Chapter Four - Leon

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          "Leon!" I yelled as I walked towards the blacksmith shop, it was growing darker by the second "Leon!"

          "He's not here." Will said.

          "Groves said he was looking for me, have you seen him?" I asked.

          "Not recently. He did stop by earlier and asked if you were here." Will explained.

          "Did you see which way he was heading by any chance?" I asked, tilting my head.

          "No clue."

          "Oh, well, thanks anyways." I said with a nod.

Will nodded at me and retreated back into the shop.

I sighed heavily and rubbed my hand over my face. I was a bit concerned as to where my friend had gone. He normally doesn't stray far from the shop. I was growing more concerned by the second. I feared the worst had happened, leaving to panic even more. I was about to go to Groves house to see if he was there when I heard panting.

"There you......are.." he said, clearly out of breath "I've been looking...all over.... for you."

"Leon, are you alright?" I asked, holding back my laugh.

"No....not....really." He said, dryly gulping "Don't that...again."

"Disappear?" I asked, tilting my head slightly "Leon, I was like fifteen feet away." I used hand gestures to point to where I had been standing with Norrington moments ago.

"There' way." Leon said, his breathing still ragged.

"Leon, why don't you go lie down and we will discuss this later." I suggested, putting my hands on my hips.

" me." Leon said before retreating towards Groves house where he had been staying.

I sighed and shook my head. I was about to turn around when I heard a voice.

"He seemed exhausted." Norrington said, crossing his arms.

"Oh gosh, James you scared me." I said, taking deep breaths.

"My apologies miss Kyra, I didn't mean to scare you." He apologized.

"Oh well that's quite alright." I replied with a sincere smile "Is there anything you need?"

It was a bit odd to me that I had met the same man two times in a row. The same man who would be Commodore soon. Dread washed over me as I started to think that maybe he knew that I was a pirate and was going to have me sent to the gallows.

"I just wanted to make sure that you had located Leon. It would be in Theodore's best interest that his cousin wasn't under the impression that his best friend had gone missing." Norrington explained, "Given Leon's current state, I'd say he's overly protective over you, and in the event of losing you he'd be lost."

"Leon is much stronger than given credit for. I doubt losing one comrade in his life would make him lost. I believe he'd grow to accept the terms and eventually move on." I replied with a straight face.

"Perhaps," Norrington replied, staring directly into my eyes.

          "With all due respect James, I don't believe that you just came here to express concern on Leon's disappearance." I said without thinking "Why are you actually here?"

          "I don't need an ulterior motive to care about the citizens of this town." He replied coldly.
Slowly, a small smirk began to form on his lips, "But, you are right."

          "I thought so." I said with a small smile "So, what is it then?"

          "Well if you must know," he said with a small sigh "I wanted to ask you if you were attending the event tomorrow."

          "Event? I'm afraid I don't know what you are talking about." I explained. I hadn't heard anything about an event.

          "Tomorrow, there will be a promotion ceremony, for my new post as Commodore." He explained.

I remember that he had mentioned he was being promoted earlier. I suppose I should be happy for him, but if he becomes Commodore, the more association I have with him the more risk of my secret being brought to the light. I could no longer convene with him.

          "Well congratulations Mr Norrington." I said with a smile.

          "Thank you." He replied.

I nodded and turned on my heel to walk back into the workshop. Norrington's hand caught my wrist once more.

          "I would really like for you to be there." James said.

          "I might attend it." I replied.


          "It depends on if I feel like it." I smirked.

          "Well then," he paused with a smile "Let's hope you feel like it."

I smiled and nodded before walking into the workshop.

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now