Chapter Twelve - Elizabeth....Turner?

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Aboard the Black Pearl

The Black Pearl, the glorious ship, swayed silently in the night as it sat anchored in at Port Royal, its canon fire and screams were the only sound that interrupted its peace. The crew silently worked to aim and fire canons, talking quietly amongst themselves. Every once in a while laughing could be heard, but not much. The silence was quickly interrupted as two pirates, Pintel and Ragetti, boarded the ship with a captive.

          "I didn't know we was taking captives." A big man said as he glared at the two pirates.

          "She invoked the right of parley with Captain Barbossa," Pintel said.

The woman began to speak, trying to elaborate, "I'm here to-"

The loud sound of a harsh smack echoes through the ship, "You'll speak when spoken to." The big man said.

This scene was not only witnessed by the crew but by Barbossa's daughters as well, across the ship sat all of his daughters, excluding Kyra. Norine was sitting on the railing of the ship with a barrel in front of her, she was counting money, jewelry, and other trinkets the pirates had stolen and was writing it down in a journal, estimating the amount of money they could get for the jewelry as well as writing the total of coins they had acquired. Veda was looking out towards Port Royal, watching as the Navy men in tight pants scurried into battle against the pirates, she loved watching them. Ace was leaning against the railing, watching over the pirates as they fired canons, she was making sure everything was up to par with her father's standards, even though her mind wandered off to daydream of her love, Jack Sparrow. Rory was giggling maniacally as she walked on the railing, balancing herself, she was quite entertained. As for Davina, she stood, propped up against Norine's barrel, watching the gorgeous woman that the men had brought on board. She watched as she looked around the ship. When the man had hit the beautiful woman, Davina had drawn her sword and attempted to reach the man, but was shortly stopped by Ace.

          "Don't be ridiculous." Ace said as she jerked her younger sister back to where she had been standing previously.

          "She did not deserve to be struck like that, he should have his hand removed," Davina argued.

          "Davina, you're acting foolish. She is under parlay, our father will deal with him. You need to stay put and stay silent." As soon as Ace finished her sentence, their father's voice rang through the ship.

          "And ye will not lay a hand on those under the protection of parley," Barbossa instructed, as he held the man's wrist tightly.

          "Aye, sir." The big man said, not taking his eyes off Barbossa.

Barbossa released the man's wrist and turned to the woman, "My apologies miss, as you were saying before you were so rudely interrupted."

          "Captain Barbossa, I have come to negotiate the cessation of hostilities against Port Royal." The woman explained.

          "There was a lot of long words in there miss, and we're not but humble pirates. What is it you want?" Barbossa's comment caused laughter to erupt from the pirates.

          "I want you to leave." The woman replied, "And never come back."

The pirates and Barbossa laughed once more at the woman, "I am disinclined to acquiesce to your request." Barbossa chuckled, "Means no."

The woman sighed, "Very well then."

The woman walked from the crowd and slipped off the necklace she had been wearing and held it over the railing of the ship, "I'll drop it, she threatened."

          "Me holds are bursting with swag." Barbossa explained, pointing to Norine and the jewelry she was counting, "That bit of shine matters to us?.....why?"

          "Because it's what you've been searching for. You've been searching for it for years, I recognize this ship." The woman explained, "I saw it eight years ago when we made the crossing from England."

          "Did you now?" Barbossa asked, sounding a bit interested.

The woman had become slightly irritated at this point, "Fine. I suppose if this is worthless, there's no reason to keep it."

The woman barely lets go of it, causing Barbossa to shout "NO!" before she caught it by its chain and smiled triumphantly.

          "You have a name, missy?" Barbossa asked.

          "It's Elizabeth..." the woman paused for a brief moment, "Turner. I'm a maid in the governor's household."

Glances were tossed and whispers were shared amongst the pirates.

          "Miss Turner, how does a maid own a trinket such as that? Family heirloom, perhaps?" Barbossa asked curiously.

          "I didn't steal it if that's what you mean," Elizabeth replied, narrowing her eyes slightly.

          "Very well." Barbossa said, "Hand it over. We'll put your town to our rudder and ne'er return."

Elizabeth handed him the medallion.

          "Our bargain?" Elizabeth asked as she followed Barbossa as he walked through the crowds of pirates.

           "Still the guns and stow them away!" Barbossa ordered, "Signal the men, set the flags, and make good to clear port."

          "You heard him, lads!" Ace's voice rang.

          "Wait!" Elizabeth exclaimed, "You have to take me to shore! According to the rules of the Brethren-"

          "First," Barbossa said, interrupting her, "Your return to shore was not part of our agreement. So I must do nothing. Secondly, you must be a pirate for the pirate's code to apply. And you're not. And thirdly, the code is more what you'd call guidelines than actual rules."

Barbossa grinned evilly, "Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Miss Turner.

The Barbossa siblings sat and watched as their father denied Elizabeth a way home.

          "What the hell is he thinking?!" Davina growled, "That poor girl should be taken home at once!"

          "I'll take her home!" Veda offered, "It'll give me a chance to see some navy men in action."

          "Bloody hell Veda," Rory chuckled, "You're desperate aren't you lass."

          "Father would skin you both if you let her go." Norine argued, "You'd be bloody stupid to try it."

          "They aren't going to try it." Ace said sternly, "I will not allow any sort of treason."

          "But Ace-"

          "No, 'but's' Davina, do what you're told and stay away from that Turner girl, understood?" Ace shouted.

Davina stood there, returning the cold glare Ace was sending her.

          "Do you understand?" Ace asked angrily.

          "Aye," Davina replied coldly.

Ace simply just nodded and walked away from her siblings.

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