Chapter Thirty-Six - The Horrendous Adventures with Kyra and Elizabeth

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          Kyra's POV

          How can I explain what it felt like to be stuck in a room with Elizabeth Swann? Well for the lack of a better word, HORRENDOUS. I have never heard someone complain about the decor during a crisis before. She made it sound as if it was the most important topic in the world. So I did the most logical thing, escape.

          "You're taking forever," Elizabeth whined as I was knotting sheets and clothes together to form a rope.

          "Would you like a go at it?" I asked annoyedly, "Since you seem to know better, here."

I threw the rope to her and leaned against the wall. She jerked the cloth angrily as she began to knot it.

         "Elizabeth?" Her fathers voice echoed from outside the glass doors.

          "Oh god," she muttered, throwing the rope at me.

I looked at her and tilted my head. What the hell is wrong with his woman.

           "Don't look at me, just finish the rope." She scolded.

          "If they come in here and it isn't done, I am blaming you," I whispered.

          "I just want you to know," her father began his apology speech, "I-uh-I believe you made a very good decision today."

Elizabeth looked at her father before turning to me, I watched as she contemplated her decision.

"I swear Elizabeth, if you back out now I will strangle you with these linens!" I whisper-yelled.

"Couldn't be more proud of you," her father beamed, "but you know, even a good decision if made for the wrong reasons, can be a wrong decision."

I tethered the sheets to the window and motioned with my head for Elizabeth to start going down it.

"Are you crazy!" She asked, "Why don't you go first?"

"Because I can't trust that you'll go through with it!" I explained, "Now go!"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and started climbing down.

As she continued down, I heard a faint "Yoo-hoo" and looked off into the distance to see a boat filled with two, allegedly, females rowing towards the ship.

"Shit." I muttered.

"What?!" Elizabeth panicked.

"Nothing, just hurry up!" I exclaimed.

"Are you always this impatient?" She asked annoyedly.

"Are you always this whiny?" I quipped, rolling my eyes.

Finally, we were able to get into a row boat. As soon as we sat down, I handed Elizabeth the oars.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" She asked.

"Row the boat." I said bluntly.

"Row the boat!! You can't be serious!" She shouted.

"First of all, shut your trap before someone hears you." I said roughly, "Second of all, I made the rope, so row."

Elizabeth scoffed and began rowing towards my fathers ship, "I don't exactly see what Norrington could possibly have seen in you."

"I could say the same thing about you." I snapped.

Suddenly, screams and shouts pierced the air.

"Oh my gosh!! Is that coming from the ship!!" Elizabeth panicked, yet again.

I turned calmly to look at the ship, "Looks like it."

"How can you be so calm? My ship is being attacked and you're acting like this is a normal occurrence!"

I looked at her with a bored expression, "Just get us to the ship."

Soon, our little boat made it to the ship. I stood up and grabbed onto one of the cannons.

"What are you doing??" Elizabeth asked.

"Commandeering this ship."

"You can't just leave me here!"

"Then grab onto the cannon and follow me up."

"I just rowed a boat and now you want me to climb up a ship??"

"Suit yourself." I replied as I hoisted myself over the railing.

"Wait for me!!"

Within minutes, she was beside me.

"Now, be quiet." I whispered.

It appeared I spoke too soon because as soon as we began to walk away from the railing, Jack the monkey jumped out in front of her, causing her to jolt backwards. Jack and I made eye contact and he tilted his head. Before I could even blink, Elizabeth had grabbed Jack and threw him over the railing.

"Way to go idiot." I muttered.


"Did you not notice the crew mates below deck?!"

"Yeah, I saw them." She replied, still confused.

"And yet you still thought it was smart to throw the monkey!!"

When the realization hit her, she looked over the railing to see the monkey sliding off a cannon and falling to the water.

"What do you we do!!"

"Just follow me." I said as I raced to the stairs that led below deck, Elizabeth right in my heel.

I turned the corner once underneath the deck, leaving Elizabeth to look over the stair railing to see the two pirates chasing after us. She quickly follows after me once they started shouting.

James, I swear once I see your stupid face I am going to kill you.

I grabbed Elizabeth's arm and pulled her behind the beam, putting my finger over my lips to signal silence. We listened tentatively as the pirates ran up the stairs before I pushed her to move.

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