Chapter Thirty-Seven - Promises and Psychopaths

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In the cave - DAVINA'S POV

"Come again?" Jack asked, his face contorted.

"You heard me right." I scoffed.

"Are you sure? Because I could have sworn that you just told me to take Rory with us."

"Probably because that's what I said." I retorted.

"But why? Why would you say that?" Jack asked, acting as I just asked him to shoot Ace in the head.

"Because she's losing herself everyday and Ace is the only one who seems to get through to her." I explained.

"I'm sorry, but have you met Rory? She's more trigger happy than I am and that's saying something." Jack argued.

"That's exactly why you need to take her with you."

"Uh no, that's exactly why she should stay with you."

"Do you want me to talk to Ace or not?" I asked, crossing my arms.

          "There is no way around this is there?" Jack asked, seemingly defeated.


          "Damnit," Jack replied before heaving a sigh and pinching the bridge of his nose, "Fine, fine."


"This is so boringgggg" Rory groaned as she stood against the wall, slumping her head against it.

"Then go do something to make yourself not bored." Norine replied, not looking up from her journal.

"Do you ever do anything fun?" Rory asked.

"I am doing something fun."

"Really? Because it's look boring."

"Not everyone considers violence 'fun', some of us have actual interest."

"Oh yeah, because writing little minute details about glowing circles in the sky is sooooo fun." Rory scoffed.

"There are worst things one could be doing."

"Oh yeah, like what?" Rory raised an eyebrow.

"Like whining about being bored."

Rory smirked and pulled her dagger from its sheath and threw it at Norine, nicking the side of her cheek.

Norine looked up from her journal seemingly unbothered, "Feel better?"

"Not really, your reaction was underwhelming." Rory replied with a shrug.

"Do you ever think about it?"

"Think about what?"

"The fact that your birth single handedly murdered our mother."

"Not really," Rory replied, "Its not my fault she was weak."

"I wouldn't call her weak." Ace's voice pierced Rory's ears, causing her too look up.

"Oh would you look at that, little miss mute finally decides to speak." Rory chastised.

"Sometimes I wish you were the one whose heart was broken Rory, maybe then you learned to shut up." Norine snapped.

"And I wish you'd learn to live a little, maybe you wouldn't act like someone shoved a stick up your arse all the time."

"Would you two give it a rest?" Ace spat, "You two are insufferable."

"Just like your marriage." Rory mumbled underneath her breath, Norine snickered at her comment.

"You know maybe you should thinking about our mother. Maybe then you'd realize that you do more harm than good." Ace's done dropped to a low tone.

"Someone's in a mood," Rory chided, "What's wrong? Did you finally realize that Jack is a wanker?"

"No, but do you know what I did realize?"

"No, but I bet you're gonna tell me anyways." Rory yawned.

"I realized that the reason you are so hell bent on being angry all the time is because you are afraid."

As soon as the word 'afraid' left Ace's mouth, Rory burst into a laughing fit.

"Oh man, Ace," Rory chuckled, "You're so funny when you're not brooding."

          "Who's brooding?" Davina asked as she walked over to the group.

           "No one, at least not anymore." Norine answered, still having her nose in her journal.

          "I was not brooding." Ace stated, crossing her arms.

          "You so were!" Rory argued, "You were acting like some lovesick whore."

Just as the words left her mouth, Ace drew her sword and held it a few inches from Rory's chest, "Say it again, I swear I will slice you in half."

Rory pressed her chest up against the blade with a sinister smile, "Whore."

Ace dug the blade slightly into Rory. Ace hated idle threats, but she also wasn't expecting Rory to challenge her authority. That was a mistake on her part.

          "Is that all?" Rory challenged, raising an eyebrow.

          "Ace, put the sword down." Davina cooed, "She isn't worth it."

Ace drew in a sharp breath and prepared to withdraw her sword. Before she could, Rory sliced the side of Ace's hand with her dagger. Causing Ace to drop her sword is shock.

          "Next time you threaten to run someone through, do it." Rory threatened before sheathing her sword and waking off towards the other end of the cave.

          "She's mental, that has to be it." Davina said, still in shock as Norine put her book down to look at Ace's hand.

          "I'm fine," Ace reassured, "It is just a scratch. I should have known better than to point my sword at her. It was my fault, I had a lapse of judgement."

          "How many excuses are you going to shuffle through before you realize that she has a problem?" Norine asked.

          "Until I believe them." Ace replied somberly, "Besides, we are partially to blame for her actions."

          "We?" Davina asked, "How are we to blame?"

          "Well when you blame someone for someone's death as long as our father has blamed her, you start to believe it."

          "So you're honestly saying that because our father blames Rory for our mothers death, she's somehow became a murderer?" Davina asked for clarification.

          "Yes and that little comment, Norine, the one that you so graciously bestowed upon her, that's what triggered her little episode." Ace explained.

          "Oh so now it's my fault, are you forgetting that you literally dug a blade into her chest?" Norine reminded.

          "I take full responsibility for my actions, maybe you should as well."

          "And what about Rory's? We are just supposed to chalk it up to trauma? That seems a little unreasonable." Norine bickered.

          "No, Rory is responsible for her own actions, it just may take longer for her to realize it."

          "Too bad we won't be around to hear it," Davina cut in.

          "What do you mean?" Ace asked, cocking her head to the side.

          "We need to talk."

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