Chapter Twenty-Two - Ghost Stories

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Aboard the Black Pearl, 3rd Person View

In the Captain's office, a table was being set with the best food. Captain Barbossa sat at the head of the table and watched as the crew members finished placing the food out. Elizabeth sat on the left side of the table in the dress that he had picked for her. There was a chair between where she and Barbossa sat, Elizabeth wanted to keep some distance between her and the Captain. Contrary to popular belief, they did not dine alone. On Barbossa's right sat Norine, who quietly read one of the astrology books Barbossa had gotten her for her birthday. Beside Norine was Veda, she sat in her seat daydreaming of the day she'd meet a navy man that would sweep her off her feet. Davina sat beside Veda, she stared intriguingly at Elizabeth. Directly across from Barbossa, beside Davina sat Ace. The eldest sister stared at her empty plate, she wasn't reading a book, she wasn't daydreaming of a man in uniform, nor did she have any interest in Elizabeth. Her mind was occupied by the thought of her love, her pirate, her Jack Sparrow. Two chairs at the table were empty, one belonging to Kyra, but since she was presumed to be at Tortuga with Leon her absence wasn't of concern. The other chair belonged to Rory, Barbossa's youngest.

"Where's Rory?" Barbossa asked as he looked quizzically at his daughters.

No one replied. They just stayed silent, knowing glances were being thrown between Ace, Veda, and Davina. They knew very well where Rory was, but not one of them wanted to deal with her maniac tendencies so they dared not snitch. Norine sighed annoyingly, the goody-two-shoes of the bunch, she looked at her father and then back at her sisters. All of her siblings gave her pointed looks as if to say, 'Don't you dare,'.

"Norine," Barbossa said with an eerie softness, "Where's your younger sister?"

Norine looked at her father before carefully shutting her book and placing it on the table, "As it were, I believe Rory has decided to dine with the crew tonight, father."

An eruption of disapproval came to from the sisters as Norine snitched.

"Bloody hell," Davina groaned.

"You traitorous wench!" Veda exclaimed as she turned to look at her sister.

Ace didn't speak, she just glared at her snitching sister.

"Is that so?" Barbossa asked as he held a hand in the air, silencing his children, "Thank you for being honest, my dear."

"I'm greatly disappointed in the lot of you," Barbossa said, looking at his other three daughters, "You three will go and dine with the crew as well."

"But father that's not-"

"Silence!" Barbossa ordered, cutting Veda off before she could finish her sentence, "Leave now."

Veda and Davina angrily got up and stormed at the room. Ace slowly stood and glared at Norine. She sent a sour smile to her father before storming out and slamming the door behind her.

"My apologies for my children, Miss Turner." Barbossa said, "Now, we may enjoy our feast."

The feast begins and Elizabeth began eating, every bit was daintier than the last.

"There's no need to stand on ceremony, no call to impress anyone," Barbossa said as he watched Elizabeth eat, "You must be hungry."

Elizabeth looked at Barbossa and then the food before she quickly grabbed the chicken leg on her plate and started eating it like a barbarian....a pirate. She grabbed a piece of bread and ripped into it as well. Norine sat there in surprise as she watched the woman eat. Barbossa stared at the woman with utter surprise as he poured her a cup of wine.

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