Chapter Eighteen - Knight in Navy Uniform

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"What do we do now?" Leon asked as Gilette and his men sailed back towards Port Royal.

"He's a little busy." I chuckled as I sat on the ship railing, watching Jack and Will fumble with the ropes to one of the sails.

Once they were done looking like fools, Jack went to the top deck and stood behind the wheel with his hun held to his shoulder. Jack stood beside where I was and watched the men that were loading the Interceptor.

"How mad do you think Norrington will be when he finds out you're with us?" Will asked looking at me.

"Probably just as mad as if I wasn't here." I replied, "I honestly don't see him caring if I'm on here or not."

"We're about to find out," Will said before he took off towards Jack.

"Here they come," Will said, once he reached Jack.

Jack smiled at the sight of the Interceptor heading our way.

"When they arrive and start to raid the ship, everyone needs to grab a rope and swing from here onto the interceptor, but it must be empty before you swing," Jack explained, both Leon and I walked up to where they both stood.

"To the back of the ship," Jack said.

It wasn't soon after Jack told us what to do that navy man began swinging and climbing onto the Dauntless, we all stayed low at the back of the ship, watching all the men flood onto it.

"Swing, now," Jack whispered lowly as we all grabbed a rope.

First, it was Jack, then Will, then Leon, and just as I was about to swing onto the Interceptor, a man grabbed onto my rope.

"Let go of it you pig!" I insulted.

I elbowed the man in the stomach and began to jump off, but as soon as I did, the man grabbed the rope and attempted to bring me back onto the ship. My body slammed against the Dauntless causing my hands to slip.

"Kyra!" Leon yelled from the Interceptor.

"Get out of here!" I yelled before I lost my grip on the rope and fell. I tensed up, awaiting the cold feeling of the water once I hit it. The second my body his the water my head felt dizzy. I felt my eyes start to close as I tried to break through the water to catch my breath. I finally was able to break through the surface, my eyes were met with the sight of the blazing sun.

"Kyra!" I heard a familiar voice yell as water splashed onto me as if someone had jumped.

Before I was able to see who it was, the dizziness clouded my head and my eyes shut, forcing me to sleep.


Leon's POV

"Kyra!" I yelled as I watched Kyra's body hit the side of the Dauntless.

"Get out of here!" She yelled back, not even seconds later her body hit the cold water.

"No!" I yelled, out of instinct I jumped onto the railing of the Interceptor and prepared myself to dive, but I was pulled back by someone.

"Don't do it, lad," Jack said as he pulled me to the center of the ship.

"Let me go!" I yelled, trying to get free of him.

"Leon," Jack said as he held me by my shirt, "She'll be fine-"

"You don't know that!" I yelled, anger and sadness filling my brain, "She could drown!

"She will be fine, Leon." Jack repeated, "She's a strong woman, she can handle herself."

"Not if she's dead," I said, pushing him away and running for the railing.

"Look!" Will yelled as he grabbed me by my shoulder as he pointed to the water, "She's fine."

I looked down at the water to see Norrington in the water swimming back to the Dauntless with her.

"Now we have to go." Will said sternly, "Now!"

Jack grabbed the wheel and the ship started moving. Will patted my back a few times before joining Jack. My eyes never left the water. I felt this awful sick feeling by watching Norrington with her, it made my heart ache. I wasn't sure what was worse, watching Norrington save her or knowing that I wasn't the one who saved her. Suddenly the noise of cannon fire vibrated through the air.

"Are they firing at their own ship?" I asked, running towards Jack and Will.

"Aye, that'd be the British for you," Jack commented.

"Jack, wouldn't you technically be considered British, by nationality of course," I said with a small laugh.

Jack gave me a puzzled look. I exchanged an amused look with Will before shaking my head and giggling slightly. My giggle died, along with the momentary happiness I felt, once It hit me again that we abandoned Kyra in the ocean. I sighed sadly and walked over to the railing and stared at the sea.

"It's not your fault, you know?" Will said as he stood beside me, "We didn't know that we would be spotted.

"She should've gone first." I replied, "If I wasn't so caught up in the rush of adrenaline, I would've had a sense of propriety and allowed the woman to go ahead of me. She would still be here if she had."

"If lack of propriety is at fault, that would mean the blame falls on all three of us, not just you." Will said, "But the truth of the matter is, no one is at fault for this."

"We should've gone after her, I should've gone after her," I said, narrowing my eyes at the sea.

"Leon, if we had gone after her, we would've all been captured and be met the gallows at dawn." Will explained, "That's not what she wanted. You heard her telling us to go, she didn't want us to save her. She wanted us to continue on."

"You're willing to die for Elizabeth, yes?" I asked, looking at him.

"Yes, I am." He responded.

"Then you understand why I would not hesitate to jeopardize this mission and die at the gallows to save her," I said sternly.

"You love her?" Will asked though it sounded more like a statement.

I didn't respond. I stood straight looked back toward the sea.

"I just hope you're right about it, I hope she's fine," I said simply before walking away.

"She's with Norrington," Jack said with a smirk, "Her knight in navy uniform."

I glared at Jack before walking down to the main deck and into the office that was on the ship.

"Knock if you need anything, I'm tired," I said shortly before opening the door and locking it behind me.

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