Chapter Forty-Five - Final Sail

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          I stood on James' porch, cigar in hand as I waited for him. I watched as he trudged his way towards me.

          "Looks like someone was already anticipating this." He smirked, gesturing towards my attire.

          "If I know you as well as I claim to, I know that you never leave anything unfinished. I figured we would be going after them." I replied with a smile.

He took the cigar from my hand and tossed it with a smirk.

          "Hey! That was one of your good ones!!" I exclaimed.

James smiled and pulled me into a kiss, "Ready for one last sail?"

          "Indeed I am." I replied, clasping his hand in mind.

Hand in hand we walked towards the pier, towards the ship. Before we stepped on, James grabbed me and pulled me into a passionate kiss.

          "What was that for?" I asked sheepishly.

          "For being the best thing that had ever happened to me." He smiled, but soon his expression turned sad, "I know you heard me."

          "What do you mean?" I asked, pretending to be naive.

          "At the balcony," he replied, "With Elizabeth."


          "Kyra, listen, I could never love anyone as much as I love you. No matter what happens, no matter the weather, no matter the circumstances, I will always love you." He explained as he got down in one knee, my eyes wide, "Kyra Barbossa, will you marry me."

With an excited squeal I knelt down to him, "On one condition,"

          "And what condition would that be?"

          "Stop trying to keep me in a bubble. I can handle myself James, I'm not fragile. Hell, I was a bloody pirate before I met you."

          "Was? Darling, you still are," He said gesturing to my outfit, "But I don't protect you because you are fragile, I protect you because of what you mean to me. From the first day you bumped into me, I knew you were someone special. I just didn't know what that meant for me, now I know and I couldn't stand to lose you. But I promise from now on, i will allow you to make your own decisions. As long as you are happy."

          "I am happy now, husband." I smiled as I kissed him.

          "Is that a yes?" He asked.

          "Yes. A thousand times yes!" I kissed him again as he slipped the ring on my finger.

He stood and helped me up as we walked towards the ship. Little did we know this would be one last sail. Tonight, we would get caught in the storm, the boat would sink, killing almost everyone aboard. The storm would sweep us under, pulling us deeper into the depths of the deep dark sea. With the possibility of never seeing  the light of day. Our lungs would fill with water and we would parish. All except for one man and one man alone. Commodre James Norrington would live to see another sunrise. Me however, I would fall with the rest of the men, content my choice. Not in a million years would I regret getting on that ship and I would never regret him. The love of my life. James.


Don't kill me.....

But this concludes this story!!

I am sorry!!

But I promise there will be more to come!!

Love you guys!!!

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now