Chapter Fifteen - "You're Not a Soldier"

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Earlier that morning - Will's POV

          I quickly ran down the hill from the governor's home, the images of the destruction I had seen from the inside were put on loop as I hurriedly ran towards the Commodore and the Governor. I had gone to the Governor's mansion in order to see that she was safe after the pirate invasion that plagued Port Royal. I had searched all over the mansion for Elizabeth, but she was nowhere to be found. It wasn't until after I had given up that Elizabeth's maid, Estrella, had informed me that was Elizabeth was taken. I kept running until I caught sight of the Commodore, the Governor, and many other navy men standing in an open room, overlooking a large table with a map on it.

          "They've taken her! They've taken Elizabeth!" I exclaimed as I approached them.

          "We're aware of the situation." The Commodore replied.

          "We have to hunt them down and save her!" I proclaimed, my worriedness causing my voice to raise.  

          "Where do you suppose we start? If you have any information that concerns my daughter, then share it! If anyone does, tell me!" Governor Swann said, his agitation over the entire situation had bubbled over.

I stood silently, my eyes shifting from the Governor, the Commodore, Gilette, the map, then back to the Governor.

After a long silence, the Governor spoke again, "Leave Mr. Turner."

I stood there in silence once more, reluctant to leave.

          "That Jack Sparrow..." Murtogg spoke up, making the tense silence less tense, "he talked about the Black Pearl."

          "Mentioned it, is more what he did," Mullroy argued.


          "We can ask him where it is!" I blurted out, interrupting Murtogg's sentence, "Maybe he can lead us to it!"

          "That pirate tried to kill my daughter." Governor Swann began, " We could never trust a word he said!"

          "We could strike a bargain-"

          "No. The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell. Ergo, he is not their ally, and therefore of no value." The Commodore said, shutting me down, "We will determine their most likely course, and launch a search mission that sails with the tide."

I had finally had enough with everyone's stupid excuses and after the Commodore had cut me off, my anger had hit its boiling point. Out of pure rage, I slammed an ax down on the map and yelled, "That's not good enough! This is Elizabeth's life!"

The Commodore threw his arm across my back and roughly led me towards the door out of quick reaction.

          "Mr. Turner, you are not a military man. You are not a soldier. You are a blacksmith and this is not the time for rash actions." The commodore said lowly, " Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man here who loves Elizabeth."

          "Does Kyra know?" I asked, glaring at him.

          "Pardon?" He asked, I could see in his eyes I had hit a nerve.

          "About your proposal to Elizabeth. Does she know?"

          "I don't see how that is any of your business."

          "You're wrong for it, you know? Stringing her along the way you are. She may not realize it yet, but she feels something for you. You can't love them both." I said sternly, "Make no mistake, I will rat you out to her."

The Commodore stood in silence for a few moments and glared at me angrily, "Go home."

I returned the glare before walking away. If he wouldn't help me, then I was going to find someone who would.


Present time - Kyra's POV

          "She's been taken!" Will exclaimed, slightly out of breath.

          "Who's been taken, Will?" I asked, putting my hands on his shoulders.

          "Elizabeth, she was taken last night by the pirates," Will explained, still out of breath.

          "How do you know this?"

          "Estrella told me. I went to Elizabeth's house to make sure she was alright and when I got there the entire inside of the house was destroyed. Estrella was there tidying up and she told me that Elizabeth was taken by two pirates."

          "Have you talked to the Governor?" I asked, him taking my hands from his shoulders and placing them on my hips.

          "I have, they are just standing around a map like a bunch of fools, acting like the map is just gonna tell them where they are headed," Will said bitterly.

          "They?" I asked, "Who's they?"

          "Governor Swann, the entire navy.....including the Commodore," Will replied.

          "I'm sure James has a plan," I said.

          "James?" Leon asked from behind me, "So what you guys on a first names basis now?"

          "Yes, is that a problem?" I asked, looking at Leon.

          "Nope. Not at all." He said tightly.

          "Look Kyra, I need your help," Will said with a pleading voice.

          "Will, this is an issue that should be handled by the navy." I replied.

          "Please Kyra, please," Will begged.

I sighed loudly before looking back towards Leon, "I think it's time that Port Royal got a taste of pure mischief, wouldn't you agree Leon?"

          "Ya know Kyra, I think you're right," Leon said with a smirk.

I held out my hand towards Turner, "Well Turner, looks like we're in."

Instead of returning my handshake, Turner hugged me. I stood there frozen, I exchanged glances with Leon before lightly patting Turner's back.

          "Alright Turner, you can let go of me now, love," I said with a light chuckle.

          "Sorry Kyra, I'm just so glad that you've decided to help me." Will said, "You have no idea how much this means to me."

          "You're a good friend Turner and even though I don't necessarily understand your obsession with Miss Swann, I'm not gonna come between you two." I explained with a small smile, "Besides, It has been a while since I've had a little bit of fun. I might as well indulge in a little bit of mischief."

          "Well I appreciate it, truly, I do. I owe you big time." Will said.

          "You've got that right!" Leon exclaimed, "You better be prepared to pay up. Do you know the risks we are taking by helping you? Accusing fellow pirates is a big deal, if we are wrong and we start a war, all hell will break loose."

          "I promise you, I'm not wrong about this." Will confirmed.

          "Well what's the plan Will?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Will smiled widely at me, "Just follow my lead."

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