Chapter One - Port Royal

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It had been six days since we had left Tortuga. We were starving, Leon was fading by the minute and we both were drunk on rum. I encouraged Leon to drink, thinking that, hopefully, it would take his mind off of the aching pain on his shoulder. As for me, it's bloody rum! How could I not drink it?! Leon had awoken from his slumber and hissed as he moved his shoulder.

"Aye, be careful, would you. You might break somethin'." I said as he slowly sat up.

"I'd rather break a bone than bleed out." He grumbled.

"Aye, but you're the one who picked the farthest island from Tortuga." I hissed.

"And you're the one who refuses to stop at islands for supplies." He argued.

"Leon, we stole a boat. If someone on an island spotted us and heard about the incident in Tortuga, we're bloody dead." I explained.

"How do you know they've heard of the incident?" He asked.

"What pirate or seaman doesn't gossip in these waters?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You do have a point." He replied.

One thing that I've noticed about Leon my whole life is that no matter how big of a pirate his father was, he never acts like one. He never talks, drinks, or sings like one unless I ask or it's needed. For the longest time, I figured he was adopted, but his appearance and his fathers were identical. His father was his whole world. When he died, Leon went into a depressed state. It was sad to watch him. Almost as sad as watching him injured and drunk. Although, it's kinda funny. He wobbles and rocks like a fish out of water.

"How much longer until Port Royal?" Leon asked.

"How am I supposed to know? I've never been?!" I exclaimed.

"Ohhh, that's right." Leon responded, laughing a bit, "Silly me."

I shook my head and laughed at him.

"LAND!" Leon suddenly yelled.

"What?" I asked looking at him oddly.

"Land, Kyra, land!" He yelled again, pointing behind me "We've made it!"

That's when I realized we had a problem. I stopped rowing and Leon immediately looked at me oddly.

"What?" He asked.

"We're rowing a stolen boat, Leon. We can't bloody well just row up to the docks now can we?" I explained.

"No, I suppose not." He replied, "What's your idea then?"

"Leon, I'd take a big swig of rum. We are going to have to swim and I doubt the salt and your wound will fair." I pointed out.

Leon grabbed a whole bottle of rum and drank it. He's a bit of a lightweight so I wasn't surprised he immediately got drunk. Leon dove into the water and I looked down at the rum on the boat.

"Fair well, my loves," I said dramatically before taking a few matches from my belt and lighting them. I sighed sadly as I dropped them onto the boat and dove into the water.

Leon and I had almost made it to the docks before the boat blew up, causing a loud boom. I felt my heartbreak as the sound of the rum glasses crackled. We heard footsteps of soldiers on the docks and quickly swan under them.

"What has happened?" A low, very attractive, male voice asked "Gillette, answer me."

"It appears to be a boat on fire, sir." Gillette replied.

"Well that I can see for myself." The man hissed "I meant, what happened."

"Well, we aren't quite sure, sir." Gillette admitted.

"Captain Norrington!" A man yelled "What happened?"

"We aren't quite sure." Norrington replied.

Did I mention his voice was attractive?

"Lieutenant Groves, I want all men on their guard. Gillette, I want you to take your men to the boat to investigate, see if anyone was on board." Norrington instructed.

Groves. The name was familiar. I tuned out whatever else was said as I tried placing the name. That's when it hit me, Groves was the surname of Leon's mother.

"Leon, that's your cousin!" I whispered. I turned to Leon, but quickly realized Leon was knocked out and was currently in the process of drowning.

"Leon!" I whisper-yelled as I moved his head out of the water.

"Captain Norrington, sir!" Gillette yelled "There's blood in the water! It's leading under the deck!"


"Everyone be quiet." Norrington ordered.

There was a long silence and I finally thought I was safe until a large crash behind me startled me. They had kicked the deck in behind me. I immediately pushed Leon in front of me. As much as I didn't want to be separated, Leon was in pain and needed help and I couldn't go with him.

"There's a man down there! He's bleeding!" A soldier yelled.

"Pull him out." Norrington yelled.

I felt myself start to panic. I knew that Leon would be perfectly fine, but I couldn't say the same for myself. As much as I wanted to go with Leon to make sure he was safe and be with him through his recovery, I couldn't. Anyone could take one look at me and notice that I'm a pirate. It would be no good.
Sighing I let go of Leon and back away from him, careful that none of the soldiers would recognize me.

          "Easy men, easy." Norrington said as a few men lifted Leon out of the water.

          "Leon!" Groves voice called, I heard some rushing footsteps on the deck above.

          "He's injured." A man said.

          "Alright, get him to the doctor. Is there anyone else down there?" Norrington asked.

A man poked his head through the hole, I held my breath. At first I thought he hadn't noticed me, until his eyes met my gaze.

          "Well, Lieutenant Groves, is he the only one?" Gillette asked.

Groves looked at me as if he was thinking.

I mouth 'please' at least a thousand times before Groves sighed and stood up.

          "Yes sir, he's all alone." Groves responded.

          "Groves, how do you know this man anyways?" Gillette asked.

          "He's my cousin." Groves replied softly.

          "Alright men, take sir Leon to the doctor, the rest of you check the area. There could be other survivors." Norrington instructed.

          "Yes sir!" The soldiers all said in unison before marching off.

As everyone left I noticed Groves stop and look back, giving me a subtle nod before retreating with the men.

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