Chapter Twenty-Nine - Regret

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In the cave

          Pirates laughed and hollered as they began rifling through some of the treasure. Barbossa marched up the golden hill where the chest sat and watched from above. Elizabeth's eyes met the chest and she instinctively gulped.

          "Show time," Rory laughed at Elizabeth as she disappeared to stand beside the mountain of gold with her sisters.

          "Move," One of the pirates said as they pushed Elizabeth.

          "Gentleman, the time has come!" Barbossa exclaimed as a roar of cheers echoed in the cave, "Our salvation is nigh! Our torment is near an end! We've tested and tried for ten years, and each man here has proved his mettle a hundred times over and a hundred times again!"

          "Suffered, I have!" A pirate exclaimed from the crowd.

          "Punished we were, the lot of us! Disproportionate to our crime! Here it is!" Barbossa yelled as he put his foot on the chest and kicked off the lid, "The cursed treasure of Cortes himself. Every last piece that went astray, we have returned. Save for this"

Barbossa pointed towards Elizabeth and the pirates cheered once more. They were unaware of the two men that lurked in the shadows watching the exchange.

          "Jack," Will exclaimed, trying to climb over the rock and by doing so causing some gold to slide, catching the monkey's attention.

          "Not yet," Jack said, "Wait for the opportune moment."

Jack led him away from their peephole and Will followed.

          "When's that?" Will asked, "When it's of greatest profit to you?"

Jack stopped and turned to face Will.

          "May I ask you something?" Jack asked, "Have I ever given you reason  not to trust me?"

Will remained silent.

          "Do us a favor, I know it is difficult for you, but please stay here and try not to do anything stupid."

          Jack rounded the corner and watched as Barbossa pushed Elizabeth over the chest. Before he could do anything, Will hit him in the head.

          "Sorry Jack," Will said, but I am not going to be your leverage."

Will watched as Barbossa put the last coin in Elizabeth's hand, taking his knife and slicing it before squeezing her hand shut around it. Elizabeth dropped the medallion and it was then Barbossa realized, he had the wrong Turner.

Aboard the Dauntless

If I wasn't mad enough earlier, I was most definitely seething now. The island that Norrington's men spotted had been the wrong one, thankfully. However, it appears that Jack and Elizabeth had found themselves temporarily marooned. I stood beside the stair that led to the top deck, Norrington standing close beside me. Even though he was angry, he still stood so close.

"We've got to save Will!" Elizabeth exclaimed to her father.

"No! You're safe now." The governor said, " We will return to Port Royal immediately, not go gallivanting after pirates."

"Then we condemn him to death!" She exclaimed.

The Governor turned to face his daughter, a hint of nervousness present.

"The boy's fate is regrettable, but then so is his decision to engage in piracy." He explained.

My blood boiled, and I moved to defend Will, but James put his arm in front of me and sent me a knowing glance.

"To rescue me!" Elizabeth said, "To prevent anything from happening to me."

"If I may be so bold to interject my professional opinion," Jack said as he walked closer to James and me.

"Nice to see you again, dear," Jack whispered before turning to James, "The Pearl was listing near the scabbards after the battle. It is unlikely she'll be able to make good time."

James glared at Jack as he spoke.

"Think about it," Jack spoke, "The Black Pearl. The last real pirate threat in the Caribbean, mate. How can you pass that up, eh?"

"By remembering that I serve others, not only myself," James said before walking away, leaving me to stand alone.

"Very angry, that one is, isn't he?" Jack whispered, making me roll my eyes.

"Commodore, I beg you, please do this. For me." Elizabeth said as she followed him, "As a wedding gift."

My heart stopped. My breathing quickened, my lungs tightened, and my body began to shake. Elizabeth had just agreed to Commodore's proposal and I was unable to say my own thoughts in front of everyone. I stared at James, my eyes pleading that get didn't agree. Then his eyes met mine. His eyes held something I had never seen, regret. He turned away from my gaze quickly and back to hers. I knew from this moment that it was over. I disappeared and ran to the room before he was able to respond to her. The anger I had felt previously was only heightened. Now, I was determined to save Leon, Will, and Jack. Even if it killed me.

Author's note:

I apologize for the short chapter, I just felt like it added more suspense to the situation if I stopped there. Anyways, have a wonderful day my loves!

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