Chapter Nine - There is no "we"

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My mind created its own fantasy that he somewhat felt something for me, which could not be so considering I am from different upbringings. It's not possible, my mind was just presenting false hope. I rolled my eyes at myself and stood up. I began pacing the room, cursing my mind at the visions it had plagued my conscience with. That's when the real fun explosion echoed through the room as sounds of yelling soldiers filled the air.

          "What the hell!" I yelled as another explosion erupted and the shouting became louder. I rushed to the bolted window to see what all the fuss was about, but I could feel it in my heart, I could feel the ship pull me in. My home had made port, my family had arrived, but why? Curiosity caught my attention, as well as determination, I had to get to the Pearl, and fast.

          I raced to the door and decided to pull on the handle a bit, to see if I could possibly shake the lock loose. Let's be honest, I've not met many men who could lock a room properly, it's always been quite easy for me to shake the lock free, men are not among the intelligent creatures that are for sure, but this was a bit different. I kept shaking and pulling at the handle, but it didn't budge.

          "Damn it," I muttered as I stood back from the door. I examined it a bit before sighing.

          "I guess we'll have to do this the old fashion way," I said rolling my eyes, "I picked a great day to wear a dress, aye."

I walked up to the door and began knocking at the wood, trying to find a weak spot, "Gotcha." I smirked once I found it. I backed away a bit before kicking the door directly in the weak spot, causing the door to bust open enough for me to slip through.
I ran down the hall quickly and down the stairs towards the front door. It wasn't until I reached the door and began pulling on it, I'd realized that he locked it as well.

          "What is with this man and his locks!" I yelled annoyed.

I looked around the room for something to pry the door open with until I spotted something better. I golden barreled gun.

          "That should do it," I said with a smug smile.
I grabbed the gun and aimed it at the door, I shot the gun directly at the door's hinges, causing the door to just fall towards the outside.

          "I think I'll hang onto this," I said with a sly smile before walking out of the Norrington Manor with determination. I had to get to the Pearl.

Cannonballs flew overhead towards towers as people chaotically ran for cover. Pirates swarmed every inch of the land, stealing and killing what they could. Bloodshed and destruction were everywhere...and I lived for it. This was just the distraction I needed to escape, but first I needed to find Leon. I decided to head to Groves' home first, if Leon was smart, that's exactly where I'd find him. I ran in the midst of the trouble and headed straight for Groves' home, I did my best to dodge as many bullets, cannonballs, and any other flying objects as I could. I was so concentrated on dodging the dangerous objects that were zipping past my head that I didn't even realize that someone was in front of me. I ran straight into someone and fell down on my back.
"I'd say running into people has become a bad habit for you."

I groaned and rolled my eyes as soon as Norrington's familiar voice hit my ears. I sat up and slowly stood to my feet, I wish I hadn't because the look Norrington gave me was haunting.

"Commodore," I said with a raised eyebrow.

"You've got to be an idiot." He barked.

"A cute idiot," I replied with a chuckle.

Commodore rolled his eyes and sighed an exasperated sigh.

"How the hell did you escape my home?" He asked, his voice clearly showing he was angry.

"That is none of your business." I replied, "Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a Leon to find."

I began walking past him, but he caught my arm.

"You're really good at this whole arm-grabbing thing aren't you," I said in an annoyed tone.

"You're coming with me." He said sternly.

"The hell I am!" I yelled as I tried to pull my arm out of his grasp.

"You're not leaving so easily."

I stared him down for what seemed like the longest until he rolled his eyes and jerked me closer to him.

"You're going with me, end of discussion.", he slid his hand from my arm to my wrist and yanked me away from the chaos into an alleyway.

"Let me go," I said sternly as I attempted to pull my arm away again.

"Not gonna happen, doll." He said as he stopped dead center of the alleyway.

"Why the hell not?!" I asked angrily.

"Because it is not safe for you, you could get hurt." He replied, shouting over the sounds of cannonballs as they hit their targets.

"Why do you care?" I asked, "You're not my boyfriend and you sure as hell aren't my keeper."

I don't know if it was just my imagination or what, but I could've sworn I felt Norrington tense up at that last bit.

"You're right, I'm neither of those things, but Kyra, I'll be damned if I let you get hurt." He said sternly.

"Honestly Norrington, what does it matter. You know what I am and you know the life I live and the price I pay for it. You're a damn Commodore, you're supposed to be after my head. At least if I get shot or hit it'll solve your problem anyways. You wouldn't have the blood of another pirate on your hands this way." I replied, not looking away from his eyes.

"Is that what you think? You think you're some problem that needs solving? Yes, I know what you are and what you do, but I also know you. Not very well, but I know you well enough to know that you aren't some barbarian. You're better than them."

"Them?" I asked, "Commodore, do you know who is on that ship? My family. The people I'd kill for, the people I'd die for. There is no them, there is an us. Just like there is no we, there is only you, a high society man with a fleet of ships and men that call you Commodore and there is me, a lowly pirate."

I pulled my arm out of his grasp harshly, causing him to let go.

"I'll go with you, but do not grab me again unless you want me to compromise your ability to have children," I said while walking away from him, deeper into the alleyway

Sisters of the Caribbean: Commodore James NorringtonWhere stories live. Discover now