Chapter Forty-Four - Ill-Concieved Escape Attempt

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I woke up the next morning, instantly feeling the sun beating down on my face through the window. I groaned and turned towards James, hiding my face in his chest.

"Good morning" He chuckled, brushing a hand through my hair.

"No," I groaned, causing him to laugh.

He slowly sat up, sitting his hand on my side, "Still tired?"

I nodded, not really wanting to speak due to my lack of energy.

He leaned over and kissed my bare side softly before pecking my lips.

"How are you feeling, besides tired?"

"I am sore, my head throbs, and I would like to kindly shoot the sun into a million pieces with the canons, other than that, I feel perfect."

He chuckled and pulled me up by my waist, covering the front of my chest with his as the blankets fell around my waist.

          "I can think of a few ways to wake you up," he smirked as he kissed my shoulder.

          "As much as I would love that," I replied, slowly patting his chest to get him to stop, "I am so sore that I can't even think straight."

He smiled and kissed my head, "Maybe tomorrow then."

          "Oh no no, hold on now," I replied, "Not that long, tonight is perfectly fine with me, just not right now."

          "Tonight then," he replied.


          I think the worst part was my guilt. As the drumming got louder, my heart pounded harder. Jack stood on the gallows, his hands tied together in front of him. Apart of me was ripping at my insides, trying to find a way to save him, but I knew it would cause a lot of heartbreak between James and I. And as much as I wanted to help him, I was finally realizing that it was okay to be happy. As the man began to read the charges, I felt James wrap his arm around me tightly.
I looked up at him to find his eyes filled with tenderness and concern for my feelings. But I also knew that he had a duty to his country and Port Royal. I looked over at Elizabet to see her glaring at me angrily. She still was a bit salty about the whole thing.

          "This is wrong," she muttered.

          "Commodore Norrington is bound by the law," her father stated, "as are we all."

With that I seen a glimpse of sadness cross James eyes as he looked down, I gripped his hand, that was on my hip, assuringly.

          "Apparently the law doesn't count for everyone," Elizabeth said as she locked eyes with me.

The sound of a bird cawing caught my attention. As I looked over towards two guards, I noticed a parrot sitting at the top of the flag they were holding....not just any parrot. Being a pirate, I instinctively looked into the crowd to see who the parrot was signaling for. Of course I didn't have to look long. My eyes fell on a pair of chocolate brown eyes that was waking before us, followed by blue ones that I had known so well. Leon and Will stopped directly in front of us.

          "Governor Swann," Will said, with a bow, "Kyra, Commodore....Elizabeth."

He locked eyes with Elizabeth, "I should have told you every day from the moment I met you."

Que the dramatics.

          "I love you," he stated.

Everyone turned to face Elizabeth, except me. I was staring directly at Leon. His anger boiling in his eyes.

With that, Will began to walk towards Jack.

James stepped a few feet down, "Marines."

Suddenly, Elizabeth fell after saying she couldn't breathe.

          "Here we go." I groaned, rolling my eyes, while unsheathing my dagger from under my dress.

I watched as Will threw his sword, Jack landed directly on it after the floor boards disappeared beneath his feet.

          "Bloody idiots," I muttered as I walked towards James.

Will engaged in a sword fight against the executioner.
I began to follow James and his men but he stopped me, "Stay. Put."

I rolled my eyes and watched as he led the marines towards them.

"Men." I muttered as I walked to stand beside the Governor.

Obviously they wouldn't catch them without my help, but I decided that I would let him find that out on his own.

It was quite amusing, watching Jack try to steady himself on the sword as Will tried to fight of the executioner. All the while there was marines charging through the crowd. Leon fought his way through men to escape from the scene, no doubt to report back ti the ship. Jack was inevitably cut free and Will pushed the executioner off the gallows platform, causing him to land on some of the marines. The boys began to use the rope that was cut to knock marines off their feet. The used it to choke out two of the marines then fought the rest off at the balcony. Of course, there were soon surrounded. I followed behind, not wanting to miss the drama.

          "I thought we might have to endure some I'll-conceived escape attempt, but not from you." James said to Turner as he entered the circle of marines, his sword pointed directly at him.

          "On our return to Port Royal, I granted you clemency, and this is how you thank me," The governor spoke, a bit out of breath, "By throwing in your lot with him? He's a pirate."

          "And a good man." Will argued while throwing his sword down.

I would like to revisit that statement at a later date.

          "If all I have achieved here is that the hangman will earn two pairs of boots instead of one, so be it." Will remarked, "My conscience will be clear."

James walked closer towards Will with narrowed eyes, "You forget your place, Turner."

          "It's right here," Will replied, "Between you and Jack.

Elizabeth walked to stand beside Will, causing me to groan internally.

          "As is mine." She stated.

          "Elizabeth," Her father said in shock before looking around, "Lower your weapons."

When no one did, he began to rage, "For goodness sake, put them down!"

The men lowered their weapons in unison, following his orders.

          "So this is where your heart truly lies then?" James asked.

I knew how it sounded, but he was coming from a place of heartbreak after pining her for years. I knew that this was the closure he needed.

However, I couldn't stand to hear it. So I walked away and headed towards his home. We would probably be chasing after them and this damned dress was not the proper attire. I would nit be making the same mistake as last time.

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