Chapter Fourteen - Taken

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                 My attempt to catch a long over-due nap in a proper bed failed miserably. I tossed and turned as I thought about the conversation I had with James previously. Elizabeth always seemed the center of attention, it didn't matter what your social status was or how beautiful you were, if Elizabeth was around, you had no chance. I felt that her mere presence had intruded all of the relationships I had made here in Port Royal. Will was hopelessly in love with her, dreaming of a future that was very uncommon and extremely rare for a man of his social status, not that it mattered anyway. Jack saved her and seemed to be slightly intrigued by her presence, to no one's surprise. James has been pining after her for years, I'm well aware that whatever James and I have going on will never last. I'm a pirate for God's sake! No man of any military status, or any status really, would ever love a pirate. Why would they when women like Elizabeth exist? I know that James desires Elizabeth, no matter how hard he attempts to hide the truth from me, but I also acknowledge that there is something between us. I mean honestly, what man just willingly brings a pirate into their home! Not only did he allow me to stay, but I woke up in HIS bed, with HIM. There has to be something there. Then again, maybe I'm just like Will. Forever dreaming of a future with the ones I can not have.

          I sighed loudly and sat up, stretching a bit as I did. It had been a few hours since James had left, the daylight had finally done away with the night. I sat in his bed, staring at the wall for an extended period of time, boredom consuming me. I know he didn't want me to leave his house, but would a little stroll hurt? Just a nice walk to release some of my boredom. I silently pondered, weighing the pros and cons of the situation at hand. I could either stay here in boredom and not anger James or go for a walk, release my boredom and slightly piss James off. I decided to say, "screw it" and I tugged on my boots. I walked down the steps and decided to stop in the kitchen to grab something to eat before leaving. I grabbed a piece of bread, too lazy to cook anything, and headed out.

          Despite the mess that the Black Pearl had left, the town still seemed to have its natural, peaceful glow. I walked at a slow pace and enjoyed the scenery. I was a bit curious, to say the least, about why the Black Pearl attacked.Was that what Leon was talking about at the docks? Were they here for me? They couldn't have been or they would've taken me with them. So what was their purpose here? I wasn't sure. It seemed a lot had happened since I had been on that ship. Jack had been marooned, the ship was cursed, so much had happened. Jack had to have been marooned shortly after they dropped me off at Tortuga. Why was he marooned though? It was his ship after all. My father, no matter how much I love him, is quite the sneaky scoundrel. He always takes what he deems as his. He never considers the outcomes or possibilities. It angers me to be honest, he marooned Jack. He stole his ship out from under him, left him alone on an island, and broke his daughters heart. Poor Ace, she's probably missing him intensely. I couldn't imagine if I was in her boots right now.
I wasn't quite sure what was happening, but suddenly I felt someone grab my arm and my ears slowly focused back into the world around me, picking up the sound of a familiar voice.

"Kyra, thank goodness you're safe!" Leon's voice exclaimed. Leon walked around me and checked my hands, arms, and face for any sort of cut or bruise.

"What in bloody hell happened to your hands?" Leon asked, checking them for infection.

"It's not that big of a deal Leon." I chuckled at his concern for my hands that were already attempting to heal.

"Not that big of a deal....NOT THAT BIG OF A DEAL!!! JESUS KYRA, YOUR HAND COULD'VE BEEN SLICED OFF! DID YOU RECOGNIZE THEM? THE PIRATE THAT DID IT, DID YOU RECOGNIZE THEM?!" He exclaimed, panic and rage filled his voice causing him to get louder.

"Leon!" I exclaimed, "It wasn't from a pirate. I ripped a sword out of someone's hand by the blade."

"Are you bloody stupid?" He asked, his face showing clear disappointment.

"I was being harassed, what was I supposed to do." I replied laughing a bit.

"Harassed?" His face twisted into rage, "By whom? What happened? Did they threaten you? They didn't do anything to you...did they?"

"No, Leon no one hurt me or touched me. Now calm down and let me explain." I replied with a sigh.

I explained to him the argument between Will and I that took place hours before Black Pearl attacked. I explained how Norrington took me to his house and how I escaped and how Norrington's caught me and locked me up with Jack. I told him about the curse that plagued the ship and how Jack had been marooned.

"Bloody hell." Leon said while shaking his head, "I can't believe you father would actually do something like that."

"I can." I replied shortly.

We stood there quietly for a moment, Leon was processing all the information I had just given him.

"Any ideas why they would've come here?" Leon asked.

I paused for a moment before speaking and looked at him, "No, but I think you do."

"What do you mean?" He asked, tilting his head.

"You mean you don't remember?" I asked, my curiosity peaking.

"Remember what?" He asked.

"At the docks, you don't remember the vision you had?"

Leon stood there for a moment, his eyes were focused as he tried to remember.

Before he could reply, Will came running towards us in a panic.

"Will? What's wrong?" I asked, running passed Leon to meet Will half way.

"It's Elizabeth!" He exclaimed, out of breath.

Elizabeth, it's always about Elizabeth.

"What about her?" I asked, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

"She's been taken!!"

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