Chapter Twenty-Four - What Would've Happened?

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          I closed my eyes as I breathed in the sweet scent of the black cherry soap I had used. The aroma filled the room and almost, ALMOST made me forget the anger and pain that stirred in my heart. I didn't want to be mad at the Commodore, I couldn't possibly be mad. We aren't an 'item' or a 'thing' so there was no true betrayal, but yet here I was royally pissed off. I slightly felt as if he had led me on in a way. When he carried me from the cell to his home, the way he constantly worried about, the kiss, it all made me feel like he was interested in me. I was obviously wrong, that Swann girl is clearly the one he loves. The pain I felt was more geared towards him not to mention the fact that he proposed to Elizabeth. Proposing to someone isn't a minor detail that you would mention nonchalantly to your friends, it is a huge ordeal that he should've mentioned long before I even hit the water and fell unconscious. HE PROPOSED AND CONTINUED TO KISS ME! I have so many mixed emotions towards the whole thing. To make everything even more complicated, I kept thinking about what Groves had said. HE TALKS ABOUT ME! HE, ON PURPOSE, SPEAKS ABOUT ME! TO THEODORE! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO MAKE OF THAT! Not one bit of it makes sense. At this rate, the next time I fall unconscious will be because of the headache I get from all the whiplash. I just wish he would've told me he had feelings for her. I would've avoided him at all costs. I'm sure my involvement with him is hurting him just as much as it hurts me. I'm not helping his case and he isn't helping mine.

          "I'M SO DONE!" I yelled to myself out of anger.

I sighed annoyingly as I sat up, I had been laying in this tub for at least an hour or two. I decided that it was time that I'd get out. I grabbed the nearest cloth and stepped out of the bath and wrapped the cloth around me. I looked around for my underwear and pulled them up my legs. I tugged on the leather pants which is extremely difficult when you've just left the shower. I grabbed my white shirt and slipped it on. I looked around for my corset, but I couldn't find it.

'I must've left it in the room,' I thought myself. 

I grabbed the door handle and opened it, allowing myself back into the bedroom. I hadn't noticed the Norrington had arrived and I also hadn't noticed that my wet hair and body had caused my shirt to be a tad bit see-through in the front. I grabbed my corset from the chair, still not noticing Norrington was in here. I turned to face the door and I attempted to put on the corset, but I was struggling to tie it. I huffed annoyingly as I continued to struggle to tie it. To make matters worse, the top of the corset, that went over my chest, kept trying to slide down. With one hand I attempted to hold the corset up and the other I attempted to tie it.

          "Need some assistance, darlin'," Norrington said, causing me to jump and turn around.

          "Bloody hell, Commodore!" I yelled, "Don't bloody scare me like that!"

          "Commodore?" He asked, chuckling at how startled I had gotten, "Are we back to that now?"

          "Aye, it seems it," I said in a firm tone.

Norrington got up from the bed and walked over to me, he didn't stop until his body was almost pressed up against mine, "Turn around, let me help."

I stared at him for a moment, my facial expression was a mix of disappointment and annoyance.

          "You've been struggling with that thing for ten minutes now," Commodore said, "Turn. Around."

I huffed, but did was he said. I held the top of the corset in place with one hand and the other I used to hold my hair out of the way.

          "Back to the 'Commodore' thing," He said as he began lacing up the corset, "I thought I told you not to call me that."

          "Aye," I replied, "You did."

          "Then what changed?"

          "Your proposal to Elizabeth," 

The Commodore stopped lacing my corset for a moment and he turned me around.

          "How do you know about that?"

          "You weren't planning on telling me, were you?" I asked, staring at him with a look of disapproval.


          "No, don't 'darlin' me, you are engaged and you still kissed me! I'm sleeping in your bed with you for goodness sake!' I exclaimed.

          "Kyra," He said, grabbing my chin, "listen to me,"

          "Why, so you can just lead me on even more!" I yelled as I backed away from him, my eyes began to water slightly.

          "I'm not leading you on!" He shouted back.

          "Yes you are! You are engaged!" 

          "I am not engaged!"

          "What?" I asked, tilting my head, "But you-"

          "Proposed? Yes, I did." He explained, "But she didn't give me an answer."

I suddenly felt awful for yelling at him. He wasn't engaged and I probably made him feel worse than he already did since he was not given an answer.

          "I should've told you, I understand that." He said, grabbing my chin again, "But I've realized that proposing to her, was a mistake."

          "You don't have to say that to spare my feelings," I replied, "If you love her, if you truly love her, than I'm happy for you. I only wish that you would've told me."

           "I'm not saying this to spare your feeling darlin',' He said, "I don't love her, I only thought I did. I was blinded by what I thought would be a smart match, but after I met you, I realized it doesn't matter if it's a smart match or not. I'm not saying that I'm in love with you, what I am saying is that this, this is something that I want. I want to love you, I don't want her."

I stood there speechless, all this time I had been marking up the idea of us as a fairytale or myth. I spent the day wishing I was as pretty or as normal as Elizabeth so that he would love me. I put so much unnecessary weight on myself when I shouldn't have.

          "I know that you're still frustrated and I truly and sorry to have caused you distress, but I want to try this." He explained as he backed away, "I'll leave you to think it over."

I don't know what came over me or why I thought it was smart, but before he could walk away, I grabbed his arm and pulled him back to me. I stared into his eyes for a few moments before kissing him. It was softer than the last one, this one felt more loving. It lasted longer too. James wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him. After a while the kiss got more heated and rougher, like the last one did. Out of nowhere, in the heat of the moment, James picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He pushed my back against the wall as he continued kissing. 

          "Commodore, you're needed upon the deck!"

James groaned before stopping the kiss, "One moment!"

I giggled a little at the frustrated Commodore. He slowly put me down and backed away a bit, resting his forehead against mine.

          "I'll be right back." He whispered.

          "I'll be waiting." I smiled.

He gave me a small smile before leaving me to report to the main deck.

The only thought that was in my head for the rest of the day was, 

'What would've happened if we weren't interrupted?'

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