Chapter Two - Will Turner

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          I stayed hidden under the dock until night fell. I slowly swam out from under it and trudged onto land. I pulled my boots off one by one and dumped out the water before putting them back on.

"I was wondering when you'd come out." Lieutenant Groves said as he approached me.

"I couldn't very well leave during daylight and risk being seen now could I?" I asked with a small snicker.

"I suppose not." He replied with a small smirk "What's your name?"

"Kyra." I replied back shortly.

"Kyra, I don't believe I've ever heard of that name before. It's very unique." He said with a warm smile.

"Aye, my father picked it. He gave all of my younger sisters unique names as well." I explained.

"I see, who's your father?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid that if I was to tell you, I'd be at the gallows by dawn." I replied.

"Then I'd refrain from telling me or any of the other soldiers around." He chuckled.

"Aye, that would be best." I giggled.

"So, how do you know Leon?" He asked.

"We grew up together. My father would leave me with him and his parents when he was out working." I replied.

"I take it you spent a lot of time there."

"Aye, it was fun. Leon, my four younger sisters, my older sister and I would spend hours playing by the shore." I explained, my mind going back to those days.

"You have a lot of siblings." Groves chuckled.

"That I do." I replied with a small smile.

"What are their names?" He asked.

"I'm not being interrogated am I? I haven't done anything!" I said in a paranoid voice.

"No, I'm just curious."

"Well there is Ace, me, Norine, Vada, Davina, and Rory." I explained.

"Wow, those are odd names." He replied.

"Aye, my father wanted us all to be different." I expressed.

"Well he certainly accomplished his goal."


"Kyra, would you like to stay in my house? At the moment it will just be us, but as soon as Leon is fully recovered he will be living there as well." He explained calmly.

At first I was mentally against it. If some one knew that Lieutenant Groves had a not only an unmarried woman, but a pirate in his house, his reputation would be ruined and he'd be put to death.

"I'm afraid your reputation would not make it out if I did." I said with a faint smile.

"That is true." Lieutenant Groves said.
He looked at the ground and then he suddenly looked at me.

"I have an idea." He smiled "Follow me."

Groves took my hand and led me away from the docks and towards the town.


          We walked not far from the docks to a small blacksmith workshop.

Lieutenant Groves knocked on the door a few times and not long after, the door opened with a creak. A tall man with long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes opened it. He seemed very young, mid twenties at the most.

          "Lieutenant Groves, is there a problem sir?" He asked.

          "Will Turner, meet Kyra." Groves introduced.

          "Kyra, nice to meet you." Will said holding his hand out.

          "You as well, Mr. Turner." I replied shaking his hand. His hands were a bit rough, but that's to be expected from a blacksmith.

        "Will, I have a favor to ask." Groves said.

          "Yes?" Will asked, raising an eyebrow.

          "Do you mind if miss Kyra stays here for a while? Only until her friend makes a full recovery." Groves explained.

          "She can stay here, I don't mind it at all." Will replied, giving me a small smile.

          "Very well then." Groves said as he turned to look at me "I'm so sorry to leave so quickly, but I must head back before someone suspects something. Oh and Tuner, as far as you know, Kyra has lived here her whole life."

Will Turner nodded his head at Groves and Groves quickly left.

          "Well miss Kyra, please come on in." Will said as he opened the door to let me in.

          "Thank you, sir." I said nodding in appreciation.

          "So Kyra, where are you from?" Will asked as he shut the door behind him.

          "Everywhere and nowhere." I replied with a small smirk.

          "I'm sorry, but I'm afraid I don't know what you mean." Will said, cocking his head to the side.

          "I'm afraid that if I were to explain, it would damn me. I am, after all, from here as Groves said." I winked and smiled.

          "Well, am I at least allowed to know where you were before you came here?" Will asked, raising an eyebrow.

          "I'm afraid that the association of the people who linger there would also damn me."

          "Is everything about you able to damn you?" Will asked with a slight snicker.

          "Almost everything." I replied with a snicker of my own.

          "I'm guessing that asking for your last name wouldn't do any good."

I smiled and shook my head.

Will sighed an shook his head.

I glanced over and noticed all of the swords and armory.

          "I'm guessing you made these?" I asked, raising a brow.

          "How'd you figure?" He asked, looking confused.

          "Well I doubt it was him." I said pointing to the man slumped over in the corner that has a bottle in his hand and several lying around him.

Will chuckled and nodded "Yes, I made them."

          "May I?" I asked pointing to sword that had a black handle with gold outlining.

          "Of course!" He said sounding a bit excited that someone wanted to take a look at his work.

I picked up the sword and tried it out, doing a few maneuvers with it.

          "It's a very good sword. You did marvelous with the handle, not to mention the balance." I boasted about his work.

          "Oh why thank you, miss Kyra." Turner said with a wide smile.

          "Please Turner, drop the miss. I've never been one for formalities, you can just call me Kyra." I said, tracing the gold on the handle of the sword.

          "Of course, Kyra." Will replied with a smile.

We sat there in silence for what seemed ages.

          "I believe I'm going to retreat to my bed, if you need anything Kyra, please let me know." Will said happily.

          "Of course, Turner, sleep well." I waved him off and sighed once I was alone.

I put the sword back where it was and retreated to a hay stack in the farthest, darkest corner of the room and decided to drift off into sleep.

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