Chapter Forty-Three - You're Welcome

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          Brace yourselves guys, the moment you have all been waiting for is finally here. Enjoy 😉

          To say I was nervous would be an understatement. I had never been in a relationship before, let alone had a partner. Unlike Veda, I didn't possess the ability to mesmerize men effortlessly. I wasn't the type of girl who attracted attention from every man around. So, the fact that James Norrington desired me at this very moment was incredibly bewildering.

          I maintained a calm demeanor as I sat on the edge of his bed, gazing at the moon. Despite the chaos that had unfolded tonight, the moon appeared serene. It seemed unfazed by the gruesome battle happening beneath it. However, I understood its perspective. After all, the moon could only observe from a distance. When the door creaked open, my breath caught in my throat. I turned to find James staring at me. I was still damp from the shower, and my nightgown clung to my body. He couldn't help but lick his lips as he removed his hat and wig, which was quite comical. Yet, I suppressed the urge to laugh, not wanting to spoil the atmosphere. He slowly approached me, his eyes filled with a mixture of desire and uncertainty. I could feel the intensity of his gaze as he studied my wet hair clinging to my skin and the way my nightgown accentuated my curves. It was as if he was mesmerized by my presence, and in that moment, I couldn't help but feel a surge of confidence. A nervous smile played at the corners of my lips, mirroring the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. As he reached out, his fingers delicately caressed my cheek, sending shivers down my spine. Everything about this moment felt surreal, yet undeniably exhilarating. Despite my initial nerves, I couldn't help but feel an overwhelming sense of anticipation for what was to come.

          "You look absolutely stunning," he whispered, causing a blush to creep across my cheeks.

In response, I mustered a coy smile and countered, "Well, you're no slouch either."

With a seductive glance, he pivoted and started to unfasten his jacket.

          "I do admit, I wish you hadn't taken that bath just yet. I would have relished the opportunity to undress you personally."

My voice failed me; I sat there, completely unable to respond to his words.

With a sly grin, he turned towards me. His imposing figure loomed over me, his hands clenched tight on the mattress as his eyes locked onto mine.

          "What's the matter, darling? No clever comeback?" He chuckled.

He leaned in, his lips grazing my neck, and planted a series of delicate kisses just below my ear. I couldn't contain the surprised and undignified moan that escaped my lips, causing even myself to be taken aback. He chuckled in my ear before kissing down my neck and towards my shoulder. He sucked the skin between his teeth, the slight tingling sensation causing my body to shudder.

With a calm, steady pace, he rose to his feet and started to unbutton his shirt, each one undone tantalizingly slowly. His eyes held mine in a strong lock. I tried to maintain eye contact, but the intense gaze made my stomach flutter with nervousness, compelling me to avert my eyes. In a swift motion, his hand clasped my chin, forcing me to lock eyes with him again.

"Keep your eyes on me," he commanded in a smirk as he undid the last few buttons of his shirt.

His clothes slipped off smoothly before he grabbed me by the neck in a firm grip to plant a kiss on my lips. His grasp was far from painful or harsh; it was tender, yet firm. His kiss, on the other hand, was an entirely different story - unbridled and insatiable, unlike any of the soft pecks we had shared in the past. His kiss was overloaded with ardor and desire. His lips claimed mine, overpowering me in the process. I couldn't stifle the gasp that stealthily slipped from my lips against his. He gripped my waits harsh pushing me further up the bed. Once he was happy with where he moved me, he pulled away from the kiss and pushed me into the pillows. He grabbed my waist again and instinctively I wrapped my legs around his waist. His began to kiss my jaw and slowly moved towards my neck, sucking each new patch of skin. He would no doubt leave marks for the morning. He then slide the sleeves of my gown down, exposing the top of my chest, he looked into my eyes as he began to kiss the exposed skin, eliciting a moan from me.

"Keep making noises like that and this will escalate far quicker than I would like." He growled against my skin.

"Any slower and I might lose my bloody mind," I complained.

With that he stopped, sitting up abruptly. He loses my lips quickly before ripping my gown in two.

Yeah you heard me, IN TWO!

He slowly began to leave a trail of kisses down my stomach, each kiss harsher than the last one.

"Are you trying to leave marks?" I asked, closing my eyes at the sensation.

"At the very least, yes," he replied before kissing his way up to my lips.

"Are you sure?" He asked, resting his head against mine.

"James," I replied, looking into his eyes, "I you don't do it, I will."

With that he quickly sat up and undid his pants, discarding them somewhere along with his underwear. He ripped my underwear from my body and places sweet kisses against my thighs before pulling my body against his.

"Ready?" He asked, his eyes holding a tender look.

"Please," I asked, my voice becoming breathy.

Without warning, he plunged himself in me, causing me to hiss in pain.

"Are you okay?" He asked, rubbing circles against my sides as he leaned over me.

"I swear if you ask me another question, I will-" his kiss cut me off as he began to thrust into me.

Whimpers and moans muffled by his kiss. He started at a slow pace before slowly becoming faster. He moved from my lips to my neck. Sucking roughly.
He grabbed my hips roughly and helped me meet his pace as he began to go much faster and harder. He pulled all the way out before slamming into me harshly, hitting my spot just right.

"James," I moaned his lips trailing to my shoulder where he bit down.

I felt a weird sensation begin to pool into my stomach. I wanted him to go faster, no needed. But was unsure of how to ask. I began to whimper, clawing at his back.

"Careful darling," he growled into my ear.

"Please..." I begged.

"Please what?" He smirked against my shoulder.


He didn't even respond, he just quickened his pace. I felt my body begin to grow hot as I chased the high that I never knew I needed until now. Finally, I arched my back and screamed his name, along with other words. He came quickly after me. Rolling to lay beside me. I painted heavily, turning on my stomach to hurt my head into the pillows. James wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him.

"Are you okay?" He asked, kissing the top of my head.

"I am fantastic," I mumbled into his chest.

He chuckled and lifted my chin to kiss me. The kiss was lazy and sweet.

"I don't think I'll be able to move in the morning,"I whispered.

James let out a booming laugh, looking at me with those damn eyes.

"Good," he smirked before kissing me again.

"Are you hurting?" he whispered.

"Didn't you hear what I just said," I chuckled.

"That's not what I meant," he replied with a small smile.

I sighed and nuzzled into him, "I'm a tad sore, but I'm not hurting."

"I can fix that," he smirked before towering over me.

This was going to be a LONGGG night.

You guys are so welcome <3 😂

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