Chapter Thirty-Two - Boring-ton

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Leon's POV

Do you ever feel like you're just constantly falling back to square one no matter what you try. Well after being held captive for the third time in your life, you tend to feel that way. I stood, enraged might I add, with my cell with my other mates as we watched the two dumbest pirates on Barbossa's ship as they mopped.
"When we get out of here," I whispered to Will, "Remind me to kill myself."

"I think I'll join you," will laughed.

Our chuckles were interrupted by the parrot squawking. "Shiver me timbers," the bird chirped.

"Cotton says you missed a bit," Gibbs joked.
The pirate known as Pintel slung the mop towards them, water flying everywhere.

Will suddenly sat up straight and looked towards the pirate, "You knew William Turner,"

"Not this again," I muttered, eating a slight jab to my ribs.

"Ole bootstrap bill," Pintel replied, "We knew him. Never sat well with Bootstrap what we did to Jack Sparrow, the mutiny and all. He said it wasn't right with the code. That's why he sent off a piece of the treasure to you as it were,"

The pirate paused before continuing, "he said we deserved to be cursed. And remain cursed."

"Stupid blighter," Ragetti added.

"Good man," Gibbs interrupted, earning glares from them both.

"But as you can imagine," Pintel continued, "that didn't sit to well with the captain."

"That didn't sit too well with the captain at all," Ragetti repeated, "Tell them what Barbossa did."

"I am telling the story!!" Pintel shouted angrily.
I shared a glance with Will and pinched the bridge of my nose with a sigh.

"So, what the Captain did," Pintel explained, "he strapped a cannon to Bootstraps bootstrap."

"Bootstraps bootstrap," Ragetti muttered with amusement.

Something is seriously wrong with him.

"Last we saw of ole Bill Turner," Pintel's eyes glazed over slightly as if he were in a daze, re-living it all, "he was sinkin' into the crushin' black oblivion of Dave's Jones' locker."

I watched Will's expression change, he was always a readable man, but he seemed devoid of all emotion.

"Course it was only after that, we learned we needed his blood to lift the curse," Pintel said as if it was a bother.

"Now that's what you call ironic," Ragetti said, Pintel nodding in agreement.

"Boring story," a woman's voice echoed.

I turned to see Rory Barbossa and i immediately felt the need to hide.

"We're dead," I whispered.

Will looked at me and then curiously back at her.

"What be your business?" Pintel asked annoyedly.

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