Chapter Thirteen - Tinge of Jealousy

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The sun hadn't risen yet and my eyes slowly fluttered open. I was warm, way warmer than expected to be in a cell. I felt a warm hand rub up and down against my cheek, causing me to slowly sit up.

"Don't move, darlin'." Norrington's voice whispered in my ear. That's when I realized I was no longer in a cell, but in his bedroom, or what I assumed to be his bedroom. My body was pressed up against him, my had been buried in his chest, the surprise of being so close to him caused me to tense up.

"How did I get here?" I asked, extremely confused, I attempted to disobey him and sit up, but his other arm was wrapped around my waist.

"I brought you here after the ship left our port and the commotion died down. I shouldn't have left you there, by the size of the hole in the cell wall, you obviously weren't as safe as originally thought." I could see the regret of leaving me there is his face.

"It's not your fault, you couldn't have known where the canons were aimed." I said, attempting to reassure him.

"Either way, you could've been hurt." Norrington said sternly, "I should've accompanied you."

          "Getting hurt is always a possibility during nights like those." I explained, "Besides, I'm perfectly fine."

Norrington grabbed both my wrists and ran his hands over the gashes that I had forgotten about. I hissed a bit as he rubbed them.

"Obviously you've already have." He said, a look of guilt appeared as he continued to look at my hands.

"That was not from the pirates." I said, my eyes trained on watching his blue ones as they studied my hands.

Norrington looked up, his blue eyes meeting mine.

"You didn't do this to yourself, did you?" He asked, his face full of concern as he spoke softly.

"Heaven's no," I replied, "I don't believe in self harm."

"Then who did this? Was it Sparrow, I'll have his head if it was!" James said angrily.

"No no, it wasn't Jack either."

"Then who was it. You can tell me darlin'."

"It was an accident, Turner and I got into an altercation and I grabbed the blade out of anger. I wasn't thinking straight." I explained.

I watched his face twist into anger and hate at the mention of Will.

"It doesn't hurt anymore, I promise. He didn't mean to hurt me, I was the one who grabbed the blade." I tried to ease his mind of anger.

"It's his fault. Whether you grabbed the blade or not, he shouldn't have pointed a blade of any sort at you." James said, slowly sitting up.

I noticed that his shirt was very thin as he sat up, leaving nothing to the imagination.

"I do not blame him. He did what anyone would do in the presence of a pirate." I defended him.

Norrington turned around to face me and sat down beside me, "And what is that you say anyone would do?"

"Don't play dumb, James, I know you're a very intelligent man. You as a Commodore know very well what is expected of citizens if they ever encounter a pirate. You yourself are used to giving pirates the same courtesy." I replied as I slowly sat up.

"Then what do you make of the treatment I have given you these passed few days?" He asked, sliding his index finger under my chin and tilting my head up a bit, making me look at him.

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now