a piece of cloth I had in my pocket and threw it to him.

"Wrap your wound, that'll stop the blood until we get to an island." I said.

"Thanks." He said shortly.

"Want me to help?" I asked as I watched Leon struggle with wrapping up his wound.

"No, I can do it." He replied shortly.

"Are you alright?" I asked, as I momentarily stopped rowing.

"Yeah, now that we're finally off of Tortuga, I miss it." He replied with a sad smile.

"Aye, me too, but when we get to where we are goin' we can make a new home. A better one." I said with a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, that sounds nice," Leon said with a dreamy look on his face.

"Oh, Leon," I said with a quizzical look.

"Yes?" He asked, as he finally tied up his wound.

"Where are we goin'?" I asked. I realized that I never asked where our destination would be.

"Port Royal." Leon said with a smile "My mother was born there, my cousin is in the Royal Navy, I sent him a letter last week explaining that we would be coming to stay with him."

"You planned all o' this?" I asked with a impressed smile.

"Maybe." He said with a shy grin.

"Impressive, very impressive." I smiled.

Leon chuckled and shook his head "Just row, Kyra."

I laughed, but did as I was told, we would be having a long journey ahead of us.

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now