Chapter Forty-Two - Everything I Wanted

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          "Don't," Ace said angrily while staring at her sister.

          "Don't?" Rory scoffed, "She let her get away!"

          "She is still our sister,"

          "Our sister, is a traitor!"

The noise of a gun shot caught everyone's attention. Everyone looked towards Barbossa and Jack.

          "FATHER!" Norine yelled.

          "Ten years you carry that pistol and now you waste your shot." Barbossa smiled.

          "He didn't waste it," Will's voice echoing throughout the cavern.

Barbossa looked over to see Will dropping the blood soaked medallion.

          "Bloody hell," Ace looked down at her feet when she seen the blood pouring from her fathers chest.

Veda gasped loudly while Davina stayed sat on the ground, her eyes wide with shock.

          "I feel..cold" Barbossa said before clambering told the ground.

          "NOO!!" Veda's piercing cry cut through the air.

Norine fell to the ground and began to sob.

        "You did this." Rory muttered, looking towards Davina, "YOU DID THIS!!!"

Rory began to charge towards her sister, Ace grabbing her and pulling her towards her.

          "Let me go!" Rory yelled, anger and hurt filling her voice.

          "Rory, no." Ace whispered, "We've lost our father, that is enough."

          "Easy for you to say!" Rory pulled away from Ace, "You have Jack! You have someone who loves you, hell, even our sisters adore you. I have NOTHING! NO ONE! HE WAS IT!"

Rory staggered towards the cavern wall, slumping against it, tears threatening to escape, but she would not let them fall.

          James and I had been fighting the pirates for who knows how long. Dodging and kicking as our swords ripped through them. I was in the process of pushing a pirate off of me, using my leg as leverage to separate us. Right before I landed a blow to his head, he stopped and looked around. All of them were human. My eyes found James as he had his sword angled towards a pirate. We all watched in confusion as some of them fell to the ground. The pirates looked between us and the sky before dropping their weapons.

It's over....

          "The ships is our gentlemen." Norrington said before looking at me with a confidant smile.

The soldiers began cheering as I ran towards James. Once I reached him I wrapped my arms around his neck.

          "We did-" before he could finish, I kissed him.

I. KISSED. HIM. It was passionate and short. When I backed away to look at him, his eyes were wide in shock.

          "What's the matter, Commdore?" I asked innocently.

He only smiled and pulled me back in for another kiss, this time is was more rough. His mouth dominating mine. He pulled away and rested his head against mine.

          "Just wait," his voice was husky whisper, "When we finish with them, I'm going to give you all the attention you deserve."

I smirked and bit my lip before kissing his cheek and standing beside him. James looked around, the soldiers waiting patiently with pride smiles. James walked closer towards the pirates before turning around to face us.

With a smile on his face he ordered, "Take them."

The men happily rounded the pirates up and began to put shackles on them. James walked towards me and stopped directly in front of me. Planting his hands on my waist, he leaned in, his mouth directly beside my ear.

          "Head to my room," he smirked, "I'll be there shortly.

With a mischievous smiles, I turned and did exactly that.

          Once I reached the room, I quickly desiccated my closet hung and practically ran towards the bathroom. I was covered in blood and sea water, not exactly flattering. I quickly washed myself......making sure to be thorough. Once I was done, I walked over to the mirror, looking at myself with a smile. This was it, I'm as finally getting everything I wanted....including the commodore.

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now