Chapter Seven - Fate of a Pirate

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          "You're a bloody pirate!" Will said as he was covered in dirt.

          "Will, please, let me explain." I said calmly.

          "Explain what? As far as I'm concerned you've nothing to explain. You're a pirate, there is no truth in your words!" Will spat.

          "I'm not a liar!"

          "Yes you are! All pirates are. You have this whole town fooled that you're a citizen of Port Royal, but you're nothing, but a filthy pirate!"

That did it, that broke me. Hit me right where it hurt. Out of anger I grabbed the sharp blade and ripped the sword out of his hands, leaving gashes in my hands. I hissed in pain as blood leaked from my wound.

          "Are you a fool?!" Will yelled, "Why would you do that?!"

          "A wound is much better than listening to you slander my existence because of my raising!" I yelled, my voice filled with rage, "I am no liar and I am not fool."

          "You have this whole town believing that you belong here, that you have citizenship here!"

          "That is because I do Will. Groves had convinced the governor into giving me citizenship. I did not lie."

          "You lied about not being a pirate."

          "How could I lie when you never asked!!" I replied.

          "You deserve to be hanged." Will said, grabbing his sword from where I had dropped it.

          "If I'm to be hanged, then so are you." I said.

          "I've done nothing wrong!" He yelled.

          "Apparently you don't have to if you're a pirate." I replied, sending him a knowing glare. 

Will stood silent and only stared at me. I knew from the second I'd seen him that he was Bootstraps kid, the name just made me more sure of it.
My hands started to burn and began to numb.

          "I need a rag." I said.

He grabbed two of his cleaner work rags and tosses it to me. I rapped it tightly around my hands and winced as it rubbed against the wound.

          "It's going to get infected you know." Will said, finally breaking his silence.

          "Well we can't go to a doctor now can we?" I quipped.

          "Well, I suppose not." He replied.

We sat there in silence for a while before I decided to comment on the state of his clothes.

          "So what happened to your clothing?"

          "A pirate." He replied bitterly.

          "Jack I presume."

          "Does he have dread locks, slurs his words like he's drunk, and walks funny?" He asked.

          "That would be him."

          "Friend of yours?"

          "Family more like." I replied.

          "Brother or father?"

          "Neither, he's my brother-in-law."

          "You mean to tell me that there's a woman crazy enough to marry that nut job?" Will asked amazed.

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