Chapter Forty-One - Sibling Rivalry and Filthy Traitors

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"This is taking forever," Veda muttered as her and her sisters continued to watch Jack and their father.

"It's becoming almost sad," Norine agreed.

"What's sad is that we are in here missing all the action out there," Rory said while lighting a cigar.

"Where did you get that?" Ace asked, crossing her arms at her younger sister.

"From Hell," Rory said with a sarcastic smile.

Ace rolled her eyes and walked closer to her sister, "Rory."

Rory rolled her eyes before replying, "Captain's quarters."

"Captain's Quarters....our fathers room? You stole a cigar from OUR fathers room?" Norine asked, "Have you bloody lost it?"

"Yes," Ace and Davina replied at the same time.

"Hush up will ya? I'm a trying to smoke here," Rory complained.

"Father is going to slit your throat." Norine said sternly.

"Do me a favor and shut your mouth would ya?" Rory exclaimed.


"You know what Rory, I am getting real tired or your attitude." Norine argued.


"My attitude? Okay princess, you do realize that we aren't standing some castle right? This whole "Dignified" act you have isn't fooling anyone!"

"GIRLS!" Ace finally yelled.

"WHAT?!" Rory and Norine yelled in sync.

Before Ace was able to speak, an explosion went off that caught their attention. Their heads snapped towards Will.

"I'm going to teach you the meaning of pain!" A pirate yelled at him while erratically swinging his sword.

"Do you like pain?" A woman's voice called, catching their attention, "Try wearing a corset."

They watched as Elizabeth hit the pirate with an iron rod.

Ace drew her sword while Rory grabbed her dagger. Norine sighed and shook her head at Elizabeth, knowing how stupid it was for her to come back. Davina's eyes sparkled once she noticed who she was.

          "Nicely done," Leon said to Elizabeth.

          "Good going, girls," Veda smirked at her sisters, "You've successfully allowed two people to walk into the cave unannounced and unwanted."

          "Veda," Rory looked at her sister with a glare, "I will cut your heart out."

          "Whose side is he on?" Elizabeth asked, her and will being distracted by Barbossa and Jack.

Rory took this as an advantage. She stealthily walked behind Leon and hit him on the head with the brunt end of her dagger. Knocking him out cold.

          Elizabeth and Will turned around to see more pirates and once again began to fight them off.

          "I suppose we should aid our comrades." Ace sighed.

          "Yes," Veda said while putting a hand on Ace's shoulder, "You and Rory have fun."

Ace rolled her eyes and joined her sister in fighting Will and Elizabeth.

          Elizabeth and Will had successfully speared three pirates together with the rod. Rory grabbed Elizabeth by the shoulder and pulled her away, shoving her to the ground.

          "Nice to see you again," Rory sneered as she swung at her.

Elizabeth rolled out of the way and stood up, staring at Rory like a fish on a hook.

Rory began to swing and swing at her, nicking her cheek. Elizabeth dramatically grabbed her cheek and looked at Rory with surprise.

          "Oh I'm sorry, did that hurt?" Rory chuckled.

Rory grabbed Elizabeth and went to plunge her dagger into her throat when someone caught Rory's arm. Looking back with an angry glare, her eyes met her sister Davina's.

          "What are you doing?" She growled.

Davina did not respond, she just yanked her sister away from Elizabeth, stepping in front of her with her sword drawn.

          "Go." Davina said, looking back at Elizabeth.

Elizabeth just stared at her.

          "Do you want to be torn apart by her? GO!"

Elizabeth quickly ran off to follow Will.

          "Bloody hell Davina," Rory smiled, "Don't tell me you fancy her."

Davina didn't respond, she began to swing at her sister. Rory dodging every blow while slowly getting closer to Davina. When she was close enough, she grabbed the hilt of the sword while using her foot to kick Davina's legs from beneath her.

          "You filthy traitor," she went to swing down before Ace intervened and blocked Rory's blow with her own sword.

          "Don't." Ace said angrily, while staring down her sister.

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