Chapter Nineteen - Captain's Quarters

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          I woke up with a sharp, ringing noise echoing in my head. My vision was blurred slightly as I squinted due to the sudden bright light. I wasn't sure where I was, the room looked unfamiliar. My body was warm, the feeling of silk sheets and a warm duvet was somewhat of a comfort in the midst of my confusion. When my eyes finally adjusted to the light, the memories of how I got here came flooding back. Although, I'm not sure where here is. I remember that I was trying to get from the Dauntless to the Interceptor. I remember the man grabbing my rope, causing me to hit the Dauntless with a sickening thud. The thought of the impact caused pain to shoot through my body. I remember my body hitting the cold water, the impact jarring my head, making me dizzy. As the memories became more vivid, my head began to hurt. I hissed in pain and grabbed my head. I sat up slowly and looked around the room. The room looked to be some sort of living quarters that you'd see on a boat, fancy living quarters. Amidst my observation of the room, I heard the notice of running water from the door that was straight across from the bed. It became apparent to me that I was in someone else's room.....but who's? I slowly stood up from the bed, trying to not make any harsh movements that could cause any more pain to my head. I looked around the room for any sign of identification of the person the room belonged to. I noticed by the navy jacket that was draped across the chair that sat in the right corner of the room, that I was on the Dauntless.....great. I walked over to a chest that was beside the best and began opening drawers, nothing personal seemed to be found anywhere. In The midst of my nosiness, I hadn't realized that the water had stopped running and that the door had opened.

          "Quiet the curious one aren't you?" The familiar deep voice, that I had grown to very much enjoy, said. I could feel the smirk from where I stood.

I had originally had a snide remark I was going to make, but that quickly went out the window once I saw him. He was shirtless, wearing only his uniform pants. His natural brown hair was soaked and it stuck to his face. Water slowly traveled down his, and I must confess greatly sculpted figure. I had to blink several times to regain my composure.

          "Something wrong, darlin'?" He said with a smug smile.

          "Nothing is wrong," I replied, slowly shutting his drawer.

          "If nothing is wrong, then why did you stare for so long?" He asked, his voice and smile were very cocky.

          "I wasn't staring," I replied quickly, "I was just...zoned out."

          "Just zoned out?"

          "Aye, just zoned out that's all."

Norrington hummed in response, he still had a cocky smile.

I decided to busy myself to keep myself from staring so began fixing his bed back.

          "You've made a huge mess for me darlin'," James said, his voice sounding a bit seductive, but I shook it off. 

          "How so?' I asked as I made sure the sheet was properly tucked underneath the mattress.

          "Well you not only broke a fugitive out of his cell, but you also aided larceny of the Interceptor," James explained.

I continued to pull the pillows, the silk sheet, and blanket off the bed so that I could properly put them over the sheeted mattress.

          "I'd be lying if I said it wasn't fun," I said with a light chuckle.

As I began putting the sheet and blanket onto the mattress, I had noticed that James had begun to approach me out the corner of my eyes. He kept walking until he was directly behind me. I had thought that he was going to walk past me and stand on the other side of me, but I was sorely mistaken once I had stood up and my back was met with his chest. I froze in my place and my body involuntarily tensed. 

          "It was fun, was it?" He asked, his voice was very low and his breath caused shivers to move up and down my spine as it fanned my neck.

          "Yes, it was actually," I replied, attempting to keep my composure.

          "And disobeying me when I had told you not to leave my home, was that fun too?" He asked, his voice still low.

My body was shivering and my heart was beating rapidly, I couldn't find the right words nor was my brain functioning properly. 

          "Am I making you nervous?" He asked, could feel his cocky smile, "Is that why you're so reluctant to speak?"

          "Reluctant isn't the word I'd use," I replied, thankful that I was finally able to get a word out.

         "Then what word would you use?" James placed his left hand on my waist and pressed my back to him, causing my breath to hitch which made him chuckle lowly.

          "Are you not going to answer me?"

I was overly confused, to say the least. I had never been so lost for words before. I wasn't sure how to feel.

James grabbed my wrist and spun me around to face him, "You've got to answer me at some point darlin'."

          "Incapable." I finally spoke, "That's the word I'd use."

          "Incapable?" He said with a smirk, "Interesting."

           "What is it that made you so incapable of speaking, I wonder," Norrington said, his face inches away now.

         "What are you doing?" I asked.

          "I have no idea what you're referring to, darlin'?" His blue eyes flicked from my lips and back to my eyes.


Before I could even finish saying his name, he snaked his arm around my waist and kissed me. It started out sweet then it grew into a rough kiss. He pressed me against him so that there would be no distance between us. He placed his other hand at the back of my neck, deepening the kiss. My body felt as if it was bursting with electricity. James pulled away first and rested his head against mine, his blue eyes piercing into my soul.

          "Don't ever disobey again," He said, slowly backing away, "understood?"

All I could do was nod as I watched him walk over to his chair and slowly start to finish up getting dressed. I watched him put on his shirt and button it before he put on his jacket. He sat in the chair and tugged on his boots before walking over to me again. He gently grabbed my chin and made me look up at him.

          "I have a few things to do around the ship, I'll have Groves come to check up on you every once in a while." He explained, "Stay put."

          "I will," I replied softly, still a bit shocked from earlier.

          "Good." He replied before kissing my forehead and exiting the room. 

The moment he shut the door behind him I jumped back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling as I muttered to myself, "What in the bloody hell just happened."

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now